Decoding Ningbo Cultural Innovation Gene | Ningbo's 4 keywords to create a digital cultural industry highland

Author:Ningbo Evening News Time:2022.06.24

Creative block of box industrial parks

Culture is the soul of the city. The construction of a cultural highland needs to continuously enhance the competitiveness of the cultural industry, and through digital empowerment to complete the re -construction of the cultural industry ecology.

On June 1 this year, Ningbo issued a new policy for the development of the digital cultural industry, opened the province's precedent, and clearly proposed to focus on content innovation breakthroughs, build a new gathering area for digital cultural industry, and accelerate the advancement of high -level, full -chain, and digitalization.

In the past few days, the reporter visited about 10 cultural and creative enterprises in Ningbo, covering traditional manufacturing, film and television, performing arts, the Internet and other fields. It has a deep understanding of its digital reform path, and outlines the surfing path of the "new blue ocean" of the digital cultural industry.

Keywords: content

The core competitiveness lies in the continuous output of production capacity

"Five thousand years of Chinese culture, for us, endlessly and inexhaustible." Speaking of the company's latest material source of the "Palaxion" Fantasy Theater, Ningbo Shengli Movie Culture Media Co., Ltd. General The words of the manager Jin Jinhua are full of confidence, and do not worry about the day when there will be "Jiang Lang".

During the display of victory, the reporter watched the pity drama works such as "New Scholarship and Wolf" and "New Edition Three Pigs". These digital products are based on the traditional fable stories and folklore of our country, and have achieved content winning through original self -made, becoming the company's fist product in the field of popular science.

"Culture must adhere to the content of the content, the foundation and key link of the digital empowerment of the cultural industry is to create content creation." Chen Bin, researcher at Ningbo Institute of Technology in Zhejiang University, pointed out that it can improve the original ability of the digital cultural industry. The presence of industrial forms such as games can improve the high -quality supply of digital cultural content.

The main original and domestically produced, the Kuku animation, which has been deeply cultivated in the field of animation, is well versed in the animation. A few days ago, the company's cartoon "Little Soldiers · Yang Laixi" ended the hit on Wuhan TV station. Earlier, original works such as "Legendary Boy Wang Yangming", "Budbuk Monk", and "Back to Ma Ting", which were based on local materials, have all been "listed".

Regarding the development direction of the above animation industry, Zhang Ying, deputy director of the Institute of Culture of the Ningbo Academy of Social Sciences, agrees very much. She said that as an old digital cultural industry, the animation industry has a good development foundation. Today, cultural and creative enterprises must discover the characteristics of Yangming culture, Song Yun culture, and marine culture, and cultivate original brands.

Keywords: innovation

Far voyage permanent power, find new map changes in the extension of the industrial chain

For enterprises, content production is the foundation of standing, and innovation is a breakthrough direction. For example, under the premise of insisting on originality, Shengli Painting introduces the "black technology" of holographic and organically combines science and entertainment. People are refreshing.

"Encourage innovation, can guide the industry to develop innovation in emerging areas, fully surge in innovation potential, and form more new growth points and growth poles." Said Huang Wenjie, deputy secretary of the Ningbo Institute of Culture and Tourism. In addition to the innovation of content production, it also includes new map changes in the entire process of process, operation, and service, extending the industrial chain and enhancing competitiveness.

"Innovation is an important path and motivation for realizing value. The development of digital empowerment cultural industries is also reflected in the creation of digital technology, the application and innovation of production links." Chen Bin said that Ningbo focuses on the integration and development of cultural content and industry, encouraging encouragement, encouraging encouragement Innovate the added value and competitiveness of the cultural industry with content innovation, and form a complete industrial chain.

Keywords: talent

Layout the future, the win -win model of innovative school -enterprise cooperation

In the new policy of the digital culture industry, it is clearly proposed to accelerate the introduction of digital cultural talents -increase the training of local digital culture and creative talents, encourage Ningbo colleges and universities to strengthen the construction of related majors, media, film and television, etc. Models, build a number of industry -university -research united digital cultural industry innovation.

Many companies have already realized this and tried them first. Hengrong Culture has reached a three -party cooperation with Ningbo Vocational and Technical College and Ningbo Digital Science and Technology Park to explore the "co -construction, co -growth" talent training model, and achieve a win -win situation of student growth, school development, and enterprise growth. , Inject new kinetic energy.

Zhejiang Wuyi Cultural Media Co., Ltd. is actively carrying out digital technology projects with colleges and universities. Through "technology+culture", it expands the application boundary of key scenarios such as tourism and public cultural services, breaking the boundary of traditional industry, and truly realizing industrial upgrading. At present, there are 14 digital display related patents.

As a leading enterprise in the field of stationery manufacturing, Guangbo Group has long been introduced and cultivated by digital talents. According to Shu Yueping, deputy secretary of the party committee and chief executive of the group company, the company introduced six senior engineers of six well -known domestic printing companies to conduct school -enterprise cooperation, and sent grassroots workers to schools such as Beijing Printing Academy and other schools.

Zhang Ying has long called for this that we must not only strengthen the construction of leaders, improve the preferential policies of high -level talents, but also expand the scale of basic talents. Build a talent training model with enterprise -oriented, market -oriented, and deep integration of industry -university -research. "

Keywords: gathering

Including intensive development, start the "acceleration" of the digital cultural industry

Five years ago, Aiyou Biotechnology also "Snail House" in an old -fashioned school building of less than 50 square meters on Xu Rong Road, Puzhou District. Over the past few years, the company has moved into a headquarters building with an area of ​​3,000 square meters after a series of cultivation and incubation. This scene occurred in a box industrial park that focuses on the cultivation, gathering, and incubation of the industry. Langguanyi Creative Community, which is transformed from an old factory area in Boyang Group, covers an area of ​​4,000 square meters, creating a diversified literary innovation format that integrates young artist studios and famous paintings. It is reported that the community attracted 45 companies to settle in, and cultural and creative enterprises accounted for 90%, covering the formats such as architectural design and craftsmanship.

The spirit is rich and the culture is first. The creation of the above two cultural and creative "gathering" parks can be regarded as a useful attempt for Ningbo to build an emerging gathering area for the digital cultural industry. However, all of this is a professional park that creates characteristics of the digital cultural industry to form a characteristic gathering and achieve a high level of development. It is the final goal.

At present, the scale of Ningbo's cultural industry has continued to expand, and emerging cultural formats have developed strongly. According to preliminary estimates of the statistical department, in 2022, the growth rate of added value of the cultural industry is much higher than the overall economic growth level; the operating income of cultural enterprises above designated size increases by 22.2%over the same period of the previous year. Operating income increased by 26.3%year -on -year.

According to the implementation opinions, by 2025, Ningbo will form a 3-5 digital cultural industry gathering area to create 10 key cultural industrial parks with the digital cultural industry as the main format, and add more than 100 digital cultural enterprises to add more than 100 regulations. At that time, the development of the digital cultural industry in Ningbo will open a new page.

Reporter Ma Tao Correspondent Zhu Bichen

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