Lile Shandong | Weifang: [Create the Capital of East Asian Cultural Capital] Qingzhou Xichang Village Public Cultural Service Construction Catalytic New Foreign Lines

Author:Shandong Public Culture Cloud Time:2022.07.13

In recent years, Xishang Village, Yidu Street, Qingzhou City, revolves around the cultural needs of villagers, and earnestly practice the spirit of "culture as the people, cultural benefits the people", and take enrichment of villagers' cultural life as the fundamental goal, strengthen cultural facilities, and strive to create a strong in the village in the village. The cultural atmosphere, continuously synthesize the public cultural service catalyst of rural rejuvenation, and actively help Weifang create the "East Asian cultural capital".

Strengthen the foundation and build a cultural countryside. Xishangcun's comprehensive cultural center has a complete facilities, equipped with farm book houses, cultural and sports rooms, cultural squares and other activities. The environment of the farmhouse is clean, the tables and chairs are neat, and the outdoor activities are flat and open. The venue of the event is equipped with fitness equipment, troops, and tables to meet the basic needs of villagers' sports and entertainment activities. In order to do a good job in the construction of Xichang Village, under the guidance of the street cultural station, the Qingzhou Cultural Tourism Bureau, the Qingzhou Cultural Federation, and the Qingzhou Cultural Museum have trained a number of literary backbone teams to set up rural song and dance teams, calligraphy classes, art classes and other literature and arts The team actively invited the Qingzhou Calligraphy and Painting Association to enter the village to show the new era and new villagers' new cultural and artistic style, effectively drive the enthusiasm of the majority of residents to participate in cultural and entertainment activities, and inject strong cultural factors into the revitalization of the countryside.

Grasp the education and build a knowledge country. On the east side of Xishang Village, there is a doctoral list that makes people proud of the villagers. The 116 small and famous "best" are on the list, including 11 doctors, 32 masters, and 73 undergraduates. The couplet of "learning to have a successful country, talent and preparation for townships" condensed the life trajectory of Xishang students. Under the guidance of Qiangcun, the construction of knowledge -oriented villages is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

In the future, Xichang Village in Qingzhou will rely on characteristic culture, give full play to the power of grass -roots culture, effectively give full play to its advantages, adhere to the cultivation of the culture, sing the revitalization of rural culture as the main theme, and create a "book ink fragrance, painting colorful flowing sang "A new atmosphere of revitalization of rural culture.

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