"Drunk in China": Li Du's poems and English translations

Author:Catti center Time:2022.06.26

"Drunk in China: Baiji and the World's Oldest Drinking Culture" (2019) The book of cultural views talks about the history of wine in China, the relationship between wine and Chinese culture. In the book, Li Bai, Du Fu and other good -drinking poets appeared one by one, showing the colorful and versatile poetry and wine, showing the mellow Chinese culture. In Sandhaus's view, wine in China is like "blood of civilization". This is a country with a history of seven thousand years of drinking. When one person drinks a glass of Chinese wine, "it is incorporated into a cultural tradition of seven thousand years."

Chen Hongzhang's "Li Bai Ban Tao Liyuan Picture" (1650) information picture

1. Du Shi and "turbidity"

"Drunk in China: Baijiu and the oldest wine culture in the world" cited the end of Du Fu's poem "Who Create Ru, Sanda Thousands of Sorrows" as a poem, " Oh, wine, who gave you a delicate power?/It only needs a small glass to flood thousands of sorrows. "As a book introducing Chinese wine culture, this is a very clever choice. From the beginning, it will be Poetry and wine are associated with life, expressing the importance of wine for Chinese life and culture. Its English translation is not from the hands of Sandos, but a collection of "Chinese Poetry in English Verses" (1898 year). In the original translation, Zhai Lisi replaced the title of "Sun" with the title of "Wine", but here, Sandhas re -changed the original name. Zhai Lisi's translation pens are light and smooth, but both "turbidity" and "scattered sorrow" are not translated: the former refers to unique and crude wine, and the latter refers to a type of historical book. The little worm that is "strange" is about the alcohol, so there is a saying of "sorrow".

The term "turbidity" comes with a rough feeling, has the meaning of casualness, and does not pay attention to exquisiteness. Lao Du particularly likes to use this word to accuse wine, and repeatedly use it in the poem: "Zhong Dingshan forests each day, and the turbidity and rough rice will be the year." At the beginning, Dongcheng has many drums. " In this regard, it has nothing to do with his downturn -he is often shy in his pocket, without selling wine money: "Shu wine is forbidden to sorrow, and there is no money." Following the encounter; on the other hand, there are also aesthetic considerations: the essence of "turbidity" is not to repair the border, lies in a simple feeling. "Grape Wine Nights Cup" instead emphasizes the meaning of carving, modifying, and neatness. It is not as pure as "turbidity". Muddy wine, a few cups of belly, can also make Tao Ran forget the worry. The small word "turbid", as if the stones that inadvertently cast in the text, stirred the subtle waves, creating the rippling of meaning expression. Without it, poetry is like a pool of water, which is too bland. It can be seen that the reasons refined from culture can not only add color to poetry, but also subtract the content and thoughts. In this way, the poetry's breaths are involved in the pulse of culture. Unfortunately, the extra meaning of this layer has completely disappeared in the translation.

In addition, the words such as turbidity and gale also point to a wine culture that is completely different from Western culture, which involves the traditional brewing technology of China.

In the "Nightingale Ode", he wrote: "Ah, I hope to drink a bite of wine,/a bite of the wine that has been refrigerated for many years in the cellar!" In the poem, the "wine" uses the original intention of the term "vintage". Whether it is "WINE" or "Vintage", the roots of the coexistence are "vinum" (wine), and words such as Vineyard (vineyards) are pointing to the original material of grapes. The ancient Romans said: In Vino Veritas (there is truth in the wine or vomiting the truth after the wine), Vino is wine. In contrast, the words such as grued and turbidity point to grain wine, from raw materials to brewing processes. The translation of "turbidity" with "Wine" is naturally simple and easy for the translator, but it also exposes the barrier encountered by wine in cross -cultural travel. In many cases, it is difficult for translation to restore its original context and compose their best.

Zhai Lisi translated "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi" information picture

Second, grain wine and wine

Regarding the difficulty of "wine" translation, more than a hundred years ago, Zhai Lisi felt deeply when introducing Chinese wine culture earlier. He believes that: modern China and the Confucius era are no different. They are "fermented and distilled spirits". "Although a large number of poems show that Chinese people also drink wine in history, this kind of wine is self -contained. After the 15th century, it disappeared. " -Of course, his judgment is not accurate. The distillation technology of wine generally believes that it starts in the Yuan Dynasty. China's brewing is far more complicated than the information conveyed in this sentence. It's much more. However, Zhai Lisi is mainly to emphasize that China's "Wine" is not a "wine" that Westerners generally understand, and using "WINE" to express that Chinese wine is only a measure of power, it is understandable. Although he talked about China's wine culture, he quoted the ancient Athens drinking customs to compare, thinking that there are many common points between the two cultures, and they are keen to draw fist, poetry, and listening to music. When you go to the smooth place, you can put it on the big cup. "In Chinese novels, the half -drunk heroes always shout on the big cup without exception." There is a huge difference. Sandhaus's work also mentioned the problem of translation of "wine" and "WINE", emphasizing that "'wine' is a very broad word in Chinese, which is used to refer to all alcoholic drinks, including liquor, white wine, and liquor, including liquor, and liquor. Rice wine, beer and wine make it difficult in most cases. " Furthermore, there are different categories of liquor, such as the distinction of various fragrant types must not be confused: "Just like the category of whiskey or Du Songzi wine. In addition to the common origin, they are not allowed to make appointments in other aspects. Here. "Sandhaus archaeped the Chinese wine creation technique, pointing out that the invention of" song "was crucial, which caused the historical evolution of Chinese wine to a different path. Five major inventions. In fact, what he did not mention is that in Chinese culture, "song" will be used to refer to wine. The Yuan Dynasty Bai Pu's "Parasitic Grass · Drink" wrote: "Two merits of signs of marinated, and the deaths of the ages, buried all the stems of the rainbow." By the "wine song", it happened to involve the brewing technology of Chinese wine.

However, the Tang Dynasty wine had both grain wine and wine, both "turbidity" and jade liquid agar. As Zhai Lisi said, at least in a historical period, grain wine and wine are drinks in China, but the latter is more precious and rare. Edward Hetzel Schafer, a famous American scholar, talked about the "foreign objects" of the Tang Dynasty in "Samarhan's Golden Peach", focused on wine as an example to focus on the wine in Chinese and Western cultural exchanges. Among them, "Grape and Wine" wrote that the Chinese have long been "proficient in the method of extracting fermented beverages from the grains". By the Tang Dynasty, "rice has become the main source of alcoholic beverages." However, with the increasingly developed Tang Dynasty, foreign wines have also been introduced into Middle Turkey. "In the early years of the Tang Dynasty, as the power of the Tang Dynasty quickly expanded to the place where Iranian and Turks, grapes and wines became household names in the Tang Dynasty." The brewing process of wine was also introduced to China.

"Drunk in China: Baijiu and the oldest wine culture in the world" information picture

Xiaoyu Xunliang English translation "Li Bai Shi Ji" information picture

Third, the translation of "bad hill"

In Li Bai's poems, grain wine and wine can be raised together. There is a sentence in "Xiangyang Song": "Look at the green duck head green, just like the first grapes. If this river becomes spring wine, the basement will build a bad mound." Here, the wine of grain (song, bad ) It exists with the wine brewed. The term "bad hill" is shown in its name, which involves the fermentation and brewing method of Chinese grain and wine, which refers to the grains that are piled up after wine, which is used to refer to a large amount of wine. However, in terms of translation of poetry, "hills" should be a difficult text. The translator either simplifies and does not attach any explanation. For example, "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi · Jiuyou" has "good friends of the mound", Zhai Lisi translated as "wine friend" and translated Chinese Xi in English. The authentic and accurate, compared to the adding injection translation of the mud, the translation of the water is shallow and close, and it is a very successful translation example. The word "bad mound" has appeared many times in Li Bai's poems- "Crab chews, golden liquid, and mounds are Penglai." And "bad hills" referred to as "more winemaking, sinking", of course, this word is quite happy. If "turbidity" is Du Fu's heart, then "bad hill" may be Li Bai's favorite. Mr. Wen Yiduo talked about Japanese scholar Kaoru's English translation "Li Bai Shi Ji". He criticized him that he had not performed appropriately. It was suspected that pseudo -poems were collected a lot, but he did not include good works such as "Xiangyang Song", which was regrettable. Xiaoyu Xunliang's translation includes "Recalling the Old Tour to Send the Army of the Yuan Dynasty".

In Mr. Wen's opinion, Xiao Xunliang's translation has no lack of omissions, such as "romantic" translation of "Wind and Stream", "Yanshan Snow Big Flower like a seat" translation "Pillow", "youth" translation "Green" as "Green" Spring.

However, Xiao Xunliang's translation also has a good job. For example, the translation of a poem in "Jinling Wine restaurants", "Wu Ji Press the Wine Call the guests" translated: "While The Pretty Girls of Wu Bid US Taste The New Wine" (Wu Di beautiful girl please taste new wine). The translation read is vivid and lively, especially the word "new wine" is both shallow and innocent. The "pressing wine" in the original poem is to draw new wines. "New rice wine is cooked, and it is taken to take it." Xiaoyu Xunliang removed this detail and directly translated as "new wine". As soon as the western proverbs have the "old bottled new wine" that originated from the New Testament, the introduction of it is reasonable; in addition, the word "new" may also accidentally leak a reference object of this translation poem. : Xiao Xunliang mentioned Li Bai's poetry translated by Japanese poet Pound in the preface. At the beginning of the 20th century, in order to anti -British and American poetry, Chen Chenxiang's current situation, Pound used ancient Chinese poetry as the source of living water to change English poetry, and proposed the famous slogan "Make It New" (new day and day) of modern literature. "Gou Sun, New, New" from "University". The word "new" summarizes the core of modern poetic claims, and has a profound impact. Contemporary Sinologist Eliot Weinberger (The New DirectionS Anthology of Classical Chinese Poetry "edited by Mr. Eliot Weinberger, Chinese, has picked the masterpieces of poets such as Li Bai and Du Fu. Several large Chinese characters "New Day and New" were written on the top, which also echoed the meaning of "Shangxin" in the early 20th century. Obviously, Xiaoyu Xunliang's translation of this sentence has made a choice of the information of the original poem, which can be described as old bottles. This rewriting has played a good effect. Mr. Wen also pointed out: "However, of course, translation is not for the original author, nor is it to see the original book. After all, translation is translation, of course, the same book is not comparable. A translation must be understood by the original book. It is impossible to please people in front of people, and it is not necessary. "The interpretation of the wine culture is naturally not necessary to restrain the literally compliance. Sometimes it is necessary to use proper naturalized means ; Sometimes it is necessary to interpret it. As a stranger, it is placed in another context, causing different imaginations.

Zhai Lisi Information Picture

Derga "Bitter" (1875-1876) information picture

Fourth, "export product" and shared poetic

People of the Tang Dynasty were keen to turn novel things into poetry into a special image. "The wine was indeed considered to be a kind of linked, pure and rare beverages that can evoke charming." Xue Aihua pointed out, "In the 8th century, although grapes had been transplanted to the land of the Tang Dynasty, Du Fu was still in a group of groups The word is novel and strange, the metaphor of non -Han -land items used the word grape. He in the poem with 'grapes cooked' to '苜蓿 新' -both plants were introduced by Zhang Jian in the 2nd century BC, and they both It is quite ancient Bixing object. In this poem, Du Fu also opposes the "Queen Girl" with 'Hu Er "." In Li Bai's poems, wine, Golden Loo Luo, and Parrot Cup are relatively strange and rare, rare, rare Things, therefore, with a bit of mystery and romance. Xue Aihua said: "Exotic products have a strong attraction to people." The names from a strange culture always have a touch of mystery. Even if we do not know the meaning of this name, people who do not know this are called a certain exotic, aesthetic color. The first sentence of Corceler's famous poem "Kublai Khan", the first sentence is that Kublai Khan built the Changle Palace in most. Whether it is "Kublai Khan" or "the capital", the poets will bring Western readers to a completely strange place at once. Mr. Qian Zhongshu said that the beauty who does not know the name of the famous celebrities is not enough to speak poetry -if you do not experience beauty from the place names and people's names, you will lack a sensuality of poetry.

To a certain extent, the rarity of famous things also gives them a special strange sense, or a sense of music, and then let us feel that the people or things it described are extraordinary. Looking at Li Bai from the other end of cultural exchanges, the reason is also similar. Whether it is his good drink or his poem names, it is strange, so it is natural to readers English readers. The contemporary Irish poet Derek Mahon has a poem entitled "A Curiosity Ghost". Among them, he wrote the father -in -law of the captain and imagined to change his identity with him in another life. A poet, and he is a sailor: "... I have applied to join the merchant ship navy/but did not pass the vision test/later became a crazy lyric poet ./ You are like Li Bai's imbalanced and falling into the water,/they are you in you The unpublished poems were found in the locker. "Here, the Chinese Tang poet Li Bai compared with his father -in -law, tracking the art of poetry to the distant exotic and long -term era. Simplicity and constant strength. Poetry is not exclusive to a certain group, but a common art that spans nation and is super time and space.

Too white and good wine, there is a saying that "died of drunk into the water", although it is a legend, it is also in line with his temperament, and Westerners have heard of this. Zhai Lisi's "History of Chinese Literature" mentioned this. The chronology of Chinese wine written by Sandhos specifically lists Li Bai's birth year. The first chapter of the first chapter quotes Li Bai's "Jiujian", and also mentioned that after he was drunk, he drowned in the Yangtze River and drowned. Legend of death. In another poem, Ma Hong wrote the "Yellow River Moonlight", which made people think of the Yellow River image in Li Bai's poems. The Chinese Yellow River and Ireland's landscape appeared in the same poem without any disagreement, forming a novel response. Regardless of Li Bai's "wine", "Golden Lo Luo", or Ma Hong used "Li Bai" and "Yellow River Moonlight", two relatively strange nouns instantly migrated the readers preset of these two poems to another time and space. Convey the mysterious poetry. Wine can cause a romantic imagination and become a cultural, a crowd, and a cultural representation. Because of this connection, wine has a personality -Rum wine is reminiscent of pirates. Du Songzi wine is reminiscent of the British people in the 18th century. Thinking of Hugas' paintings, Budi wine reminds people of European artists in the 19th century. Think of Fan Gao, Podlair. Naturally, wine can also become the most iconic symbol of a certain character. For example, James Bond always has to drink a glass: "Martini, shake, don't stir." The real character is the same, such as the big poet Brosky The United States, a impression of the British and American poetry at the time was that he was absolutely popular Vagita, and even later admirers had to buy the taste of grade. "Cooking Book" detailed the "Secret" of Foxner -a method of making sweet wine that is said to be able to treat colds, so that this wine has ever been stained with Foxida's memory.

In world culture, Li Bai and Du Fu Su have the names of wine, and wine has become one of their iconic symbols. From Zhai Lisi, to Xiaoyu Kaori, to Sandhaus, in the poetry of Li Bai and Du Fu they included, the drinking poems accounted for ten sixty -seven, and even the words of the wine were dotted everywhere. Disposal the name of their good drink. In the story of wine and poetry, the complex emotions of human nature can be refracted, and these emotions can be empathy and interoperable in ancient times, Chinese and foreign. You have to drink three hundred cups "; after frustrating, you will also drink and drink and have generous tragedy:" One year is more than the night, and life is not to drink in life. It also allows us to "integrated a cultural tradition of seven thousand years" when pushing a cup to change or to the shadow.

"Guangming Daily" (13th version of June 23, 2022)

Author: Associate Professor of Sun Hongwei Nanjing University School of Foreign Languages

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