Lile and Le Shandong | Dongying: Red Film Tour -Hekou District Library Carrying out the "Celebration Seventh" theme film exhibition broadcast event

Author:Shandong Public Culture Cloud Time:2022.06.26

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, relive the party's journey, and further inherit and carry forward the party's glorious tradition and excellent style, the Rukou District Library held a red film exhibition broadcast on the occasion of the "July 1st" party festival.The film includes outstanding red films such as "Eight Bai", "The Great of the Party", "Xiangjiang River", "Hundred Regiments", and "Collection Number".

Carrying and broadcasting the red film exhibition is a series of activities to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the party. Through the intuitive experience of the film, the masses have further deepened the masses' awareness of the party's history and party lines, policies, and policies, creating a strong patrioticismEducational atmosphere, stimulate the sense of honor, mission, and responsibility of the people.

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