"Xue Si Pingzhi" Li Guanglin: Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era.

Author:Chang'an Street Reading Club Time:2022.07.06

Li Guanglin: In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we must better play the important role of auditing in the party and state supervision system

Xue Si Pingzhi


Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping's core has attached great importance to auditing work, and has successively led a series of regulations and system documents that strengthen audit supervision. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made major decision -making and deployment of the reform and audit management system. The "Deepening the Reform Plan for the Party and State Institutions" adopted by the Third Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party further proposed "build a centralized unity, comprehensive coverage, authoritative and efficient audit supervision system", set up the Central Audit Committee, and strengthen the leadership of the Party Central Committee for audit work. Essence The decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee on the major work in the audit field has achieved significant results. The newly revised Audit Law of the People's Republic of China will be implemented on January 1 this year to provide the rule of law for strengthening the audit supervision and improving audit system. In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, it is necessary to better play the important role of auditing in the party and state supervision system.

Adhere to the party's centralized and unified leadership of audit work. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that auditing is an important part of the party and state supervision system. Under the unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, the audit organs should adapt to the new requirements of the new era, closely focus on the overall situation of the party and the state, fully perform their duties, adhere to the audit in accordance with the law, improve the institutional mechanism, and make greater contributions to the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities. Essence Adhere to the audit according to law, achieve full audit coverage, and strive to achieve where the major policies and measures of the Party Central Committee are deployed, where the national interest extends, where the public funds are used, and where the public power is exercised. The central government requires the entire process of supervision and transforms into specific measures. Persist in the guidance of Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, resolutely maintain the authority and centralized leadership of the Party Central Committee, and in -depth implementation of the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Jinping and the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee. Implementation, standing firmly, standing high angles, unifying thoughts and actions into the major decision -making deployment of the Party Central Committee, implementing it into specific actions, strong advantages and shortcomings, effectively improving the effectiveness of audit work, and giving full play to the role of auditing.

Grasp the audit as an independent economic supervision responsibility positioning. my country's constitution stipulates: "The State Council set up audit organs to conduct audit supervision on the financial and financial institutions and corporate business organizations of the State Council and local governments at all levels. In accordance with the law, the power of audit supervision independently is not interfered by other administrative agencies, social organizations and individuals. "In various economic supervision, only the audit supervision supervision, not compatibility of license approval, project management, and fund distribution. The audit is positioned as economic supervision, but it should not stop economic supervision. The distribution of fiscal funds carries political intentions, and major projects implement the policy effect. On the basis of focusing on the main business of the main responsibility, the audit must further reveal the implementation of major policy and measures, the construction and operation of major investment projects, hidden dangers of major economic risks, major integrity risks and power operation. Actively carry out research audit. Audit is an important force to promote policy implementation. Only by strengthening research can we better play the constructive role of audit. It is necessary to pay attention to conducting research audit, find problems from the perspective of reform, and in -depth revealing the obstacles, mechanism defects, and system loopholes; put forward suggestions for improvement with reform thinking, and promote the disclosure of problems, standardize management, and deepen reform. Focusing on macro, studying the "big country of the country", using research audit as the foundation and the way of success, promoting "research and application", and continuously improving the ability and level of audit work. Persist in the entire process of studying through the entire audit work and implementation, so that the results of the audit results are both facts and data, but also have a high degree of stand and high thinking, providing a reliable basis and important reference for the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council.

Promoting the spirit of responsibility and struggle. The audit is not a good evaluation. The audit is a problem. Don't be afraid offending people. On March 1st, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized in the opening of the Central Party School (National Academy of Administration) in the spring of 2022, emphasizing that only by continuing the whole party to carry forward the spirit of responsibility and struggle can we achieve the grand goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Essence We must think of the "big of the country", stand on the global and strategic consideration of problems and affairs, and all work must be based on the premise of implementing the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee. Long -term interests. Persist in daring to struggle, dare to trial and strictness, truthful trial, and faithfully perform supervision duties in accordance with the law, and be a supervisor and a guardian of the implementation of economic policy implementation.

Li Guanglin: Member of Chang'an Street Reading Club and Deputy Director of the Trade Audit Bureau of the Audit Office



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