Shanxi will build hundreds of bases to inherit excellent traditional culture

Author:Published by Shanxi Time:2022.09.13

Recently, news from the Provincial Department of Education. In order to give full play to the advantages and role of college cultural inheritance and innovation, the Provincial Department of Education will carry out the construction of the province's excellent traditional cultural heritage base in the province's universities in the province. Construction of 100 inheritance bases within the province.

Inheritance projects include national folk music, national folk art, national folk dance, drama, opera, opera, music, traditional handicrafts and traditional national sports. In the curriculum construction, the excellent Chinese traditional culture courses are included in the public art and public sports curriculum system of colleges and universities, organizing ethnic folk artists, inheritors of intangible cultural heritage, folk artists, and traditional sports projects in various places. Sports majors have various special lectures or elective courses. For the students of the whole school, the student art or sports community of the school -level inheritance project. At the same time, integrate schools and social resources, and build a Chinese excellent traditional cultural practice workshop with inheritance projects. Strengthen the research of excellent traditional cultural education education based on inheritance projects, and use rich teachers and curriculum resources to use bases to radiate local primary and secondary schools and communities, and carry out the educational activities for the popularity of Chinese excellent traditional culture.

By building an excellent traditional cultural inheritance base, the Provincial Department of Education will explore the construction of a Chinese excellent traditional culture inheritance and development system with the characteristics and characteristics of Shanxi universities, and coordinated and achieved important results in terms of education popularization, protection inheritance, innovation development, and communication and exchanges.

Source | Shanxi Provincial People's Government website

Edit | Zhang Yinan

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