The more you love the more you ca n’t catch it

Author:Simple psychology Time:2022.06.25

Psychological counseling room

Except Expansion: Many partners have the problem of power competition in the relationship. Because of the sense of insecurity, they try to fill the sense of security by controlling the other party. So what is "controlling a strong partner"? Clinical psychologist Andrea Bonior summarizes nine signs of controlling the desire to control the desire: 1. Stop the intimate relationship between you and other other than TA; 2. Chronic criticism, it makes it difficult for you to be accepted, loved and recognized; 3. Conditional love; 4. guilty manipulation; 5. peeping or requesting report; 6. Paranoid jealousy; 7. Let you "win" trust. If your partner's excessive control desires to make you feel uncomfortable, you can try: 1. Before jumping, take a minute to think about why TA will do this, and TA's insecurity comes from where. If your partner starts to criticize you, you can protect yourself with the right problem. 2. Let TA realize that he is a person with a strong desire to control and explain his border to the other party. 3. Re -control yourself, don't let yourself be "isolated". If you are a party with a strong desire to control, this may be an opportunity for you to understand yourself.

Edit: Wild Good Man

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