Lin Shunwen's solo exhibition is held in Wan, showing the strength and rhythm of Chinese color painting

Author:Art channel Time:2022.06.21

On June 17, the "Bianzhu Mountains -Lin Shunwen's Works Exhibition" opened in Daling Mountain Library in Dongguan.

The exhibition was co -sponsored by Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangdong Artists Association, and the People's Government of Daling Mountain Town, Dongguan City, organized by Daling Mountain Library in Dongguan City, and co -organized by the Lingnan School of Arts and the School of Fine Arts and Design of Guangzhou University. The exhibition will last until July 17.

exhibition site

As an artist who is engaged in the combination of contemporary art and Chinese colorful paintings in Guangdong, this exhibition presents 80 works that have copied, sketching, and creation from different stages of Lin Shunwen from south to northwest.

At the exhibition hall, a 10 -meter -long work "Border Mountain" attracted the attention and discussion of a large number of audiences. The work is combined with the combination of ancient buildings with the characteristics of the Western Regions as a composition segmentation structure, and the scenes of different religious stories and the scene of cargo in the Silk Road are interspersed on the Western Regions Road. In an interview with the media, Lin Shunwen said that the painting was based on the constituent of traditional landscapes through a certain amount of refinement and integration into modern aesthetic characteristics, and the dense layout of the picture will be different. The fullness of fullness and fullness can often give people a sense of fullness, and it will also have a stronger impact. At the same time, the pen and ink are more rich in layers and changes, which reflects its own creativity. On the surface, the "chaos" is actually in the chaos, and it is interesting in chaos. Those changing lines and colorful ink interspersed with each other, and the composition is also true and fantasy. It has broken many old programs and thinking, showing new forms that are more in line with modern aesthetic taste. Reappear the prosperity of the Silk Road that the ancestors worked hard for future generations.

“我的临摹主要以壁画为主题展开,创作吸收大量的壁画元素,尤其是敦煌洞窟壁画给予我大量的创作灵感。洞窟壁画中一般大量以宗教故事为传播主体以及每个朝代中文化、变迁、 Aesthetic changes, such as clothing, makeup, bun, etc. "Lin Shunwen said.

exhibition site

Lin Ruohuan, a professor and doctoral tutor of the Chinese Academy of Art, combined with the current development trend of Chinese painting creation, he talked about his personal experience of Lin Shunwen's work exhibition. "Mr. Lin Shunwen is very interesting. His works are neither the color of Western particles. Painting is not Japanese rock color painting, but it is truly integrated with authentic Chinese color painting. You can walk into the exhibition hall and experience how these works style of these works cleverly shows Chinese colors. The power and rhythm of painting. "

【Text】 Ma Yuke

【Picture】 Organizer provided

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