The "Chinese Dream · Labor Beauty in the Chinese Dream · Welcome to the Twenty of the New Age" red classic recitation competition is successfully held

Author:Houkou release Time:2022.07.04

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, promote traditional culture, and build the fragrant river mouth, recently organized by the District Party Committee Organization Department, the District Party Committee Propaganda Department, the District Committee of the District Party Committee and the District Federation of Trade Unions, the "Chinese Dream · Labor Beauty - —The red classic recitation competition finals with the theme of the Twenty Creation of the Twenty Gongs are successfully held.

Since the start of this competition in early June, a total of 40 groups of players in 19 units signed up. After the preliminaries, a total of 10 groups of players stood out and chanted the excellent culture and recite the new voice on the stage of the final.

The contestants used the sound of affectionate recitation to perform the magnificent century -old journey of the Communist Party of China, and the thrilling story plots brought the audience to the smoke of the smoke on the scene; the moving red stories told them. The great cause of the revolutionary ancestors. In the end, the "Broadcasting Fire" selected by the District Education Trade Union and the "Dai Anlan Family Book" selected by the District People's Hospital's union won the first prize. Equal awards, 5 participating works including "Shengshi China" selected by Shandong New Aoa Textile Technology Co., Ltd. won the third prize.

This competition fully demonstrated the good quality and spiritual style of cadres and employees in the region, further stimulated the patriotic enthusiasm and struggle spirit, and welcomed the 20th National Congress of the Party with actual actions and excellent results.

Reporter: Shi Yinling

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