On the way out of Qin Keqing, Jia Baoyu suddenly met the second girl. What was the intention of Cao Gong's arrangement?

Author:Read the Red Mansion Time:2022.09.25

Qin Keqing's death was a major event in the Dream of the Red Mansion. It was a sensation. Not only did the other four kings and six kings of the same camp with Jiafu came to hang up, but even alarmed the palace.

When Qin Keqing came out, these honorary and expensive public Hou, who had been good with Jiafu for generations, also set up a spiritual shed road festival. It can be said that Jiafu dazzled his relationship and political resources very highly through Qin Keqing's death. It can be described as a typical funeral social.

But there is a strange thing about it. On the way Qin Keqing was out, Cao Gong suddenly inserted a seemingly unrelated plot.

Wang Xifeng Jia Baoyu's sister and brother went into a nearby village halfway. Here Baoyu met a girl named two girls and gave a lot of details.

What does it seem to have nothing to do with Qin's funeral, what is the intention of Cao Gong?

Jia Baoyu is a passionate son, seeing one love one, but his love for girls is not the kind of skin prostitution of the treasure generation, but pure appreciation and love, consideration and care, understanding and respect for understanding and respect Essence

When he met the second girl, he was interested all at once, and even got out of the car and followed the second girl. This makes people feel incredible. The two girls are just a village aunt. What magic is there to make a rich master see it for the first time?

Coincidentally, when Jia Baoyu was brought out of the city to attack people by the smoke, he remembered the girl in red at a glance, and then she never forgets.

This is Jia Baoyu's "problem". When he saw Jin Yan'er, he wanted to get around him, saw Xiaohong, and thought about it the next day. When he saw the two aunts who were attacked, there was a mind. After seeing the second girl, she was also obsessed with, and even Fu Qiufang, who had never met, and Jia Baoyu could find it.

Therefore, Cao Gong'an arranged this plot, apparently for the infatuation brought by Ming Baoyu's talent again. He once named the Lord of the Cave, and he regarded every pure and white daughter, whether he was rich or poor, regardless of her considerate and care.

Secondly, it is also the contrast between lively and desolate. Although the Qin family was funeral, because of the status of the grandson of Ning Guofu, coupled with Jiafu's social status and reputation at the time, it determined that her death was not so much mourning. It is a grand political ritual.

After Qin Keqing's death, Jia Zhen was also more and more luxurious. He held Qin Keqing's funeral into a high -standard and high -standard social activity. Where is the place.

The people here are all poor Zhuangnong. They have never seen a big battle, but one day, a wealthy daughter -in -law will take two rich men to rest and change their clothes. This is a big accident. After seeing the real nobles, they watched them.

On the one hand, it is extremely luxurious, and the noble funeral, on the other hand, is simple and simple, poor and quiet outskirts. The contrast between the heat and coldness is very eye -catching. It can be imagined that the luxurious Feng Sister Baoyu and others, what kind of situation is after arriving at the farm.

This class that could not meet in ancient times was staged in the dream of the Red Mansion. Jia Baoyu, a rich man, even had a chance to know the second girl in a village because of a half -way change. When he left, he couldn't wait to get out of the car and follow him. It was unheard of.

In the reader's opinion, this seems to be an accident. It is a talented author in dazzling skills and his thoughts are galloping freely. In Cao Gong's view, there is no extra word in the dream of the Red Mansion. Don't have a deep meaning.

We know that Jia Baoyu finally made a cliff and became a monk. Earlier, there was a beggar life of sour winter sour and sour in the cold winter. Is the village and the second girl reappearing in the future?

Baoyu now encounters the second girl, holding her brother in her arms, and also wicked up with him. At this time, Baoyu knew nothing about these agricultural tools, and was still a rich and rich boy in the eyes of the Zhuang people.

In the future, Baoyu will meet the second girl at this time, and even the second girl at that time has long married a woman. She is holding her brother in her arms, but her child?

At that time, the second girl was still the second girl, still living a poverty and a dull life, and Baoyu was no longer Baoyu. He became a beggar from the rich son to begging for a beggar. The wealthy and poor life of life has changed, and no one can say.

Of course, these are also inferred and guess, but according to the writing of Cao Gong Honglou, I believe that a chapter after eighty times will mention the second girl again. It was only then that for Jia Baoyu, it was already wrong.

Guo Yanzhai commented that Baoyu met the second girl, and his life was uncomfortable. Baoyu, who used to be Jinyi Yu, would have thought that one day he would become a beggar and live a desolate life that even the crops are not as good?

Author: Xi Si Shao, this article is the original works of the Red Mansion.

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