Douban 9.1 "Invention of News": In the era of information explosion, how to be a rational

Author:Read Reading Time:2022.06.13

Today is the 3165th day that I am intensive to accompany you for life -long growth

At the moment when the development of news media is rapid, the development of the media seems to have occupied all aspects of our lives. We rarely obtain news information from paper newspapers and journals.

The first thing every morning is to turn on the mobile phone to see the latest hot news released by major news main media APPs.

In these news, sometimes politics, entertainment gossip, hot comments.

We go up to senior leaders to civilians, and the news media has become part of the common life of the public.

But under the development of new media, paper media gradually faded out of the vision of people's lives.

In the past, there were postmen to send reporters. Today, the form of subscribing to newspapers to get news is no longer popular, but paper media are still seeking life.

At the moment of the development of online media, we gradually forget the feeling of paper reading in clip reading. Before the rise of the Internet era, the development of news has gone through a long period.

What happened during this period?

British writer Andrew Petigri checked a lot of historical book information in the book "Invention of News -How the World knows yourself" and tracked a number of European countries since the four centuries from 1400 to 1800 to know the news through news. The historical process of the world shows the power of controlling news.

In today's information era, how should we clearly look at the news information, how to effectively communicate in these complicated news information, and use the power of news to reasonably express personal values. Thinking.


The beginning of press publishing

From the gossip of public opinion at the end of the street to the latest current current affairs news published in radio and television newspapers, the news we can see is recorded by text or videos.

However, in the initial period of human development, the transmission of information relies on word of mouth, so in the process of spreading information, the final passing results are always deviated.

It is not until the invention of printing and papermaking that people can record the text on the paper and use the original messenger to pass the information.

The European news market began in the middle of the fourteenth century. At that time, people used manuscripts and booklets to spread information, which was the beginning of press publishing.

At the end of the fourteenth century, Columbus discovered the new continent. At the same time, Columbus used a booklet to record the information of their sailing concisely and spread between multiple cities.

Most of the original news communication information was used for the publication of important political events between the country and the nation, and the people who spread information were not various journalists they saw today.

In Europe in the 15th to 16th centuries, they used messenger postman to use postman to transmit communication information between various stations.

In addition to political news and important information transmission, like today, some "news" can be heard in the market and tavern, and these informal news has become a new "news today's rumors "collective.


Invention of newspapers

The real change of the news market comes from the development of the news printing market. After the invention of printing in the middle of the fifteenth century, it really promoted the change of the news market and the development of news commercialization.

In the three centuries before the eighteenth century, although the news was still spreading in a traditional way, there was no fundamental change in communication infrastructure and no technical revolution.

In the decades after entering the seventeenth century, postal communication became faster, cheaper and more frequent.

The main media conditions for promoting the rapid development of the postal communication system are a key medium -the invention of newspapers.

The initial invention of news paper printed with the same information is only a way to expand revenue in order to expand revenue. It is not welcomed in the initial stage of the newspaper invention. Reorganize.

The first newspaper "Narrative" was launched in Teslasburg in 1655. This is a young bookman Carolus turned the original hand -copy news letter into a printed version and sold it in a printing news version.

Therefore, we can think that the birth of newspapers is actually using printing to mechanically produce by hand -copy newspapers, and then spread.

In the next ten years, merchants have printed and produced various newspapers, but these newspapers are imitated in the newspaper tone in Amsterdam and German areas.

In 1620, the printed merchant Felhefen innovated the newspaper. He added the title and illustration to the newspaper. This is the Newspaper.

"News" is different from other newspaper tones, and its essence is a propaganda tool for local regimes.

Whether it is past newspapers or current news media, the media has played an important role in political propaganda.


Seek "truth" in the news

For news reports, whether it is the public or politicians, they want to get a "truth" from the news, and the authenticity of the news has become the most important value of news.

News that lost authenticity can no longer be called news, but can only be regarded as rumors or gossip news.

A 17th -century journalist Gaynesford's attitude towards the news was extremely cautious. He said: "I would rather write real news just writing rumors without being grasped. Fake news is really writing. "

This cautious news attitude is a necessary professional attitude as a journalist. But how many people can be able to keep the press of the press in modern press in modern journalism in modern journalism in modern journalism?

At the same time, we have to pay attention to whether the information posted by some unofficial media is accurate. For a long time, public opinion was controlled by some ulterior motives.

Therefore, in the current society, speak carefully and treat the news incidents, so that the bullet will fly for a while to judge the truth more accurately.


Evolution of news

With the development of printing news, news newspapers that represent serious political information have gradually changed in content. They are more concerned about information such as science, humanities, and academics.

The emergence of the eighteenth century journal media provides more forms of content expression for the display of the news.

The journal provides comments, feelings and judgments, but compared with aggressive political review articles, the journal tone is much lighter.

The development of journals is also the development of multiculturalism in a more liberalized way. In addition to serious news reports, people can fight for democracy in a free comment.

In the later revolutionary campaigns, journals and newspapers also played their own irreplaceable role. With free and democratic ideological communication, the main journals and serious and realistic newspapers have gone through several centuries of evolutionary changes in human journalism history. More mature.

With the development of science, since the 20th century, the strong rise of radio, television, and various new media today, printing news no longer has become the darling of the times.

The development of various social media and online communication media, the speed of news update is almost in seconds.

Various news media platforms update the speed of news in real time, and people browse the frequency of news. This has pushed the news to a larger development direction, which also means the openness of the news.



In the future, the form of news media will be more diverse with the development of science and technology, and the world will never stop on the way to knowing themselves.

Although printing news is no longer popular in the wave of informatization, printing news still has its unique value and significance.

As a news reader, we must not only pay attention to the content and form of the development of news media, but more importantly, we must think about rational thinking, how to become a journalist with independent thinking and rigorous review in the development of multiple media.

We respect the occurrence of every news and look at the occurrence of every news. Don't let ourselves lose our own in the wave of new media, and learn to be a rational news communicator and reader.

Author: Zhou Yao, a member of the Reading Club. Cultivate in the dust and survive in the vulgar world.

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