Flow password?The rice circle trap?——In the path of personalization of news practitioners

Author:Young journalist Time:2022.07.18

Author: Kang Gamingze (Assistant Editor of Tibet Radio and Television)

Source: "Youth Reporter", No. 13, 2022

Global news industry is experiencing pain in the transition period. The bad news is that this kind of pain will last longer; the good news is that the huge impact and fierce changes have forced the industry to continue to reflect and innovate. Personalized communication operations of journalists are one of the paths of younger media in the change. It is a strategy of media productive news innovation (News-Orientation).

With the reduction of the technical threshold, the news production innovation of news production innovations based on the perspective of the news practitioners and personal images is gradually normalized through new means of communication such as VLOG, short video, and live broadcast. From 2020 CCTV BOYS (Kang Hui, Nigbuy, Sabenin, Zhu Guangquan) cross -border "debut", to 2021 CCTV reporter Wang Bingbing unlock station B and Douyin "traffic password", Central media has been in digital media in the past two years The successful "out of the circle" has gained the attention and love of the majority of young users. Following this trend, provincial and county -level mainstream media are also constantly stepping up the pace of innovation, trying to cultivate their own news IP spokespersons, and explore new paths. Taking the two sessions in 2022 as an example, VLOG and AI anchors have been standard, and the new expressions of the mainstream media Internet are becoming more and more popular. But innovation is often accompanied by disputes and twists and turns. What are the successful conditions of the personality operation of journalists? Is this success sustainable? Does the propagation achieve the expected effect? We need to think and explore these key issues.

Information de -industrialization and de -ritual logic of personality dissemination

The personalization of consumption and privatization forced the rapid evolution of the news media at all levels such as content production, business model, and news value logic. Young users are the main promoters of this round of innovation. Therefore, winning the favor of young users is a common proposition facing mainstream media transformation. And no matter how technology evolves, realizing the communication and connection between people is the most basic function of the media. This is also the reason why the means of personalized communication first promotes the "ice break" between mainstream media and young users. Through the full -scale innovation of tone, content, interaction, and news value, the mainstream media are trying to break through the image that was once serious and restrained to achieve the connection with the new generation of online generations.

(1) "weak codes" of emotionalization and loneliness. Compared with the "strong encoding" of traditional news media to resort to facts and standardized narratives, digital media are more accustomed to forming a more relaxed "weak encoding" narrative in the way of rendering emotional rendering and the emancipated voice, which resonates with users.

Emotional orientation means interaction, connection, and support. Especially for the topic of social welfare and guarantee, neutral, calm, objective, and seriousness is not the first choice. Only by moving "can resonate. The stance and temperature of the report became the key to gaining attention. In terms of tone, "grounding", close people, and truth are the new direction of the young transformation of mainstream media. The presentation scene and voice presentation of the life of the practitioners meet the public's needs for "weak encoding" information. Therefore, the content of VLOG, short video such as personal subjective colors and personal emotions is easier to strengthen value identity.

(2) Diversified content and channels of channels. From the perspective of content, the personality operation model has opened up the gap between news and general information, breaking the boundary between the front desk and background of traditional news reports, and only focused on the narrative of specific people in front of the camera. Around this specific person, current affairs and life are transmitted through multi -paths such as VLOG, animation, short videos, and live broadcasts, and reach a specific user circle.

In terms of communication channels, the platform media and content media are inseparable. The interweaving has formed a multi -level journalist network. Everyone is a practical participant, forming a diverse and diverse liquid news ecology of the subject. According to CTR monitoring data, as of the end of 2021, eight central media have nearly 100 own APP products and 1600 third -party channels.

(3) Practitioner's personality and mainstream media brand -oriented operation strategy. In response to the competition of fierce market resources, whether it is enterprise development, regional planning, and even national strategy, brand -based operations are the most common way out at the moment. Personalized communication strategies are also the exploration of mainstream media based on brand transformation and positioning in the new period. Taking CCTV BOYS and Wang Bingbing as an example, the personality and values ​​they presented in front of the camera are in line with social style and public aesthetics, and have strong personal characteristics and personality charm. The influence of the mainstream media has expanded the communication and influence of the journal practitioner brand, and the IP of the journalist's IP reversely promotes the younger transformation of mainstream media brands and realizes the virtuous cycle of the two. At the same time, branding also means that there is a consensus -based emotional connection between users and organizations. As a result, the content of the transmission is strong, and users are also willing to express their love and practitioners' love and practitioners in the methods of reposting, praise, and re -creation. Approve.

Discussion on the replication and communication effect of personality communication mode

News innovation is the result of technology, policy, media organizations, practitioners, and users under the concept of "News Action". Each element is intertwined and indispensable. Similarly, the personality communication of journalists also requires mature media environment support. It is in the stage of exploring, and its sustainability and replication are questionable.

(1) The CCTV General Station is easy, but it is difficult to copy the explosive models. In the case of personalized communication we discussed, the majority of reporters or hosts of the Central Radio and Television Terminals accounted for the vast majority, and those who really come out are the "masters" of news theoretical cultivation and practical experience. Therefore, the personality communication strategy has a higher threshold for practitioners' professional skills on the one hand, and on the other hand, it has high requirements for personal styles. The reality is that most reporters have weak control and interpretation of new reports. Furthermore, behind the "out of the circle" of journalists and hosts is the layers of additional and supporting the resources of media institutions and management. "Dongfeng" may not be in the fire, and the effect is not satisfactory. Therefore, the "traffic password" we see is more examples. For weak provincial and county -level media, direct replication is weak, and we need to further adapt to local conditions to find a brand -oriented strategy suitable for itself. (2) See and see the reflection on the effect of communication. Overall, bigger and stronger mainstream public opinion, better consolidating ideological consensus is the primary purpose of mainstream media spread. But collage, imitation, and re -creation are the inevitable decoding methods of modern communication. Regardless of whether the content dissemination itself has depth and professionalism, based on the "light" attributes of platforms such as Douyin and B Station and the "light" interpretation method of users, the original intention of content media coding is likely to be a thousand miles away from the user terminal decoding. As a result of the passive dissolution of the cut -the -focus and dissemination value of the news narrative. What is more vigilant is the trend of "soft treatment" for the audience to meet the audience. The boundaries of softening expression and entertainment are not clear. In fact, due to lack of experience, many media cannot better grasp the degree between entertainment elements and information cores, grasp the direction of overall agenda, and grasp the voice of different reporting scenarios to ensure the professionalism and authority of the mainstream media's voice. Essence

(3) The password is also trap, and the inverse swallow of traffic. In the video about Wang Bingbing and CCTV BOYS, the barrage of "CCTV Unlock Traffic Password" often appears. The mainstream media's attempts to succeed in the attempts of young users, although it is worthy of joy, but at the same time, media practitioners need to clearly understand the current traffic trap of digital media symbolization and hidden human -based thinking.

At the same time as the personality operation, the news practitioners have also changed from professionals to the characters under the stare of the public, playing more roles outside the profession, and bear greater risks. This risk contains the leakage of personal privacy, passive rice circles, etc. This original intention is not a big deal to appreciate the behavior itself, but once it surpasses the professional category of the journalist itself and becomes the object of worship of the thinking of the rice circle, the perspective of staring will increase the burden. Journalists have nothing to do with the personality consumption of celebrities, but in the model of IP and personality operations, the boundaries between public characters and professional characters will be confused. Causes a personal crisis and then evolved into a hidden trap of media institutional brand construction.

Conclusion: The value of the mainstream media that is based on the value is based on the rejuvenation of the mainstream media

The position of temperature, content diversification, and three -dimensional channels of channels is a breakthrough in the young transformation of mainstream media. The concept and institutional level are rational reflection, and the core value of spreading is clarified.

Today's users no longer regard consumer news as a fixed daily ritual. No longer surprised the development of technology to make the earth a "village", information demand has changed from "watching the world" to "understanding what I need" Essence The innovative practice of practitioners in the field of digital news will expand the understanding of users' understanding of users and make communication more adaptable to the current format. The "out of the circle" of the central media we can see is just the small steering of the train. The real innovation also requires provincial and county -level financial media institutions to transfer the huge body to the direction. Similarly, the practice of mainstream media also needs to be closely linked to the reflection and induction summary of the academic community. Without a professional spirit of anti -washing, the media easily fell into the short -sighted trap of chasing traffic, and only focused on surface problems such as "rejuvenating the loss of users" and "replenishment of decline", and ignored the deep structural transformation crisis behind it. Therefore, only by exploring new paths based on value -oriented and practical thinking, can the first -hand experience of academic and practical integration of experience and practice can get more inspiration, learn more lessons, and promote the mainstream media of the digital news era. Long -term change.

Reference format for this article:

Kang Gamingze. Traffic password? The rice circle trap? ——In the Personalization Path of News Practitioners, think about [J]. Young reporter, 2022 (13): 44-45.

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