Li Ling's original prose 丨 Half -acre Fangtang, recitation: Li Hui

Author:Mantra Time:2022.07.10

Half -acre Fangtang

Author/Li Ling

Recitation/Li Hui

Photography, the Internet, everything that can make people lively, I claim to be an idiot, and even two years ago, even on WeChat, even the original picture and circle of friends will not be posted. Someone helplessly, known for my "unearthed cultural relics", I couldn't help but cover my mouth and laugh.

This summer, the lotus in the small river downstairs was prosperous. I was led by the soul. I ran to the river as soon as I was bright every day. The beautiful scenery.

I called the photos taken by hand as "Handling Hand Shooting the Lotus". I selected the best and left a dozen photos. Under the guidance of the girl, I was naming, adding words, and repairing the picture, and I felt quite artistic.

"Sweet", three cute little bees favored on the white lotus core, like Baby Bao arched in her mother's arms, dyed by the golden stamens into orange red, and the clear water under the lotus reflected a few blue sky, like a simple and simple. Sapphire with blue -purple -like blue -purple; "bergamot" is a huge and plump pink lotus like Buddha seat, which is rosy heavy pink, and has a thick temperament; "natural up" is a flexion flower stem, Picking the tender green tip lotus, the lotus buds are upright and stubborn. "With you, not afraid of scratching", "I have no water, I also grow into the lotus", "No hurry, I am accompanied you", each shows the natural interest and inspiration of life.

This group of "proud works" was subsequently bundled, and occasionally turned out when it deserted, and felt the lively and noisy.

Lotus Bing is clear and jade, but the color is strong when blooming. At that time, Mr. Zhu Ziqing's "Lotus Pond Moonlight", "The twists and turns on the lotus pond" must be the first choice for reading, coupled with the complicated rhetoric, and the endless analysis of the rhetoric. The "faint joy" brought by the beauty. Reading now, I feel that "the excitement is their own, I have nothing" is the mood of me and my husband.

For preparations for retirement, all kinds of recitation software has been downloaded, and in the "Meiyin", "wandering", there is a fans rising. "Back to Customs", "Returning" and "cooperation", suddenly noise. I only went back to "I first arrived, I didn't understand the rules, entertain myself, thank you for love", the homepage floated back and forth: "The owner is lazy, and nothing can be left-" I laughed without answering.

So he sat down and quietly picked up the pen that had been abandoned for many years. The expert guidance, fortunately listed a writing platform, appreciated the study, and sent a small text timidly. Many older brothers in the group, diligent and hardworking, write rhythmic poems, dictators, novels, report literature, and grades; every new work is published, fisting, roses, likes, enthusiastic encouragement, sincere criticism, always staged in the space, sometimes For the use of a word, you will fight red ears. The teacher is even more serious, so cute. I do n’t even say that I do n’t even let go of a punctuation. Because of one dialect, I asked many well -known experts. She advocates expressing the positive energy of society and expressing life and beauty. Sometimes in order to encourage everyone to create more, I will give you funny: "How beautiful the text is. A few days ago, I reunited with a elementary school classmate because of an article. ! "I didn't know who this editor was at first, and dared not to take the liberty. I accidentally learned that she was intimate sisters, and she gave her a" little green man "to respect and thank her. The enthusiasm of the group is really "Xiyan" is an active member. When it rains, he greeted: "Editor Xu (walk in the rain), it's raining, come out for a walk!" The old sisters, cheerful.

Liang Xiaosheng said in "Chinese Peach Li" that literature is the background of life, and people have to live a life -like life. Life has "in front of you", and there must be "poetry and far away". "The Book of Songs" is "thoughtless", and does not reflect the natural innocence of literature and the beauty of self -consciousness?

I called this territory as a half -acre Fangtang. I broke free of fame and fortune. I was pure in literature, not flowing in the world, not to smoke, no Yan Ruyu, and no golden house. When I was young, I was confused by the wise men on the waters and turned dizzy. I was so stable that I was so stable that I had a deep understanding of one or two.

In the light of the full moon in June 15, I came to the lotus pond to date again. The lotus leaf lotus is scattered, there are daytime opening, convergence of nights, flowers, fruit, glory and dry, rough and flexion, noisy and quiet ... In the end, it belongs to silence. The different state of life, like music, has a syllable height, and there is a rest. The rest of the discount is not stopping, but a temporary stop or standing, so as to create different emotional expressions. The melody of "Little River Flowing Water" is rotating and affectionate, "The moon comes out of light ...

For decades, it was as fast as flying, and his passion was full of passion. Looking back, the setting sun was under the darkened years, only Gu Ying pity, looked up, and couldn't hold a foothold. However, there is a way to live in life, there is a full ambition with "looking at the end of the world", the hard pursuit of "the belt gradually wider", and the sudden disappearance of "lighting". Who has never played on the beautiful life stage and appeared globally? But who is not the footsteps hurriedly retreating? Life is like a brigade, I am also a pedestrian. This "stage" is the "inverse travel" in life. Although there are so many people in the world, the lights are not as bright as "unmanned empty"?

"Xiangxiang is wet, and each other is worse than forgetting each other." Zhuangzi is always elusive, read air -conditioned and forced people, and read it carefully. New self -greeting the world. All sentient beings, forgetting each other in the rivers and lakes, can be indifferent to peace and tranquility. It is also like the "clear wind on the river" on the "Chibi". Nature's selfless gift. Zhu Xi's "half -acre Fangtang" can have "one learning", which originated from the water "Qingxiang" because it has the source of living water; the source of living water in art and life is sincere emotions and profound thoughts. On the Qinghe, looking up at the blue sky, looking down at Qing Ling's water, between the desires and thoughts, the desire and thoughts have gently escaped from my heart.

"In the water" is a highland of bitter love.之, although it is a rafting thing, wearing the wind, and the root, root, and emotion; the dove, the bangs are bound without chaos, and occasionally swim together without each other. In this way, the half -acre Fangtang feelings are immersed in the "蒹葭" and "雎 如" sorrowful distant water, which was immersed in the unlimited historical long sky three thousand years ago.

Half -acre Fangtang, a pond clearing, the dust is not stained, and it is clear that it is the place where my mood returns and the heart. Three or two good friends, Langyue Qingfeng room, lotus incense blue water, skylight cloud shadow, poetry and song fu, flat fell, emotional collision and ideological epiphany, is the continuous stream of this half -acre Fangtang.

[About the author] Li Ling (female), senior Chinese teacher in Linyi No. 1 Middle School in Shandong, member of the Linyi Writers Association, and a member of Linyi Recitation Art Association. After more than thirty years of teaching, he has been working hard, and he firmly believes that "a faint day, collecting it is a strong years."

[Introduction to the recitation] Li Hui (female), broadcasting Jiahe, director of the broadcaster, has been engaged in the director of the broadcast of the broadcast of the broadcast for more than 20 years, professional and well -known, and won the national and provincial awards many times. He is currently an executive of Linyi Cable TV Station and a guest professor at the University of Media. Adhere to "learning to listen, adhere to ethics, be loyal to conscience, choose good and obey".

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