Green Tea Book Love Book List in May 2022 Books 30 Books | Text Version

Author:Green Tea Book Love Time:2022.06.23

Green Tea Press | Seeing that June is almost passing, the book selection of green tea books has just been released. The good book in June has been squeezed in my study, waiting for the box. Today, the book is still coming out and still reading, but the state of mind is very different from before.

Book Selection | Green Tea

"Fun Master"

Zhao Yuanren Photo Zhao Xinji's Huangjialin organized the Commercial Press in April 2022

Mr. Zhao Yuan Ren is one of the four mentors of Tsinghua University and is the pioneer of Chinese modern linguistics and modern music. In this "Fun Master", we see the other side of the academic master. He seems to be a contemporary person through the Republic of China. He loves to record his life with a selfie, and loves to pursue academics with interest. This book contains more than a thousand photos, which can be described as the ups and downs of the times, and it also allows us to see a genius master who is humorous, delicate, and immersed in wise life. He is both a witness and a recorder and observer. Geng models study abroad, teach the Chinese Academy, Caochuang China Institute, and the relocation of the Anti -Japanese War. Those experiences and records of the fate with the times are extremely precious. Hu Shi, Mei Yiqi, Fu Sinian, Li Ji, Yang Lian Sheng, etc., academic masters are in front of them.

"Ancient Chinese Talks"

Beijing Daily Publishing House in April 2022

How does the Zhou Dynasty build China's first prosperity? Why was the Ming Dynasty misunderstood for 300 years? Why did it fall into the historical strange circle of "corruption countries" in ancient times? How does Tangdu Changan manage social security? When is the style of chasing fashion? Why did Europe rise in "China Hot" in the 18th century? Following the footsteps of scholars, opening historical folds, visiting the historical corner of the world's forgotten, searching for clues and answers that have been sealed in the years ... "Ancient Chinese Hundred Family Talks" have three volumes, namely "Falling and Falling and Falling: an Ancient Dast country. "Origin", "The Governance of the World: Long -term Safe, and the Pursuit of Thousands of Years", "Burst of ancient times: Humanities and Great Power", systematically presents the appearance of ancient Chinese history.

"Five Thousand Years of Chinese Civilization"

Feng Tianyu and Peking University Press March 2022

Objectively presenting the development process of the history of 5,000 years of civilization, the author states the exquisite and strict aristocratic world shown by words, paintings, literary and literary and science, and describes the bustling citizen culture. Inadvertently, with four or two pounds, it was reviewed in the description. The author's description of the rise of the grassland nomadic people, and in the historical changes that are changing and shocking, the forging casting of the swords and fires that Chinese civilizations have adopted, showing the analysis of the vitality of tolerance. Awareness flows in the lines.

"Academic Training and Academic Standards"

Rongxinjiang and Peking University Press in April 2022

This is the entry course of ancient historical studies for graduate students in the ancient History of Peking University Middle School. For ancient Chinese history enthusiasts who did not have the opportunity to listen to Professor Rong's courses, they could also use this book to peep at the door. , Documents, images, and today's people, and publications have their ways to read, and the grasp of versions and collation, and the tracking of new archeological discovery is conducive to the accumulation and update of knowledge. Academic literacy is developed in such persistent training. This entry book can be said to have done it.

"Three Kingdoms Military Geography and Offensive and Defense Strategy"

Song Jie was in April 2022 of the Chinese Book Company

This is a new book after Song Jie's "Research on the Strategy of the Three National Soldiers and the Strategy of Fighting and Defense and Defense". It contains 6 topics written in recent years and discusses Cao Cao's strategic defense deployment after the Battle of Chibi. The evolution of Z High military and political institutions, Wudu in the Shu Wei war, Sun Ce captured Jiangdong's passing and combat strategies. During the period of Sun Quan's rule, the changes in the deployment and main attack direction of the capital, the Lukou and Puyu in the War of the Three Kingdoms in the late Han Dynasty, then At that time, the distribution of economic regions, terrain, hydrology and traffic conditions, and political forces had an in -depth investigation on the influence and defense routes of the three countries and the constraints of the military strategy.

"Cai Jing Float"

Chen Yizheng Writers Publishing House in April 2022

Cai Jing is a rare and strange figure in Chinese history. He has been in the evening of the Northern Song Dynasty and has been more than 18 years long. For a long time, Cai Jing's labeling and face -based image existed in various historical readers. This book puts Cai Jing in the complex and broad historical context of the complex and broad history.

"Law and Books"

[Mei] Zhang Ting is translated by Zhang Tiantian.

According to the research methods of publishing history and legal history, Zhang Ting collected 131 different versions of the "Great Qing Laws", 65 secrets of lawsuiters, and many preaching of legal knowledge when preaching. The commercial publication and communication of legal knowledge in the Qing Dynasty, and its impact on the judicial system and legal culture. She believes that commercial publishing not only affects the spread and reading of legal books in the judicial system, the readers who have expanded legal knowledge, but also strengthened the authority of the case and private injection.

"History of the Early Qing Dynasty: Craftsman and Scholars in Society in the early Qing Dynasty"

[Mei] Gao Yanyi, Zhan Zhenpeng's translation of commercial printing library in May 2022

Focusing on the writing of 文, in order to cut into social problems such as the interaction between craftsmen and scholars, gender, physical experience and knowledge generation, it can be described as unique. This book, through literature interpretation, field survey, artifact appreciation, process description, literati reward singing inscription, market brand creation, a detailed and in -depth study of the cases centered on the master Gu Erniang and his Fuzhou sponsor. Called an academic masterpiece. The observation and analysis methods from the bottom up, from the table and inside also have a new path for the material culture. "The Secret Front of Nanjing in the Big Decisive Battle"

Tang Baolin with Social Science Literature Press in March 2022

During the decisive battle of the Communist Party of China, the underground struggle mainly under the leadership of the Shanghai Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. This is one of the most mature development of the CCP's white district struggle. After accumulating countless experience. In a harsh environment, the secret party members of the Communist Party of China are scattered in various positions and closely combined with the masses. Their creative efforts have played an important role in determining the decisive battle of China's fate.

"Lu Xun: Bian Bian Book"

Lin Xianzhi Note that Guangxi Normal University Press in April 2022 2022

Everything about Lu Xun and books. Lu Xun was accompanied by the book with the book. As a writer, translator, editor, he knew the huge role of books in the progress of human society. This book selected the original text of Lu Xun's book, which is divided into four series of "publishing history, book history, reading history", "preface for translation for others", "preface for personal translation" and "reading experience", which fully shows Lu Xun Independence, freedom, democracy, equality. Especially in his later years, it was written in the book words under the Kuomintang Government's book newspaper review system. Every time the threshold of knowledge science broke through, it highlighted the sharpness of resistance.

"Possibility Art"

Liu Yu with the ideal country | Guangxi Normal University Press in April 2022

Teacher Liu Yu's "30 Lectures of Political Science" has heard some, and still likes to read paper books. Is there any possibility of our political life today? Everyone seems to have defaulted this political rules and games without the possibility of imagination. Mr. Liu Yu provided us with this possibility. By analyzing the developed countries such as the United States, Britain, Germany, France, etc., she also introduced developing countries such as South Africa, India, Mexico, Thailand, Chile, Iraq, etc. ; Based on this breakthrough prejudice, the current problem is incorporated into the historical river, with history as the scale, jumping out of the phenomenon, and making a fair judgment on the problem.

"Do not let the years pass out: Lei Yi reads history notes"

Lei Yi with Zhejiang People's Publishing House in April 2022

Historian Lei Yi's collection of notes for more than 20 years. In Lei Yi's view, the history of the reading of an era, that is, the history of the spiritual development and growth of a generation, is a memories of the reading and personal experience of the times, and can reconstruct a person's knowledge, mind, and ideological map. In Lei Yi's reading notes, it talks about historical events, and more is to capture the daily life of ordinary people in the context of the big era.

"Thousands of Rivers and Mountains"

Sun Gan shows Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House in May 2022

In 1933, on the fifteenth month of the lunar month, Wuyun shrouded Shanghai. A secret meeting was suddenly rushed and half of the participants were arrested. Chen Qianli was in danger, reorganized the team, and continued to implement the top secret plan. In the eyes of the public, a presence of a presence of publicity was launched. Writer Sun Ganlu salvage hidden historical events and use literature to imagine and present its process. The idealists scattered in the history of history, re -gathered their spirit and flesh, bowed into the bureau in the reunion chaos. At the moment of loneliness, what kind of person would he see and what he was willing to see, he would become a person.

"Huaisha Ji"

Zhiyi Tiandi Publishing House in March 2022

Zhi Yan made a collection of essays made by his father and poet Sha Ou. Through the chewing of the collection of father's poems, he talked about his father's thoughts. Through missing and thinking, Zhi Zhi told us: The so -called life is to reduce some regrets at the moment of life at the end of life: regrets of yourself, regrets to others, and other regrets of others. In addition, Ji Zi also recorded his intersection and reading experience with some teachers and friends.

"Remine Kuqin Ringhua"

Yan Xiaoxing's Houlang | Beijing United Publishing Company in April 2022

From the return of "The Shi Shi · Youlan" in the 1980s to the middle of the earth, to the two Jiazi at the end of the 20th century, the Guqin art faced a great change in the tide of the times. This is also a historical stage connected to the bloodline of the contemporary Guqin world and is familiar with all the piano people. The one hundred articles in this book tells about the anecdotes of the piano world in the twenty -twenty years, involving more than 100 predecessors of the piano world, and selected nearly 300 precious historical pictures. While revisiting history through these texts and images, we strive to broaden their horizons and comfort the soul.


Yang Lan and Guangxi Normal University Press in March 2022

When the author was young, he dropped out of school because of rebellion and love of music, leaving the normal track of life, and since then he opened a "run -top" life. In the horizontal collision of the poetic world, in the life encounters of life and death, Guqin became an indispensable part of his life. He also grew into a unique piano man who combined the piano, play the piano and life. In this autobiographical non -fictional work, the author uses an restrained and tension to present a rustic self -education and a youthful presentation. "Time Bear, Mirror Tiger and invisible kittens"

Fan Ye, Gu Xiang painted Century Wenjing | Shanghai People's Publishing House May 2022

The book is divided into two parts: "Animal Handbook", "Invisible Kitter and Other Stories". In the "Animal Handbook", the author fictionally constructed more than 40 animals such as bench tigers, weather bath leopards, and time bears according to modern zoos. In "The invisible kitten and other stories", the author fiddled with the text more willful and told a strange story. The person who told the story was just nonsense, and the listened people were satisfied with the whole order.


Ma Jiahui in April 2022

The collection of prose that Ma Jiahui wrote on the occasion of middle age is also a long memory of home and Xingxing. Life, love, travel ... Ma Jiahui has fulfilled what he thinks is here, which is not only a understanding and comment on his life, but also a portrayal of the mood of looking back at the time. From teenagers to uncle, it is a period of growth and maturity visible to the naked eye. Many people look forward to maturity and fear of growth. In this book, you can blur the maturity and growth of a middle -aged man. The brisk and sharp, humorous and vivid, all daily moving and emotional.

"Long You Ji"

Wang Kai Han Song Luo Nuni Peking University Press, May 2022

One is a media person who has run all over the mountains and rivers, one is a writer who is deeply cultivating words, and the other is a traveler in overseas. They are all "post -seventh 10", and they are also friends in life. They all have a common hobby -love to travel, and passionate to use keen and delicate strokes, to record the uniqueness of those small towns where the trolley arrives. The wind, the scenery that was still moved by the long river was still moved by the river, and those travelers who were still rustic in the vulgar life. The words "Six -handed Bouncing", written to readers, are not only about each other's travel, but also about the journey of their respective life.

"Cry of the Earth: the End of the Indian War"

[Beauty] Peter. Costa's translation of Zhu Yuanqing to Peking University Press in April 2022

The history of the United States opened to the west in the 19th century, accompanied by a fierce armed conflict with the original residents of Indians. These large and small armed conflicts that lasted for decades were always used as "Indian War" by later generations. This book records, development, orgasm, and end of the "Indian War" with a full -scale panoramic view of the "Indian War" with a fully viewing perspective. From this we can see the tragic and brutal struggle story that the Indian original resident knows it is nothing but to defend the homeland. ——It, as the title of the book, the cry of the earth is moving.

"The name of Rome"

[British] Adrian Gotzwesi translated with Ao Zichong

Houlang | Guangdong Tourism Publishing House in May 2022

The establishment and maintenance of the Roman Empire depends on military forces. Rome developed from a small city -state to the empires that crossed the three continents of Asia and Africa. To a large extent, they were attributed to the commanders who led the army to fight. They won the strategic and tactics they won, defending and creating Rome. At the same time, they also witnessed or affected the development process of the Roman army and political system. This book detailed the fifteen famous Rome generals including Xidaa, Caesar, and Belizer, and discussed the reason for their battle and the reasons for winning.

"Dusk of Habsburg"

[Mei] Graig Kim [Midea] Penny Wilson translated by Yu Yan

Oracle | Social Science Literature Publishing House in March 2022

In a snowy morning in January 1889, a worried servant opened the door of a remote hunting hut in the depths of the Vienna forest. The Austro -Hungarian king Ru Daofu seemed to shoot her while his 17 -year -old mistress Mary Witterrera was sleeping. He sat next to the corpse for a few hours. When the day was about to light up, he took the pistol to himself. Essence What happened in that locked hut is still one of the most fascinating mysteries in history: what made Rudorf and mistresses make such despair? Is this really an agreement to commit suicide? Or happened in that remote hunting hut more disturbing, which led to murder?

"Great Archeologist"

[British] Brian Feigan editor Li Zhipeng Li Fanyi

Commercial Press March 2022

It included a small biography of archeologists who had a significant impact on the development of archeology, outline the development trajectory of archeology since the mid -19th century. The persistence and persistence of these archeological pioneers, wisdom and vision, confusion and unwillingness ... Their legendary experience also echoed some important moments of world history: the rise of science and evolution is widely accepted; the expansion and expansion of Western colonialism and the expansion of Western colonialism and the expansion of Western colonialism and the expansion of Western colonialism and the expansion of Western colonialism and the expansion of Western colonialism and the expansion of Western colonialism and the expansion of Western colonialism and the expansion of Western colonialism and the expansion of Western colonialism and the expansion of Western colonialism and the expansion of Western colonialism and the expansion of Western colonialism and the expansion of Western colonialism and the expansion of Western colonialism and the expansion of Western colonialism. Destroy colonization; women's awakening and feminism; the rise of modernism in the post -1970s ...

"Not Separate Feast" [British] Gillian Lelly, the translation business printing library in March 2022

Eating is never a simple thing, not only about taste, but also taste and culture. This book uses the art of painting as the starting point, telling the evolution of "eating" in human history and the story and culture behind it. By telling the extensive connection between food and mythology and religion in art works, Gili An Riley also answered a series of seemingly unsolvable questions: what kind of fruit is the Golden apple that triggered the Troy War, and our right The misjudgment of fruits in Christian art is actually misleading by its symbolic meaning.

"History of Paradise: History of the Birth and Disposal of Power"

[[] Menic Hipper's translation of Wang Wan's famous

Xinmin said | Guangxi Normal University Press in April 2022

Gender prejudice, physical violence, parent punishment, fertility dilemma ... even in the 21st century, women still have to bear these "original sins" and move forward. And all this stems from the unique body parts of women, and the ancient social mechanism that is trying to control women -the patriarchal system. This book tells how women's unique body parts make them have power, and they are finally deprived of. Women who have lost power are stigmatized, downgraded, and inequality have become the normal social and difficult obstacles, and women often encounter injustice. What is the deep root behind this? This book gives a strong answer.

"Shuji Bain"

[English] Douglas Stewalt translated with Xi Xiaodan Zhong Yiyin

Translation Lin Publishing House May 2022

In 1981, Glasgow, Britain, was closed, and the unemployment rate rose, and the entire city was poverty. Only eight -year -old Shu Ji and his sober mother were left at home. Shu Ji once hooked her mother's little thumb and promised her not to leave like her brother and sister. He leaned against his mother and prepared three tea cups for her: the first cup was water, which was used to moisturize the throat; the second cup was milk to alleviate gastric acid; the third cup was wine. Mom will only take the third cup first ... We are used to telling the love of parents, but sometimes, the child's love is unconditional.

"Library Miscellaneous"

[English] Claire Cock Stockly Land Lotal Translation

Commercial Press in April 2022

Not only the full picture of the global library, but also some of the world's most famous and most representative library collection treasures and work details to introduce them in detail. In addition, the content of this book also includes various strange libraries in the world and related affairs. Among them, you can appreciate the full picture of major libraries in the world, and you can also understand the strange libraries and display rooms. Follow the author to know the secrets of the library operation, learn professional library terms, and approach the staggering collection and collection of books. The strange thing behind the collection, understand everything about the library!

"Ancient Japanese Garden"

[Day] Longjusongzhi helps Hao Ling's translation of Tsinghua University Press March 2022

The Japanese people a hundred years ago did not know the value of Japanese gardens in the history of world architecture, art history, and gardening. The author Long Jusong is a well -known garden historian in Japan. He has a profound insight into the historical characteristics of the Japanese garden. He enjoys a well -known history in Japanese architecture. At that time, he was known as "the first person in the history of garden history." He wrote the book for the purpose of popularizing the value of Japanese gardens to the Japanese nationals and calling for the protection of existing classical gardens, which had a profound impact at that time in Japan at that time.

"Japanese Tea Ceremony One Thousand Years"

Zhou Zhaohui with Cultural Development Publishing House in April 2022

The tea ceremony is the most Japanese cultural symbol and one of the national essence of Japan. For more than a thousand years, no foreign culture has influenced the spiritual and cultural life of the Japanese like tea. Therefore, the tea ceremony is a major comprehensive art and the best entrance to understand Japanese culture. This book from the Ping An Times (794-1192) of China Tea East to the Meiji Times (1868-1912), which is going to the world for more than a thousand years of historical long river, to the world's tea ceremony. Essence

"Smoke Fighting Essay"

[Day] The group Yiyi grinded Yang Jing Li Jianhua's translation of the Commercial Press March 2022

Tuan Yizuo, a famous Japanese musician and prose. Music masterpieces include the opera "Xihe", "Yang Guifei", "Ming Shen", the symphony "Great Wall", orchestra "Silk Road" and so on. "Smoke Dou Essays" compilation of 100 articles, talk about history, culture, talk about nation, music, talk about human feelings, talk about the world, and colorful.

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