It is a monument and a new starting point | Qi Heng

Author:China Yingcai Ban Monthly Mont Time:2022.09.19

Qi Heng, a cross -border artist, senior engineer, a national first -level registered architect, a master's degree in engineering in Harbin Institute of Technology, and MBA, Creative Industry, Macau City University. He has worked and served as a investigator (at the level) at the Design Institute, the Planning Bureau, and the Development Office. Because of the love of painting from an early age, and participating in the two holidays of sketching and creative classes in the Juvenile Palace, it has established a great interest in visual arts such as art.

During the epidemic in 2020, contemporary oil painting creation began.

In 2021, the mobile digital abstraction paintings "The Yangtze River and Huang Yan" was selected into the New World. Contemporary Art Invitation Exhibition, "Yulong Snow Mountain Love Horse Love" landscape oil paintings were selected into the same year of landscape painting and landscape painting online academic exhibition.

2022. In February, it was displayed in the noodle painting such as << Winter Olympic Jian Er "in the Beijing 798 Art District Meisong Gallery.

In April 2022, the 4th International Contemporary Art Space Gallery Portrait Exhibition. In the same year, the "Robot and UF0" series 6 was selected [Endless ~ 2022 Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition Works Exhibition]. In the domestic Baijia media, a report on "Qi Heng, Chinese Contemporary Deteau Double Xinxin Artist", and published its oil paintings, movie script and architectural design works at the same time. Essence

The soul of art is the expression of thought!

—— Qi Heng

"Morning in Shanghai" 60x50cm haohan

The vast "Harbin Concert Hall" 60x50cm haohan

The vast "Swan Egg" 60x50cm haohan

The vast "Flower 2" 60x50cm haohan

High "Fan" 60x60cm haohan

The vast "New Year Melody" 80x80cm haohan

The vast oil painting "Winter Olympics" 100x120cm haohan

The vast oil painting "Yulong Snow Mountain Loves Horse" 60x80cm haohan

The vast oil painting "Women's Flower" 18x24cm haohan vast

【Responsible editor Li Yuan】

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