Night Reading 丨 Traditional Skills Achieves the Faste of the World

Author:Hubei Daily Time:2022.07.06

Traditional techniques to achieve the flavor of the world to create Jingchu cuisine


Where does the flavor world come from? The years from the time of the water and soil, from the heart of the generation of craftsmen.

These tastes contain people's nostalgia for land and home, and adhere to ancient skills. Public security beef Sanxian production skills, Qianjiang traditional sauce production skills, Wuhan Xiaotaoyuan soup skills, Huangpi Sanxian production skills, Xiaogan mochi sugar production skills, Hubei steamed vegetable production skills, Dongpo meat production skills ...

These traditional techniques that have gathered countless labor people's hard work and wisdom, crossed the vicissitudes of vicissitudes and passed through the circulation of the world, and became an important part of Hubei Intangible Cultural Heritage, which made thousands of food guests sigh. "Only love and food cannot be disappointed."

Xiao Shulin, who had played half of his life with "Public Security Beef Sanxian"

"One pot of cows" who became famous in the Three Kingdoms

Choose the earthen beef beef, beef belly, and beef hills, which are scattered around the age of 2, add the exclusive allocation of secretly -made Douban sauce, supplemented by a unique cooking method, to present the salty, fresh and spicy "three fresh" flavors of diners- - This sounds like the operation of the population, which is the public security beef Sanxian technology selected in Hubei Province in 2020 to be selected as the sixth batch of provincial intangible cultural heritage list in Hubei Province.

In the "Cultural and Natural Heritage Day" in June of this year, the theme series of Hubei African Heritage themes, the "Public Security Beef Sanxian" from Hubei Public Security was flourishing. The hot sales of the offer preferential exhibition season prove that their popularity in the field of food in Hubei Africa, and also makes the inheritor of this technique Xiao Shulin feel relieved.

There are so many practices about beef, why is Gong'an Beef Sanxian production skills selected for non -heritage? Xiao Shulin told Jimu Journalists that the story should start from the Three Kingdoms period.

According to historical records, in the 13th year of Jian'an (AD 208), Liu Bei led Jingzhou Putun soldiers at the Oy Jiangkou, which is the northwest suburbs of the public security county today. "It is said that the granddaughter's grandson at that time made the three brothers of Liu Bei born. One day Liu Bei invited Guan Yu and Zhang Fei with a pot of beef three fresh banquets, and used Niu Sanxian to imply the three brothers to fight the world together. The cooking method of beef, beef belly, and beef hills spread in public security and folk, and gradually evolved into the current Xiao Ji Public Security beef three fresh hot pot. "

As a native of public security, Xiao Shulin has long realized the huge value of public security beef three fresh production skills. In 2002, he came to Han to establish the "Xiao Ji Gong'an Beef Fish Miscellaneous Pavilion", but unexpectedly, the "Niu Sanxian" of the three brothers of Taoyuan did not move Wuhan diners. Due to the difference in tastes in the two places and few diners, Xiao Shulin's shop only survived for more than 3 months.

Xiao Shulin, who does not believe in evil, did not give up. He determined that "Public Security Beef Sanxian" has unlimited vitality. "Our beef quality is better than others, and it is a very unique and typical local dish. , Will definitely make more people like it. "

In order to find the direction of adjustment, Xiao Shulin ran 8 provinces in 3 months, and tried an average of 5 restaurants every day. He ticked the best and finally found the ideal balance point of the taste. With confidence in his hometown flavor, Xiao Shulin opened the store again, and soon ushered in a table of hardships. As of June this year, Xiao Shulin opened more than 50 stores in major cities across the country, bringing "Public Security Beef Sanxian" to Shanghai, Nanjing, Hefei, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Xi'an, Hunan and other diners.

In 2020, Public Security Beef Sanxian's production skills were selected into the provincial non -heritage list, and Xiao Shulin and Youyou who studied "Niu Sanxian" for half a life. In his opinion, food is also an important part of traditional Chinese culture. It contains the wisdom of life left by the ancestors and the historical mission of inheriting innovation. "We must be the inheritors and artists of these ancient skills. Don't forget your original intention, take care of them, and make them promoted and become a cultural business card in Hubei. "

Jimu journalists have noticed that a large number of foreign diners will specifically mention the term "non -heritage" when reviewing "Xiao Ji Niu Sanxian" when a large number of foreign diners are commented. Come and taste it, it really is true. "

Relying on the "non -heritage" Dongfeng, Public Security Beef Sanxian's production skills are full of vitality. At the end of the interview, Xiao Shulin told reporters that his biggest dream was that one day he could push the skill to be selected as a national non -heritage representative project list, so that the historic Jingchu food production skills were displayed on a wider stage.

If it is said that the non -heritage skills from the public security allow the old ladies to appreciate the beautiful flavor of Hubei beef beef, which comes from Qianjiang's traditional sauce production skills, let the "authentic Chinese sauce" cross thousands of years and become transformed into themselves into themselves and become transformed into them. Hubei "Taste Xiang Si" beef sauce appeared on the table of thousands of families.

The "one bottle sauce" that inherited the century

In 2014, the head of the beef sauce of "Taste" and Guan Xizhang, who was 53 years old, was selected as the representative inheritance of the fourth batch of provincial non -heritage projects in Hubei Province as the fifth -generation inheritor of traditional sauce products List. And one of his unique survival is the beef sauce that "observes its colorfulness, the fragrance is seductive, and the flavor is rich and mellow".

This is not a bottle of "no story" beef sauce.

When it comes to making sauce, Li Shengwen, deputy general manager of Hubei Taste Sisi Food Co., Ltd., spoke to Jimu journalists thousands of years ago.

"Seven things to open the door, Chai rice oil and salt sauce vinegar tea." The origin of the sauce can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty more than 3000 years ago. According to historical records, there is already "Hundred Sauce" in "Zhou Li", and Confucius also said in the Analects of Confucius: "No sauce, no food." Li Shengwen told reporters that in the "Qianjiang County Chronicle" published in 1990 Writing, "In the end of the Qing Dynasty, there was Wu Changmao Sauce Garden in the Guanguanmen Gate of Qianjiang City ... It is famous for sauce, sauce, sauce, beef, peppercorns, and pepper. It is from the Wu Changmao Sauce Garden of the Qing Dynasty. This skill has rely on the generation of the generations, and the skills have not been announced to the present. After a century, 6 generations of craftsmen have been inherited.

In addition to the exclusive secret recipe, the deliciousness of the beef sauce of the beef sauce is inseparable from the strict selection of raw materials, as well as scientific and standardized in the production process. According to Li Shengwen, as a bottle of beef sauce that can enter the "non -heritage" list, the selection of materials must be excellenced. "We chose the oxen of the oxen of the pasture of the Northwest Grassland. Use its essence to be the main ingredient of spicy beef sauce. "

In the choice of soybeans, the power of technology is introduced. According to Li Shengwen, Qianjiang's soybean protein content is high, and it has been well -known in the country. "In recent years, we cooperate with the Institute of Oil and Crops of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences to establish a joint innovation center of Hubei Soybean Industrial Enterprise School to jointly develop new high -quality soybean varieties . At present, two varieties have obtained certificates of national and provincial crop species. At the same time, we actively respond to the national rural revitalization strategy, establish a base in poor villages in this city, and breed new high -quality soybeans. , The company's soybean planting base is identified as the title of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology as the title of Hubei Provincial Rural Revitalization Science and Technology Innovation Demonstration Base. "

High -quality beef, high -quality high -protein soybean, coupled with the non -heritage production skills that inherit the century, have achieved a bottle of beef sauce that can make diners want to stop. During the on -site event of Hubei African Heritage Products in early June, Jimu Journalists noticed that most of the customers who patronized the "Xiangxiang Si" beef sauce exhibition platform were young people. This is not surprising that Li Shengwen is not surprised. "Market research shows that young people have high demand for our products, and we are constantly debugging and upgrading products to meet the tastes of young consumers, such as low salt, low sugar, and low animal fats. Do nutrition, healthy and delicious. "

According to the relevant person in charge of the Hubei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, traditional food is an important part of the intangible cultural heritage. After being passed down from the people of Jingchu, the current Jingchu non -heritage food culture has been formed. With the efforts and promotion of a generation of inheritors, Jingchufei's heritage food production skills have been tested by time and become an indispensable treasure in the traditional Chinese technology library.

(Excerpted from the "Chutian Metropolis Daily" A10 version of the cultural reporter Rongyu intern, Luo Xuan correspondent Yuan Juan, Photography: Chu Tian Metropolis Daily Ji Mei Journalist Xiao Yan)

Source: Chutian Metropolis Daily

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