[Martyrs of Martyrs in Fujian] Guo Yi is: Modeling of Party Affairs

Author:Red Culture Weekly Time:2022.09.25

[Martyrs of Martyrs in Fujian] Guo Yi is: Modeling of Party Affairs

Guo Yiwei

"The mother -in -law saw that she was thinking about it, and sent the sweater as a souvenir. At the end of my name, I succeeded in sacrificing the revolution. Longyou's narrow sea was played by shrimp, and Feng entered the cage and was deceived by the birds. To be a strange man in the world, experienced the world. " Write the last words. Relatives and friends put it in the sweater, took it home, and left to this day.

Guo Yiwei, formerly known as Zhaozhong, used to be named Zhouquan. In September 1909, he was born in a farmer's home in Faling Village, Gulou Faling, Huyang County, Shanghang County, Fujian Province.

Guo Yi entered the private school in Shangluo (belongs to the Hangzhou County) during his childhood. At the age of 9, his father died. In 1921, with the support of relatives and friends, he went to Xinmin Primary School in Shuxi to study with excellent grades. In 1925, he was admitted to Shanghang County Middle School. In early 1928, Guo Yi joined the revolutionary group "Shanghang Literature and Art Research Society" and actively participated in activities that criticized the ugly forces of society and propagating revolutionary thoughts. Soon, he joined the Communist Youth League. In the same year, the Communist Party member Guo Baijie introduced the Communist Party of China. At the end of June of this year, after graduating from middle school, he went to the Guangdong Chaomei Farmers Movement Sports Specialty for 6 months. After the study, he was assigned to home and engaged in the secret work of the party.

In the spring of 1929, after Mao Zedong, Zhu De, and Chen Yi led the Red Fourth Army to the Fujian for the first time, Guo Yi returned to his hometown as a teacher. The party actively works. He taught the children to learn culture during the day, conducted anti -imperial and anti -feudal propaganda at night, exposed the crimes of the landlord's brutal exploitation and oppression of farmers, and conducted class struggle for the farmers. At the same time, it also moved people's heartstrings through singing songs full of revolutionary passion, and continuously inspired farmers' class awareness. Guo Yi organized a secret liaison station for the organization, and the secret documents of the party's wading and sending the party, sending people to distribute and post leaflets, and the revolutionary flames became wider and wider.

When Guo Yi was preparing to organize an ancient building Luo Tian armed riots, the wind leaked. The landlord's gentleman was shocked, and he gathered armed for armed to kill Guo Yi and others, extinguishing the upcoming fire. With the support of the masses, Xingye evacuated from his hometown to Hexi, and continued to lead other district towns to carry out the land revolution in full swing, and soon established the Soviet government in Xintang. Subsequently, he organized farmers riots in old counties and Guanzhuang. In 1930 and 1931, he still guided the revolutionary struggle in old counties, Meixi, Baiye section and other places.

In March 1932, Guo Yi returned to the ancient building with Lin Huanzhou with three short shots with Lin Kexiang and Tang Huanzhou to build the Soviet government in Setai District. He served as secretary in the Soviet area. In 1933, when Guo Yi was the Minister of Propaganda of the Shanghang County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, he entered Hexi Bai District and carried out underground work regardless of personal safety.

On the eve of the Central Red Army Long March in 1934, Guo Yi was ordered to be transferred to Yongding as the secretary of the Yongding County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China. In February 1935, Guo Yi was the secretary of the Hangyong County Party Committee. Guo Yi directly led a strong and hard -working armed forces -Yongding Guerrilla Brigade, hitting the East in Yongding Jinfeng, Xiayang and other places to constantly strike the enemy, actively carry out a hard revolutionary struggle, effectively protect the people, and hit the enemy. Growing the revolutionary team. In the winter of the same year, Yongding guerrillas have developed to more than 200 people.

Guo Yi is not only good at leading guerrillas to fight against enemy, but also good at doing ideological work. He has the same words and deeds, leading by example, has deep feelings for comrades, loyal to the revolutionary cause and dedication. He often said: "Regardless of whether it is the head of the organization or the deputy, it is the work of the party. It is also necessary to take care of the unity of upper and lower unity. The unity of foreign cadres and local cadres. In April of the year, in order to unify the leadership of the southwestern party, government, and military and various troops, the leaders of the party, government and military in southwestern Fujian held the first meeting in Chizhai, Yongding County. The meeting was established with the Southwest Military and Political Committee, Zhang Dingzhang was the chairman, Tan Zhenlin served as the Minister of Military, Deng Zi was resumed as the Minister of Finance and the Minister of the Democratic Games. Guo Yi was the Minister of the Party. Since then, Guo Yi has been appointed by the Southwestern Military and Political Committee, and went to the Yongding area to guide the work.

Around December, Guo Yi was stationed with Zhang Dingzheng and others on the mountains in the south of Yongdingxi. The top of the mountain is the enemy bunker. At the foot of the mountain at the foot of the mountain at the foot of the bunker, Zhang Dingzhang, chairman of the Southwest Military and Political Committee, was living in the nearby work of Zhang Dingzhang's residence. Because the traitors told the way, one morning in early December, the Tenth Division of the Kuomintang surrounded them. At this critical moment, Guo Yi was first considered the safety, leadership and comrades' safety and party of the party organization. The security of the document, so he resolutely stepped forward and decided to quote the enemy. He ordered: "The comrades of the guard class came with me!" Then he took the only armed guard class on the mountain and rushed towards the enemy's search direction, and fought fiercely with the enemy. As a result, because of the enemy and me, all the soldiers of the guard class sacrificed fiercely, and Guo Yi was arrested unfortunately. Zhang Dingzheng and others retreated safely.

Guo Yi is the tomb of martyrs

Guo Yi was resolved to Longyan, and the Kuomintang army was empty -minded and attempted to call him "to change the evil and return to right", but he was strictly refuted by his righteous words.He said categorically: "Guo Yi is a member of the Communist Party of the Tang Dynasty. He is a revolution for life. He is unambiguous at all. He died and died.The enemy found nothing and became angry, and finally got his poisonous hand.On January 23, 1936, goose feather snow was floating in the sky, and Guo Yi wore only a pair of shorts on his body, wearing handcuffs, and walked to Longyan North Mountain.Faced with the enemy's muzzle, he stood up and shouted loudly at the last moment of his life: "Long live the Communist Party of China!" At the time of sacrifice, he was only 27 years old.Excerpted from: "The West Yinglie Style" one

Source: Longyan Retired Military Affairs Bureau

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