Aesthetic education, "casting soul" for rural revitalization

Author:Guangming Daily client Time:2022.09.23

【Expert Reviews】

The revitalization of the countryside must be "shaped" and "casting the soul". Rural revitalization is not only industrial rejuvenation, ecological revitalization, but also cultural revitalization. Cultural revitalization is inseparable from aesthetic education.

As the main position of educating people, the school shoulders the heavy responsibility of the times. However, the current imbalance of urban and rural education development still exists, and rural aesthetic education is also facing many realistic bottlenecks: concepts are yet to be transformed, insufficient funding investment, and relatively scarce teachers ... For this reason, it is urgent to form a joint force from all walks of life to actively explore a new model of rural aesthetic education.

First, consolidate the foundation of the concept of rural aesthetics. With the advancement of curriculum reform and the promulgation of the new curriculum, the aesthetic education represented by art education has "flew into the home of ordinary people", and the utilitarian aesthetic education concept is gradually losing the market. However, due to the lagging of the countryside, the practice of aesthetic education has not received the attention. In fact, rural aesthetic education helps to enhance the cognition, emotion and thoughts of rural youth, and to expand and deepen the spiritual world of adolescents is an indispensable part of rural education. Only by recognizing the importance of aesthetic education on individual development and the necessity of rural revitalization can we really take the aesthetic education to the countryside.

Second, change the traditional single rural aesthetic model. Chinese traditional culture is rooted in the country and contained in the people. Rural schools should be based on their own geographical environment, take materials on the spot, and tap the outstanding local culture. A sense of belonging. The aesthetic education that integrates local characteristics can also promote the inheritance and development of local traditional culture while educating people. For example, in the primary school of Longsheng Town, Suining City, Sichuan, the characteristics of Suining's "hometown of Quyi" have established the development direction of opera education, stimulated the vitality of rural aesthetic education, and was welcomed by students.

Finally, the introduction of external resources to make up for the shortcomings of teachers. The coaching major of special post teachers should be appropriately tilted in the direction of art to transport more professional aesthetic teachers with professional literacy in rural areas. At the same time, encourage and support urban literary and art workers, teachers and students of art colleges, and other universities with artistic literacy to carry out art support for art. In recent years, college students carried out in major universities have led a large number of young students to participate in the construction of the new rural areas, bringing art, music, dance, paper -cutting, and paper -cutting in the construction of new rural areas. , Creative design and other aspects of aesthetic education and art teaching. In addition, with the help of digital technology to share teaching resources, to allow rural children to enjoy professional teachers' teaching in the "cloud classroom" model, it is also an effective practice to break the restrictions of the aesthetic education area.

In short, focusing on the strategy of rural revitalization, integrating the resources of public welfare organizations, schools, governments and other circles, so that art education will be implemented, and it will greatly promote rural aesthetic education. Such efforts are gradually supplementing the cultural shortcomings of rural revitalization, buried the seeds of art in the hearts of the farmers' children, so that the pursuit of beauty is rooted in the depths of the mountains, and gradually grows into a gorgeous scenery.

(Author: Wang Yan, a teacher of the School of Literature of Xi'an University of Finance and Economics)

Project team: Reporter Wang Meiying, Jin Xiaoyan, Yan Shenghe, Dang Wenting, Wu Chunyan, Wang Zhongyao, Magoti, Du Qian, Wang Simin

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