News practice | From "Shanghai Release" to explore the "service" strategy to strengthen the public account of government affairs

Author:All media exploration Time:2022.07.14

Author: Zhang Wei, Volkswagen Newspaper Group

Source: "All Media Exploration" June 2022 issue

Abstract: The government account is characterized by the main characteristics of "the convenience service service matrix, the content of the content release, the realization of interactive communication, and the diverse release form". The stereotype of laziness. The "service power" stronger "service" of the government account must start from three aspects: "adhere to the correct orientation", "good data resources" and "formation of professional teams".

Keywords: public account of government affairs; "Shanghai Release"; service power

The Internet social platform represented by Weibo, WeChat, and Douyin provides real -time, convenient and efficient online channels for the release of government affairs. A large number of public accounts of government affairs have sprung up. The author sees that in actual operation, many mature government public accounts are no longer satisfied with a single information release and one -way information instillment, but continuously deepen and improve the concept of "government+service", emphasize mainstream authority, while trying to do it. When it is close to practical, the "service number" characteristics of the public account of government affairs are becoming increasingly obvious. It should be said that this feature is the practice and application of "people -centered development ideas" in the new social public opinion environment. Public opinion and other aspects play an increasingly important role.

The public account of government affairs is an important channel for "online mass line"

As the WeChat release platform of the News Office of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, "Shanghai Release" has "Hope to become another reason for you" in the public account profile. The main characteristics of the main characteristics of the main characteristics of instantization and release forms, and strive to change the public's stereotypes of the public account "cold, expressed hardness, interactive laziness".

The first is "intention": build a service matrix. "Shanghai Published" uses three sub -columns "Municipal Hall", "Following the Application" and "Come on Shanghai" to build a "service matrix" covering the daily livelihood field. Among them, the "Municipal Hall" associated 20 sub -items, including "buses in real time", "traffic violations", "road conditions inquiry", "enrollment information inquiry", "repeated name inquiry", "garbage classification inquiry", "hospital report query", "roads", roads The accumulated water inquiry "" Social Security Card "and other content related to the work and life of ordinary people. In the "Application" column, functions such as "sweeping", "following the code" and "smart Xiao Shen" are provided. Among them, the "not meeting" column was associated with 44 functions such as "Subsidy Living Subsidies for Disabled Disabled", "Unemployment Insurance Application", and "Residential Registration". In addition, the "Shanghai Release" is also related to the government account of 16 under its jurisdiction, 39 commissioned bureaus, and 40 important institutions. The "government matrix" effectively forms a "service matrix" to achieve "one window". Through this "super link", it truly realizes the openness, interoperability, and sharing of massive data on the government, so that the "public" of the government account of the government account , From the "public" public to the "public" public.

The second is "warm heart": adhere to the perspective of people's livelihood.除市委市政府主要领导参加的重要会议或重要活动以及重要的人事变动、社会热点之外,“上海发布”一般不再发布会议消息,而把内容的重心集中在防疫、就业、教育、医疗、 Traffic, meteorological, and recent people's livelihood hotspots such as re -production and re -production. For example: "@比 比, please check this return to school to return to school." "Shanghai college entrance examination extension will it affect candidates' admission opportunities? The city education examination institute answers" "Why do the elderly over 60 years old be more active in vaccination "New Crown Virus vaccine" "12 Q & A applicable to the intellectual property rights, maritime and sea merchants, and corporate bankruptcy reorganizations of the High Court of Shanghai High Court" "What is the park scene after the open park? Cloud rewards" "How to do family cleaning and disinfection? Ten posters tell you "... These contents are a detailed interpretation of the issue of the hot spot of people's livelihood as soon as possible. It can be seen from these contents that the public account focuses on the "urgency and sorrow" of ordinary people. From a warm and meticulous perspective and authoritative accurate content, questioning and reminding prompts, showing a new concept of people -oriented and service -oriented.

The third is "heart": pay attention to interactive communication. The activity of the comment is an important indicator of the activity of the public account. In this sense, the push of information is actually the first step. In view of the limitations of the content modification of the WeChat public account content, subsequent content supplements and tracking questions need to be realized in the comment area. This "second place" is very important in the government public account. In this regard, "Shanghai Release" strives to answer questions. For example: In the comment area after May 31, 2022 at 13:13, "The Shanghai Rail Transit Network Restore Basic Operation from June 1", 22 followers showed the posts. For the 6 issues, "Shanghai Shanghai "Published" (author) made a clear answer one by one. In the comment area after the "one picture interpretation of Shanghai Industrial Enterprise Resumption and Re -production Extraction Evaporation Institute of Prevention and Control (Third Edition)" on the same day, the netizen Heartlee asked three questions in a row. Clear answer. Between a question and answer, the comment area carries the functions of linkors and echo walls, which has opened up a new channel for official and civilian interaction in response to social concerns and leading public opinion.

The fourth is "intimate": pay attention to user experience. "Shanghai Published" uses a large number of graphics, videos, charts, H5, comics, posters, one -picture understanding, etc., provides "intimate" services such as strategies, tips, knocking blackboards, and operation guidelines. The high -value display of the layout allows users to "open" more diverse and better experience. For example: In the article "How to scan the code for the elderly and children without smart phones? Please collect this strategy" at 21:50 on May 30, 2022, in the article, it is equipped with a comic version of Raiders to make the code scanning process more intuitive and clear. Simple and easy to understand, showing strong humanistic care. The article "Mosquito Season, you need to deal with this" published on June 8th at 18:19, which uses a question and answer to make the content clear and more grounded at a glance. Moreover, the "Extra -Class Supplement Reading" was added after the text, which popularized "termites are not ants, but cockroaches", "mosquito love O -type blood is just legend" and other common sense. The language is vivid and straightforward, the form is simple and clear. Son. It can be seen that the extension of the government's public account as a government function on the Internet is an important channel for the "online mass line". It can show the temperature, feelings, and groundedness through new service concepts and convenient service methods. Government image.

How to improve the "service" of the government public account

The author believes that the "service power" of improving the public account of government affairs should pay attention to the following three points:

First, persist in correct orientation. To a certain extent, the government account of the government represents the image of the government. The more emphasis is on the perspective of people's livelihood, the supremacy of the people's livelihood, the more we must adhere to the correct orientation. For example, some government accounts have caused controversy because the content scale is too large; some government public account "call for celebrities" is criticized as "public rights and private use"; Moist; wait. These have deviated from the positioning and original intention of the public account of the government affairs, and even caused public opinion. Therefore, while continuously enhancing service awareness and improvement of service functions, the public account of the government affairs must not only prevent sound loss, distortion, disorder, failure, but also to prevent the title party, god replies, thunder, improper interaction, vulgar kitsch and vulgar content, vulgar and vulgar content , Clear the content of the content, grasp the time results of the content, always make the positive energy and the main melody high.

Second, make good use of data resources. In recent years, the construction of digital governments, digital economy, and digital society has accelerated. Under the blessing of massive information and data, the government public account provides more source of living water for the masses. The public account of the government affairs should use the live data resources, to connect the industry, department, and level barriers, and coordinate the promotion of government affairs application systems in various industries to integrate construction, interconnect, and collaborate to form an export to achieve convenient consulting and inquiry services and One Netcom Office For functions, provide high -quality public services through digitalization, and truly "let the data walk more and let the masses run less legs", so that the public account of government affairs has become an important window for the government's digital performance and digital governance system.

3. Establish a professional team. The dual attributes of the government account and the government and the media. The editorial team must have strong political quality to ensure the authority and accuracy of the content of the public account. , Advanced Black "; to forge a strong work style, adapt to the requirements of" all -weather "work, and facing the task of urgent and dangerous and dangerous tasks can" top, reliable, and win "; Create more boutique content and continuously enhance the influence of the communication power of the public account; in the daily operation process, the editorial team must also be good at integrating resources and utilization of resources. When interacting with the people Some official tones and empty talks, more people's livelihood perspectives, and more mass language. It is necessary to achieve the overall situation and the whole situation in my heart, to eliminate the vision of one -hole, build a car behind closed doors, and prevent personal emotions and personal behaviors from work. It is necessary to promote work innovation and technological innovation, allow government information to operate quickly and efficiently in the closed -loop mechanism. It is supplemented with an orderly, rational, powerful, and effective interactive communication, linking two public opinion fields, so that the party and the people's hearts will blend water and milk in the network space.

"All Media Exploration" magazine is a journal communication professional journal hosted by Volkswagen Newspaper Group. The domestic unified continuous publishing number CN 37-1526/G2, international standard continuous publishing number ISSN 2097-048X. Pioneer in August 2021.

The purpose of running the journal: Focus on the frontier of the media integration, exchange practice and exploration experience, strengthen the guidance of news and public opinion, create a research and communication platform, and help the media to comprehensively and develop.

Main columns: Special articles, front -line focusing, integration transformation, communication point, public opinion observation, news practice, audiovisual communication, county -level media, case analysis, intelligent application, media rule of law, all -media talents, business management, etc.

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