[Follow] Opening the library!Appointment!

Author:Yunnan released Time:2022.07.01

July 1st

Popular Science Exhibition of Popular Science and Technology Museum in Yunnan Provincial Science and Technology Museum

Start trial operation!

The Yunnan Science and Technology Museum is a popular science education base awarded by the Chinese Association of Science and Technology and the People's Government of Yunnan Province. Over the years, under the care of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, under the leadership of the Provincial Science and Technology Association, it has given full play to the advantages of science popularization education resources and launched it with the public in the province. The permanent popular science exhibitions, the mobile science and technology museum Yunnan tour exhibition, the construction and demonstration activities of the rural middle school science and technology museum, etc., actively promote the socialization, mass, and regularization of science popularization activities. The Old Museum of the Provincial Science and Technology Museum has received more than 2.5 million visitors to visit the experience, carried out more than 1,700 popular science activities, and made positive contributions to the implementation of the scientific quality action plan of the province. "".

In order to cooperate with the relevant work arrangement deployment

Provincial Science and Technology Museum Old Museum

The library was officially closed on January 4, 2022

The open this time

Yunnan Provincial Science and Technology Museum Standard Exhibition Hall

Located on the third floor of the Culture and Art Center of Wuhua District, Kunming City

(No. 198 Xiaotun Road, Wuhua District)

The exhibition area exhibition area is about 1800 square meters

The theme of the exhibition is

"Exploring Science · Knowing the World"

Established "A Number of Interest Wisdom"

"Polying the waves of sound", "change the power of the world"

Four theme exhibition areas of "Affecting Movement"

Visitors can experience here

Including mathematics, optics, electrical, mechanics and other disciplines

Nearly 100 popular scales exhibits

Environment design in the exhibition area

Very rich

Inspired by the structural elements of the circular circuit

Use straight and folding ceiling decoration

Various exhibits in the series exhibition area

The meaning "endless exploration"

at the same time

In response to the national "double reduction" policy

Practice the concept of the science and technology museum as the second class of teenagers

The Provincial Science and Technology Museum is also designed

Many exhibition and education activities with exhibits

Through a series of theme activities, scientific experiments

Multi -forms such as DIY

Show scientific knowledge for the public

Yunnan Provincial Science and Technology Museum Standard Exhibition

Try to run from July 1st

Open to the public for free

Open time is

From Tuesday to Sunday at 09:30 to 17:00 pm

Close the restaurant every Monday

Currently implementing an appointment visit

To avoid gathering personnel

Do not accept those who are not reserved for the time being to enter the museum

The public through the official WeChat of the Yunnan Science and Technology Museum

After online appointment, you can enter the museum to visit and experience

At the same time

Hosted by Changchun China Optical Science and Technology Museum

"Bright frontier -under the leadership of the Communist Party of China

Optical Science and Technology Development Yunnan Kunming Station Tour Exhibition ""

It will also exhibit 3 months

The exhibition is independently developed by Changchun China Science and Technology Museum

Exhibit knowledge point covers

Geometric optical, physical optical, laser optics, etc.

Has strong knowledge, interest and interaction

The public can pass through interaction

Intuize the magical charm of optics

Data: Yunnan Science and Technology Association

Informationman: Yun Kexuan

Edit: Guo Chenze

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