True is dry!The roof of the Cultural Relics Memorial Hall of Chongqing for Palace Museum was tanned

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.07.11


In the past few days, there are "high fever" and not retreating. What does it feel like going out?Four words: Land!plate!hot!jio!

Is it so hot?The Memorial Museum of the Cultural Relics of the Palace Museum of Chongqing was directly "exposed"!

Museum scene map

Today (July 11), the Cultural Relics Memorial Museum of the Palace Museum of Chongqing issued a temporary closing notice, saying: "Due to the high temperature in Chongqing in the near future, the style building of the No. 1 Memorial Hall of the Chongqing Forbidden City Cultural Relics Memorial Museum has been damaged to a certain extent."

What kind of damage is it?Red Star reporters found that the roof of the museum was exposed to high temperatures at the roof of the museum, which caused the large area to slip a large area as a whole.

Tile fall off

Fortunately, it was found that the memorial hall stated that "the expert and building repair team rushed to the scene for the first time, surveyed and evaluated the degree of damage, and immediately organized inspections and repairs to the building." At the same timeThe museum will be temporarily closed from now on, and the restoration will be resumed after the restoration is completed.

Red Star News reporter Zeng Qi

Edit Duan Xueying

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