Literature and History expert Luo Tao opened Lingnan Culture at the Cultural Museum of the Nansha District of Guangzhou

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.07.01

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Huang Zhouhui

Figure/organizer provided

On June 30, "Welcome to the New Era of Twenty Acura" -Ti Nansha's "Literary and Art Lecture Hall" lecture on the second lecture. Luo Tao, an expert in literary and historical experts and documentary "Guangfu Spring and Autumn", discovered the core of Lingnan's culture and discussed Lingnan's cultural charm for the participants.

What exactly is Lingnan culture? What shaped it? Why is it important? In the lecture, Luo Tao revolved around Lingnan culture's late, new, and simple three special colors, and in vivid and well -evident examples, he outlined the collar and outlined the latitude and weft of Lingnan culture.

Luo Tao mentioned in the lecture that China's economic and cultural focus has a process of continuing from northwest to southeast. Lingnan is at the southernmost tip of China. Compared with the Central Plains and Jiangnan, there is a late development characteristic. It is undeniable that its cultural and soil is relatively weak, but its cultural contribution is "post -development advantage" here. It first accepted the impact of foreign culture and integrated the idea of ​​progress. Source.

If it is said to be "late", it contains the problem of cultural remittance in the north and south, and "new" is more about the integration of China and the West (Western soil, Western). Lingnan's greatest ideological contribution to Chinese culture is in a "simple" word -Yi Jian's learning, a ideological weapon that reaches the origin and turns into a simple.

This is the reflection and transcendence of Lingnan people on the study of the north and the western learning, thereby breaking the rules, overcoming dogmaticism, and unblocking obstacles. This is the starting point of emancipating the mind.

The organizer stated that with the announcement of the "Overall Plan for the Deepening of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Comprehensive Cooperation of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao", Nansha has once again received widespread attention as the Geometry Center of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area. Strengthening cultural construction is an important part of it. Through excavation, cultivating and expanding the traditional production skills of Cantonese music, Huangge Kirin Dance, Huangge's roasting meat, as well as the outstanding representative of Lingnan culture with Nansha Lingnan, such as the ancestral hall, and the murals. Nansha's cultural image and soft power improvement. Through exchanges with experts such as Luo Tao, it provides new ideas for the development of Nansha Lingnan culture and plays a positive role in promoting the study and promotion of Lingnan culture in Nansha District.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Responsible editor | Yang Chuyi

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