Wu Qiyao | "和" and "Li Sao" how to translate English: Read the "Pipe Caps" notes

Author:Catti center Time:2022.09.14


On July 9, 1961, Xia Jian wrote in a letter to Xia Zhiqing: "Sending two more Chinese language books in San Francisco may be useful for you. Think of this for you for the time being. The two books sent that day seem to be good. For example, "Zuo Zhuan Zheng Birk Duan Yu" I didn't know how to speak until I saw that annotation. " ("Xia Zhiqing Xia Jian Book Collection" Volume 4, pp. 574) What is the book "Betting of the Book of Classical Books" mentioned in the letter. The reader couldn't know, let alone. I think it ’s a bit“ incredible ”: how can you not understand the meaning of the word“ 寤 寤 ”with the Chinese cultivation of Xia Jian? The story of "Zheng Bok Duan Yu 的" is selected into the reading books and textbooks selected by various ancient texts, such as "Ancient Chinese Perspective" and "University Chinese" and "Ancient Chinese" edited by Wang Li. It is no stranger to the "difficulty" solution. Is there a way to do not solve it?

"Xia Zhiqing Xia Jian Book Collection" Volume 4, Shanghai People's Publishing House, July 2020, with this question. I first found "Ancient Chinese" on the bookshelf. Note of "寤 寤": 通, "牾", inverse, inverted. The birth of the fetus, the fetus's feet come out first, it is equivalent to saying that it is difficult to give birth. Then I checked the "Ci Yuan", and there were three explanations to "Shengsheng" in "Ci Yuan": First, the fetus can look at it as soon as the fetus was born. "Tong"; when the mother was born, she was born, and when she woke up, she found that Du Yu's "Spring and Autumn Classic Collection". It is necessary to explain a little here. Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, there are many notes for "Zuo Zhuan". Now the most common is "Thirteen Classic Note" "Spring and Autumn Left Biography". From the hands of Kong Yingda in the Tang Dynasty; 3. Difficulty. Alas, "寤". "Historical Records of Zheng Shijia": "(Wu Jiang) born princes. Difficulties." "Ci Yuan" further explained to the third meaning: or the first thing that produced the child's head was the first birth, and the first of the hands and feet was reversed, that is, the birth of life. From this point of view, the word "一" is indeed only "difficulty". For the sake of cautious, I want to find the English translation, because the translator must have a thorough understanding of the translation. The Chinese classics of James Legge exactly have the translation of this article in the book, which is convenient for readers. I record the beginning of the article: at the beginning, Zheng Wugong married Shen, saying Wu Jiang. Shengzhuang Gong and the uncle section. Zhuang Gong was born and shocked Jiang's. The related English translation is: Duke Zhuang Was Born as she was waking from sleep, which frightened the lady so that she named him wuseng (born in waking), and it is not difficult to see. The second meaning in the understanding of "Ci Yuan", that is, the meaning of Du Yu's notes "寤 and Zhuang Gong are born."

The annotation of "Ancient Chinese" edited by Wang Li also specifically mentioned the explanation of "寤 寤", which is "difficulty": "Yi Huang Sheng said, see the" Yifu "Volume 2." Following this annotation, we found Huang Sheng, we found Huang Sheng On the volume of "Yifu", Du Yu's comment: "寤 is born, this is easy to produce, why bother to be shocked and evil? "Ying Xun's" Customs "said:" Those who can open their eyes and be able to open their eyes, say that they are born. "Huang Sheng thought" this is also the same. " The author asked the obstetrician and gynecologist. The fetus was able to look at it when he was born, and there are many examples in real life. Some people interpret "解 释" as "遌 遌". Huang Sheng believes that it is uncertain. According to friends in the medical community, "anti -inverse" should be the "difficulty" of the fetus's feet or hips first, and "galleries" are the production process of the fetus's face first to expose the palate and then Danger. In the history of Wang Jinghui during the Tang Fifth Dynasties, "Nan Yan Lu" recorded: Mrs. Murong Mu Murong, Murong De, said, "This child is easy to give birth, like Zheng Zhuanggong." The note "而 寤 所 所 所", that is, "when the mother is born", is "easy to produce". However, in accordance with common sense, it seems that it is impossible to fall asleep when producing mother production, especially Zhuanggong is the first tire. Production should be extremely difficult.

The first volume of "Pipe Puppet", life · Reading · Xinzhi Sanlian Bookstore, December 2007 Edition Qian Yanshu's "Pipe Caplays" Page 168 also explained in detail the word "寤 寤" Huang Jie is also ", and believes that" Murong's words are still wrong along Du Du. " Mr. Qian then quoted the ancestor's note: "Shengsheng, Xun Sheng also." The full note and Huang Note "secretly". In order to make further explanations, Mr. Qian also deliberately attracted a sentence of the Duke Gradlauster in Shakespeare's historical drama "Henry VI" (Act 3, Fifth Act, Fifth Act, and Sixth Session, Sixth Session of Six Six): Say,/ I came into the world with my legs forward. Mr. Qian also added a sentence "Breech Presentation in English". There are many claims about "或“ "or" difficulty "in English. First of all, the medical dedicated term DYSTOCIA, the Greek dystokia, and the second, there are Difficult Labour, Difficult Delivery; Breech Birth, Breech Born, Breech Delivery Wait. With the help of a friend, I was fortunate to read the "Spring and Autumn Annals" published by the University of Washington University Press in 2016. The translator is Stephen Durrant, Wai-Yee Li, David Schaberg. It is extremely impressed by reading. The handling of the word "寤 寤" in this translation of the translation is appropriate: Lord zhuang was bree born, and lady jiang was shaken. For this reason, she named his wusheng (breech born) and consequentlyhamed him. Two The interpretation of the title of "Li Sao" was first seen in "Historical Records": "Therefore, he is worried and worried" Li Sao ". Lisao, still lingering." , Sao, Sao, worry. Ming Ji was worried. "In another Eastern Han Dynasty, Wang Yi said in" Lisao Scriptures · Preface ":" Li, different; Also. Saying is exile off, the center is sorrowful, the path is still, and the monarchs are the same. " According to "Mandarin · Chu Yu", it is interpreted as: "The morality is not good, then the people who leave and the distance from far away." Wei Zhao further noted as: "Sao, sadness; Li, rebellion." Think of this is this is this is this is this is this is also what is. The words of the Chu people, Sao Li is away from Sao, because Qu Yuan "is sorrowful." Sao Li means turbulence and scattered.

Mr. Qian Yanshu first believed that in the section of "The Capsule of Chu Ci Chu Chu Xingzu", the above explanation "all are single or solitary certificates, and the stolen also said, so it is not possible to listen to it?" Then I made my own explanation: "The word" Li Sao ", there is a" abandoned disease ', "going to the disease', or the poetry title '," sending the poverty "; It is said that if you want to get rid of the sorrow and avoid it, you have to say it with 'sorrow' ', not because of' different 'life'. " Dushun, also the common things of lyrical lyrical, and Qu Zi, also the first person to make it. " India. "So Mr. Qian believes that the" departure "of" Li Sao "means" departure, departure, and getting rid of ". Mr. Ye Shengtao's "Reading and Explanation" has the article "Talking about Classical Chinese", which talks about the word "Li": "Poetry · Xiaoya · Gradual Stone" is "Monthly Leave Coin", let's talk about it now. , "Leaving" is left, "Moon Leaving Bi Bi" is the moon left Bi Su (Xing Su). But the word "departure" is not leaving. Its meaning is opposite to departure and approaching. "The moon is separated from Bi" is the moon closer. Immediately afterwards, Mr. Ye explained that "Li" in "Li Sao" was not "leaving", it was an encounter. 2012 edition, p. 62). Mr. Chen Zizhan also translated "the moon away from Bi" in "Direct Solution of the Book of Songs": "The moon is close to Bixing."

In summary, the interpretation of the name of "Li Sao" has divergent opinions and no conclusion since the Eastern Han Dynasty, but there can be three solutions: Ban Gu's "worry" (the same "encounter" of Mr. Ye Shengtao); "Sorrow" or "sorrow due to departure"; there are "separation or escape from sorrow" of Qian Shu Shu.

Let's take a look at the English translation. According to the information I have at hand, the earliest translation of "Li Sao" in the West was the Frenchman Georges Margoulies. In 1826, he translated the title of "Li Sao" to Tristesse de La Section ("Separation of Separation ")); The first German translation was published by Dr. A. Pfizmaier in 1852 in Vienna; Published in London in 1879, the name was translated as The Sadness of Separation ("The Sadness of the Separation"), which obviously attacked the translation of the legal translation. Lin Wenqing, the first principal of Xiamen University, published the British translation of "Li Sao" in Shanghai in 1929. He translated the title as: The Li Sao: An Elegy of Encountering Sorrows. Herbert Giles, a well -known sinologist in the UK and a professor at Cambridge University, criticized Lin Wenqing's translation book that translating "Li Sao" to The Sadness of Section is completely wrong. Zhai Lisi fully affirmed the forest translation, and the British translation "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" of Brewitt Taylor was known as the two British translations in the early 20th century. (Both Achieved in the Early Part of the Twentietied Century, Seem to me to go far, to leave the br ictish empire precisly where it was.). Yang Xianyi translated "Li Sao" with his wife Dai Diechi during his tenure in the National Compilation Museum in the 1940s. ) When telling the translation of "Li Sao", he also uses Chinese pinyin.但杨戴译本给篇名作了一个注释:The name “Lisao” has been interpreted by some as meaning “encountering sorrow”, by others as “sorrow after departure”. Some recent scholars have construed it as “sorrow in estrangement”, While Yet Others Think It was the name of a Certain type of music. The British translation of "Li Sao" of Penguin Chinese Classic Series comes from the British contemporary Sinologist and the translator of "Dream of Red Mansions" David Hawkes. He translated as Encountering Sorrow. Yuwen In the book of Readings in CHINESE LITERARY Thought, it is translated as Li SAO. It is natural to use Chinese Pinyin Lisao to translate the title, but English readers may not be satisfied after reading the translation. Translating "Li Sao" to ENCOUNTERING SORROWS or Encountering Sorrow is based on Ban Gu's understanding, and "Li" is understood as "suffering" or "suffering". The explanation is: "suffering", suffering. It is also understood that Sun Dayu translated as suffface throes. Someone translated as SORROW AFTER Departure, or sorrow of departure, all of which are explained by Wang Yi, and they are sad because of parting. According to Mr. Qian Yanshu's explanation, Li Sao should be translated as the departure from sorrow and leaves sorrow.

The above is just the explanations and English translations of the name of "Li Sao". I am more inclined to the explanation of Mr. Qian Yanshu. As for whether my English translation is appropriate, I would like to ask readers to criticize it.

Author: Wu Qiyao

Source: Surging News

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