Night Reading | How to deal with trouble: slow face, quiet, peace of mind

Author:The official account of Xi'an Time:2022.07.07

Famous Gallery | Yu Fei, Master of Gongbi Painting, modern Chinese painters, painting advocates the ancient but not muddy, and the law is more important.

There is a saying: "Taishan collapses in the front and the color is unchanged.

The way of dealing with things is: stabilize your feet, accept the sound, and calm down.

Everything is "slow" first

After reading a word, "10%in life is composed of what happened to a person, and the other 90%is determined by a person's response to what happened."

In other words, it is often not the matter itself, but the mood of being out of control.

When you encounter things, you will be angry, not only can't solve the problem, but also push things to a worse situation.

Under the anger, people were dominated by anger, and they finally paid themselves.

When the blood is boiling, the rationality is not very sober, and the words and deeds are easy to exceed each other.

Restraining the temper is a kind of cultivation and a wisdom of life.

The ancients: "Fools are angry, and smart people are angry with anger."

Stupid people encounter things and speak with emotions, and wise people know how to deal with emotions first and then deal with things.

If the matter is slow, the heart is slow.

It is wisdom slowly, and stabilizing the temper can control the situation.

Famous Gallery | Yu Fei

The wisdom is "quiet"

When encountering things, the first reaction of many people always try to persuade each other to prove it correctly. However, the result is that the snowball of emotions is getting bigger and bigger, waste time and energy, and the problem is still not resolved.

In psychology, from the moment of the dispute, the channels of communication have been closed.

Moreover, everyone's growth experience, education level, and cognitive width are different, and the understanding of things is naturally different. So you may not understand others, so arguing is only a waste of mouth and futile behavior.

As the so -called, the location is different, and the less words are expensive; the cognition is different, and it is not interested;

When you encounter unreasonable people, people who do not understand human love, and they are quite unreasonable, they can laugh at it. They do not have a general knowledge, and the calmness that is not arguing is undoubtedly a kind of wisdom.

The more wise people, the more they know how to adjust their status into "mute" in a timely manner.

Famous Gallery | Yu Fei

In the event of trouble, "heart security"

When encountering things, the mind is messy, and how can you deal with the problem rationally.

There is a word called panic, panic. The more panicked in the event, the easier it is to say something wrong and do something wrong.

The more wise people, the more they are angry when they encounter things.

There is a saying in the old saying: You can get peace and then you can worry, then you can get it.

When you encounter things, you are not panicked or chaotic, so you can clarify your thinking, clear the essence, and make correct decisions.

No matter what you encounter, you need to be calm. At any time, anxiety is our greatest enemy.

Quiet is the key to solving the problem.

As the sentence says: "In this life, if you do not seek stability in the meditation, you will fall down in impetuousness."

If you do n’t get angry, you can act rationally;

We cannot control the development of the situation, but we can adjust our mentality.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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