Overlooking: Looking back at the century -old beauty footprint, painting is more beautiful "Jiangnan is picturesque"

Author:See a week Time:2022.07.15

Today (July 15), in order to pay tribute to the 100 -year -old school of Suzhou Beauty, "Jiangnan's picturesque waves overlook -National Oil Painting Master Sketch Invitation Exhibition" opened at the Suzhou Art Museum. A total of 48 high -quality masterpieces appeared at this exhibition.

This year, it was the century -old school of Suzhou Fine Arts College. Suzhou Fine Arts has a milestone in the history of Chinese art education, and its teaching model, concepts, and values ​​are unique. The "Suzhou Art Painting Competition" initiated by Mr. Yan Wenliang and his friends in 1919, the main founder of Suzhou Aesthetic College, claimed to "promote painting, encourage each other, browse only, not judge", "Hai Naibaichuan, Equal Freedom, Freedom, Freedom, Freedom, Freedom, Freedom, Freedom, Freedom, Freedom, The principle of encouraging diversification "has become a good story of China's early national art exhibitions and the history of Chinese art development.

In 2015, the "Jiangnan Picture -China Oil Painting Works Exhibition" permanently settled in the Suzhou Art Museum. After four sessions, it has become an important brand of contemporary Chinese oil painting exhibition. In order to pay tribute to Suzhou Meimei specialized schools for a century, in order to promote the in -depth development of the academic research of the "Jiangnan -China Oil Painting Works Exhibition", the Suzhou Art Museum launched this "Jiangnan painting Canglang Farly -National Oil Painting Masters Sketch Invitation Invitation Invitation Invitation Invitation Invitation exhibition".

The exhibition consists of two parts: one is that the Chinese Oil Painting Society invites 21 national oil painting masters to participate in the exhibition, showing the style of famous works active in the field of oil painting creation today; Oil painter in the province, sketching at the Canglang Pavilion, Coupling Garden, and Humble Advisory Garden in Suzhou. "The painters were in high temperature and heat, and they devoted themselves to the creation of sketching, depicting the garden landscape in their eyes.

Qian Zhaofeng, vice chairman of the Suzhou Artists Association, who participated in the sketch at the scene, said with emotion: "This sketch made me find the spirit of the" painting of Jiangnan "while looking for Suzhou aesthetic footprint."

Yang Wentao, deputy director of the Suzhou Public Cultural Center and deputy director of the Suzhou Art Museum, said: "Sketch is the best form of painters with natural communication. The devotion and love of art. The theme of this exhibition is the waves overlooking, and the direction of the distance is to watch history, and the other is to pay tribute to the establishment of the Suzhou Fine Arts College for 100 years. Next, we will be even more Excellent works and even more loud 'Jiangnan "pictures of pictures of Jiangnan" meet people's growing high -quality living needs, and continuously promote the prosperity and development of Chinese oil painting. "

It is reported that this exhibition will last until August 10.

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