The beginning of this year, the new version of the compulsory education art class is officially "launched"

Author:Shijiazhuang Daily client Time:2022.09.15

Just at the beginning, Dong Wei, a junior high school student in Changchun City, was surprised to find that art classes became richer and interesting. "In the past, there were only music and art. Now there are new dance, drama, film and television, and what can I choose to learn."

In the fall of this year, the new version of the compulsory education art class was officially "launched". The person in charge of the Education Materials Bureau of the Ministry of Education stated that the new version of the compulsory education curriculum has reformed the setting of art curriculum: art courses in grades 1 to seventh grade are mainly music and art, and incorporate dance, drama (including drama), film and television (including digital media art) and other content ; Eighth to 9th grades are selected to be opened, and students can choose two or more to learn.

New curriculum enhanced expansion and enhancement of comprehensiveness

Since September, the art courses of primary and junior high school students have changed. Previously, art, art, and music were three independent courses. According to the 2022 version of the compulsory education art curriculum standards, the new art courses include music, art, dance, drama, film and television and other content, which is more comprehensive.

Hu Zhifeng, the leader of the compulsory education art curriculum standard revision group of the Ministry of Education, said that in the past, it was emphasizing music and art single education. Now comprehensive strengthening, art courses have become comprehensive courses covering five parts. "The core change of this curriculum reform is that the educational concept has changed from education to education. New art courses covering five fields can better promote the comprehensive development of students." He said.

Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Education and Science, believes that the addition of dance, drama, film and television can enhance the practicality of art lessons and strengthen students' experience. He said: "The original curriculum attaches great importance to the acquisition of knowledge and skills, and now emphasizes the cultivation of students' perception, expression, creative ability in reality."

Rehearsing dance dance dance in the old castle elementary school dance community in Qianshan District, Anshan City, Liaoning Province. Interview object drawing

Wang Qi, experts and heads of film and television groups of compulsory education art curriculum standards for compulsory education art, said that with the gradual development of Internet technology and digital technology, more and more interactive products have entered the lives of ordinary people. Digital media art knowledge should also cover the corresponding content during the teaching process.

Make art education more "three -dimensional"

After a melodious pipa solo, with the broadcast of the video clip of Liuyu Dance, the students in Hanfu read the "Will into the Wine" slowly to go to the front desk and put on the beautiful shape in the "Han Xizai Night Banquet" ... This is this is this is Sun Xiaohua, a member of the Primary and Middle School Aesthetic Education Teaching Guidance Professional Committee, is displayed by Sun Xiaohua.

Sun Xiaohua said that the integration of disciplines is an important exploration of this curriculum reform. The purpose is to enhance the comprehensive aesthetic literacy of students and make art education more "three -dimensional".

According to the new curriculum standard, the content of dance, drama, and film and television must be organically integrated into the first to seventh grade. For example, dances in grades three to seven mainly learn the basic elements, dance fragments, theme improvisations, etc. The drama uses teaching materials in textbooks such as music, Chinese, foreign language, etc. for textbooks and plays. Film and television allow students to conduct practical operations while appreciating excellent film and television works. The reporter saw that the new curriculum label also designed the contents of the campus micro -movie and fixed animation.

"What are the actions of the elephant and lion?" Lin Zixuan, a dance teacher at the Guangzhou Normal University Guangzhou Experimental School, took students to imitate the actions of various animals. She said that low -grade teaching should add game elements in dance to stimulate students' interest; senior grades incorporate art, dance dramas, opera and other content, so that students can experience art fun with immersive, interactive, and experiential teaching.

The contents of the courses opened in the 19th to nineth grade are more deeper and more practical. For example, some schools select famous articles from Chinese textbooks to adapt students into dramas, divide roles, and mutually review and discuss each other.

How to evaluate the learning effect? The new curriculum standard proposes that the scientific and academic quality standards of various arts must be measured and reviewed, and there is no horizontal level.

"Avoid evaluating students with scores." Su Longyu, the leader of the art department of Yuyan Middle School in Guangzhou, said that the school would dynamically detect the improvement of students' academic level. The unified teaching quality test at the end of the period mainly includes classroom performance, skills display, and knowledge reserves.

Putting higher requirements for teaching

During the interview, many front -line teachers believed that the content of art curriculum increased the professionalism, comprehensive ability, and teaching and innovation of teachers. The new curriculum standard requires training for all art teachers, and uses special lectures, case discussions, workshops, and online and offline hybrid discussions.

Shenyang City organized music and art and researchers to conduct study and discuss, organizing the city's compulsory education stage music and art teachers participated in the training and interpretation activities of the municipal music teachers. Some music teachers in the city participated in the training of special teachers of the city -level opera.

In July 2022, the actor of the Shenyang Review Theater performed in the ninth elementary school in Hunnan District, Shenyang City. Interview object drawing

"We watched the online analysis and interpretation of the Ministry of Education and a number of universities, and at the same time conducted collectives for multi -disciplines to find a common disciplinary integration point, and explore the integration teaching." Said He Fenglong, a primary school music teacher affiliated to Northeast Normal University.

According to An Xiaobo, vice president of Mingde Elementary School in Changchun City, multi -disciplinary teachers such as Chinese, music, art, and other disciplines are prepared together, and multi -disciplinary linkage, such as allowing English and Chinese teachers to make up for the lack of art and music teachers from the perspective of literary appreciation. Essence

"We invited non -heritage cultural inheritors, artists, and television directors to train teachers and students, and hire them to provide courses and lectures as part -time teachers." Su Longyu said that the school replenished the professionalism of art teaching by social resources.In response to the lack of number of art teachers in rural schools and insufficient abilities, some schools use group -based school running methods.Liu Lifu, Vice President of the Old Forte Primary School in Qianshan District, Anshan City, said that he has become a teaching group with several rural schools around the surrounding area to promote teachers' exchanges and select backbone teachers to guide teaching.

Many experts suggest that schools should jointly run schools with art museums, museums, concert halls, and opera houses to enrich and optimize related courses.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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