Douban 8.5 -point classic movie "Moon": "If life deceives you"

Author:Read Reading Time:2022.09.26

Read Reading Jun Tongxia Dictionary has been launched 1981/2000 words

Today is the 3270th day that I am intensive to accompany you for life -long growth


Confucius said: Do not do what you want.

I feel a little guilty inside.

Because, every Mid -Autumn Festival, I only like to send moon cakes and don't like moon cakes.

Therefore, I can only think of Mr. Su Shi's "Water Tuning Songs" self -comfort: This matter is difficult.

I don't know how many people have the same experience as me. When I was a kid, I ate a hard moon cake, leaving the first impression that I didn't do it.

So even if you grow up and eat all kinds of delicious moon cakes, you still need to change slowly.

Today, I do n’t mention the impression of moon cakes. The existence of moon cake itself is very romantic.

About "reunion".

People have sadness and joy, and the moon is full of shade.

So, have you been a Mid -Autumn Festival without the whole family for a few years?

I have said it for three years.

This feeling of "thinking every festival" is particularly lonely.

Even in the crowd, I still feel that I seem to be exiled in the outer space alone.

Imagine when you are alone and live in the moon.

I feel that living in the "moon" is more concerned than other planets, because the moon has always been pinned.

Well, continue to think about it. If you live alone in the moon, what kind of experience will you have to go to work?

The movie "The Moon" brings us the answer with Uncle Sam.


As the only employee who sent the Star Energy Company to the moon, he must regularly send some kind of energy on the moon to the earth.

It is precisely because of this kind of energy that it has saved humans that are almost destroyed by pollutants and garbage.

Here, Uncle Sam has only one little partner, which is the robot Gotie.

He has to stay in the moon for 3 years before he can go home to see his wife and children.

The more you go home, Sam is more and more interested, and his heart is getting more and more impatient.

Instead, you have to go to work before the Spring Festival holiday, but you have long been at work.

This is the feeling.

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, the time flow rate at this moment will be particularly slow.

And the instant messaging system on the moon is still broken, and Sam can only talk to himself.

However, he was very kind, and he was more worried that the person who came to pick him up would be uncomfortable.

It was easy to cook until two weeks before returning, but Sam had an accident.

He went to test and accidentally turned over.

Waking up again is indoors, and the robot Gobti told him: You have flipped around and now need to rest.

Uncle Sam worked hard to work and couldn't sit still, and he got out of bed tremblingly.

Unexpectedly, he heard the robot communicating with the Earth, and also mentioned the 6th of the cloning.

He didn't care about this, but instinctively wanted to check the place where he turned over.

I still felt that I was not going out, but the robot was not allowed to go out. This was too abnormal.

Sam made a compulsory break and found the area of ​​rollover.

He saw that there was a person in the car that was exactly the same as him.

Too thrilling!


The wonderful thing is that that person is still alive!

Sam combined with the pre -cause and consequences, to come to a thrilling conclusion: he is indeed a cloning person.

If it wasn't for the death of the previous Sam, the new Sam would not be awakened.

In other words, according to the theory of Black Swan: Everything that may happen will definitely happen.

It was also an inevitable event to be discovered.

No. 5 Sam has been working as soon as three years, the body is getting worse and worse.

Two Sams cooperated together to figure out the ins and outs of the dragon.

It turned out that at this base, there was an uncle Sam.

He will go back to the earth in three years and replace one person.

For the company, the financial resources needed for constant replacement.

They thought of a way: countless Sams in cloned, each of them used for three years, the dormant warehouse home was actually an incinerator.

After using one after another, each new Sam will accept the memory of the primary Sam.

They remember their wives and children waiting for themselves to go home.

Moreover, they found that the instant messaging system was not broken, but was blocked.

After restoring the communication, Sam No. 5 called the wife on the earth.

He found that the wife in memory was dead and her daughter was 15 years old, and the original Sam was on the earth's home.

This is too desperate, and it seems that his life has faded all colors and becomes pale.

Just like your family who has stayed in for more than ten years, one day you find that your parents are not biological, and they have found them. The feeling, I do n’t know where to go next.


Sam No. 6 decided to be Queamham 5.

Let him take the aircraft that transports energy and go down the earth together.

Then kill a John Sam and forge the corpse of Sam 5.

However, Uncle Sam No. 5 was very kind. Sam No. 5 knew that he couldn't live for a long time, so he gave the opportunity to No. 6.

Then he returned to the accident scene and died there.

Before leaving, Sam 6 destroyed the signal shield and left a message to the back of Sam.

Since then, this story that killed himself and became his own, he wrote.

It turned out that it was not the most lonely in the moon alone, and found that he did not have his own life.

In fact, this movie is a great metaphor. Regarding how to find a real self.

In the world of our survival, we have too many references, too many suggestions, too much information.

I often don't know which one to listen to?

Especially when the information is contradictory, the first thing that collapsed was the person who continued to pull himself in his world.

One day, you will suddenly wake up: no matter how many people know, no one can decide your life for you.

Experts do not work, parents do not work, nor does their partners do not work.

Only yourself, calm down, listen to your voice.


I am not my own Mid -Autumn Festival this year.

Together, we set up a large iron pot to make a meal at the grand courtyard of the grandparents' house.

I have an inexplicable feelings for the meal made by the big iron pot. It is a kind of relatives and friends. Everyone eats a meal romantic together.

The process of cooking in the fire, one by one, prepared by everyone, is particularly flavored.

Especially at night, the moon was hung on the branches, and the bonfire was often home.

Before I would disdain such days, I would use how much money I made today to measure the meaning of today's day.

Because everyone did this, I also followed the current.

Now, I am very determined: my life is comfortable.

Everyone chooses a good lifestyle, and I choose well.

As in the light of the fire, Hawking was inspired and thought of the famous Hawking radiation.

Ordinary as us, under the light and starry sky, we also feel the community of human destiny.

In this world, there is no shortage of people, but everyone is indispensable.

If you have a fate to see this article, then I invite you to look up at the starry sky tonight.

Feel the collision of the soul at different times and time, and collide with the most wonderful life flowering.

- END -

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