"August 1" gift

Author:Ethics Time:2022.08.02

On the occasion of the "August 1" Army Festival, I would like to extend a lofty military ceremony to all the active (cultural vocational) and reserve officers and soldiers of the Republic! He is a soldier and glorious life; there is a soldier in the family and a glorious family; friends are a soldier, and they are glorious together. National defense is the national defense of the country, the national defense of the people;

Mao Zedong said at the seventh party conference held in April 1945: "Struggling to create the army of the Chinese people is the responsibility of the people of the whole country. Without the people of the people, there is no one for the people. Empty theory. "When commemorating the Army's Day, we must remember some time nodes:

On August 1, 1927, the first revolutionary armed forces in Nanchang City fired the first shot to the counter -revolutionary armed forces, marking the birth of the people's army.

On August 7th, Mao Zedong first proposed a well -known conclusion of the "Gun Ring" at the Emergency Meeting of the Political Bureau of Wuhan, and organically linked the people's army and the people's regime.

On September 9, 1927, Mao Zedong led the autumn income of less than 4,000 people with more than 3,000 miners and mud legs and some revolutionary army. The uprising failed, but it was broadcast from victory to victory to the construction of a strong party, a strong army, and the seeds of the powerful people's Republic: the autumn income is the first time the Communist Party of China has publicly played its own banner in the armed struggle; Organized the first workers and peasants 'sisters' military revolutionary teams, and the first military flag with sickle, ax, and five -pointed star was born; the autumn uprising uprising opened up the only correct revolutionary path in rural surrounding cities.

On September 9, 1927, the first military flag of the People's Army rose at the purple flower pier playground in Xiushui County, Jiangxi; on September 29 of the same year, the People's Army had the unchanged military soul in Sanwan Village; November 13 of the same year On the day, the Farmers Self -Defense Forces of Macheng County, Hubei established the "Huang'an County Farmers Government". Mr. Wu Lanzhen, a famous calligrapher in the county seat, was very happy to write a pair of couplets on the door of the farmers' government: "Hate the green forest soldiers, it is called blue sky and white day, and the darkness is buried in Huang'an County. Ji Ji supports the Red Army. " This is the first time that the "Red Army" has appeared as a phrase. On May 25, 1928, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided that the Workers and Peasants Revolutionary Army from all over the country officially named the "Red Army" -the people's army's most proud, most glorious, most revolutionary background, and the most inherited name.

On December 28, 1929, Mao Zedong had just passed his 36th birthday, and at the Ninth Congress of the Red Fourth Army Party held in the "Wanyuan Temple" held in Gutian Town, it clearly put forward the fundamental principle of "the fundamental principle of building the party and the political army". It stipulates the basic tasks of the people's army combat team, work team, and production team. Since then, the people's army has opened a journey of victory; Sudu Chishui, Wanli Long March, Liaohuai Pingjin ... Destroyed and invincible.

On July 11, 1933, the Interim Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic decided on August 1 to establish a memorial day for the Chinese Workers and Peasants' Red Army on August 1. This is the first six years after the people's army was born to the world to show their ID cards to the world. This year marks the 95th anniversary of the founding of the army, the 90th Army Festival.

On October 10, 1934, the Central Red Army (later known as the Red Army) gathered in Ruijin, Jiangxi, and then passed through the eight ferry crossing the river in the capital (Gongshui) in the capital. Wanli Long March. After that, the Red Army, the Red Fourth Army, the Red Errifying and Sixth Army (later known as the Red Army), from the Hejiachong of Luoshan, Henan, Tashan Bay, Cangxi County, Sichuan, and Liujiaping, Sangzhi County, Hunan, embarked on the road of the Long March. On October 22, 1936, the General Headquarters of the Red Second Army, the second legion, and the first legion and the second division were in the Tatao Castle of Xiji County, Guyuan City, Ningxia, marking the end of the Long March victory. It lasted 2 years and 12 days, 14 provinces, and over 18 large mountains (of which five of them were snowing all year round, 2700 miles a total of 2700 miles of snow mountains), crossing 24 rivers, walking through the vast grass (grass itinerary in total of 600 miles a total of 600 miles, a total of 600 miles a total of 600 miles ), More than 380 battles, captured more than 700 counties, sacrificed, disappeared, disappeared, and reduced their staff about 193,000, with an average of less than 70 meters. The Long March Road is a blood -stained road, and future generations must always remember. The Red Army's pick -up people are walking on the new Long March, and there are still Dadu Rivers, Snow Mountains, and Grassland.

In August 1938, the military song "Eighth Route Army" was created by the 28 -year -old Gongmu; one year later, the creation of the song by the 25 -year -old Zheng Ruocheng; two years later, in the summer of 1940, it was published in the Eighth Route Army Military and Political Magazine. Essence Since then, the melody of "forward, forward, forward" and "Mao Zedong's banner fluttering high" has sounded all the battlefields.

On April 21, 1949, Zhu De and Mao Zedong issued the order of "Beating the Yangtze River and liberating the whole China". In just 2 days, the bright red flag was inserted on the top of the Nanjing pseudo -presidential palace.

From the first gunshot of Nanchang City, to the Ceremony of the Republic of China, the ceremony of the Ceremony of the Republic of China sounded together. In 22 years, the people's army walked through thousands of mountains and mountains, and each step was carrying a blood mark.

On October 25, 1950, the people's army's footprints across the Yalu River with blood. In the absence of New China, in the case of being extremely difficult to raise, it was extremely difficult to raise. The first battle. 8 and a half months later, the United Nations Army helplessly sat at the negotiating table. After that, they talked about it. After another 2 years and 17 days, the highest commander in the United States had to sign on the first war against the war in the United States for the first time. , Make the United States an unintended myth completely bankrupt. At that moment, the volunteer army cheered, and the Chinese people raised their brows. We are still enjoying this great victory today. This is a special competence of advanced ideological armed soldiers and advanced soldiers equipped with armed forces. The War of Resistance to the United States and the DPRK was a brilliant chapter composed by the people's army in the history of human wars, and a peak battle for infantry operations. The Volunteer Army ’s loyalty to the motherland, loyalty to the people's beliefs, and bravery and tenacious will in the war of resistance to the United States and Aid DPRK are the source of the people's army's combat effectiveness. The soldiers are the foundation of victory, and the people's army cannot be defeated. Under high -tech technical conditions, the "People's War" is still a magic weapon for our enemy to win. With such a basic strategic judgment, we should be full of confidence. While talking about diplomatic languages, we should better speak "military language". The enemy is not a fool. He has his strategic judgment and gives him 10,000 courage, and he dare not dare to dare the sea of ​​the people's war. There are nearly 200 countries in the world and nearly 170 troops. Only us, we are the real people's army, can we fight the people's war and win the people's war. Without the October Revolution, there was no Chinese Communist Party; without the theoretical armed forces of Mao Zedong's thoughts without Sinicized Marxism, there would be no mature Communist Party of China; without the absolute leadership of the Communist Party of China, there would be no people's army; Without a people's army, there is no one for the people. This is the logic of history, the logic of blood marks, and the logic of forgetting to die. In addition to remembering the above time nodes, there are some time nodes that need to be understood:

On October 7, 1927, on the basis of the first regiment of the first division of the first division of the Workers and Peasants Revolutionary Army, the Maoping Medical Office was established in the former site of Panlong Academy in Maoping, Ninggang County, and in the summer of 1928, Established the Red Army Hospital in the red army near Zaping, known as the "Hongguang Hospital". This is the first regular hospital established by our army.

On May 22, 1928, the first serving factory in our army was officially established in Zhangjia Temple in Taoyu Village, Maoping Township. Before the founding of New China, the people's military uniforms did not have a uniform norm. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Central Military Commission approved the implementation of a new military uniform style on January 4, 1950. This is the first time that our military uniform military uniform uniformly equipped, unified standards, and unified standards was created to create a history of our army's military clothing.至今,先后进行了15 次军服改革调整,按时间顺序分别是:50式、55式、58式、62式、65式、71式、74式、78式、85式、87式、97式、 Type 99, 04, 05 and 07. Among them, "wearing a red star, the revolutionary red flag hangs on both sides" is the most beautiful memory of the veterans.

On February 16, 1930, a member of the Red Guards of Xuanhua Store, Dawu County, Hubei, Henan and Anhui, seized a plane of the Kuomintang army, and became the first aircraft in the history of our army. It was named "Lenin". Just as the "Song of Guerrillas" sung: There are no guns, no guns, and the enemy creates it.

In October 1931, the first large arsenal factory of the Central Red Army was established in Guantian Village, Liantang Township, Xingguo County.

In April 1946, the first arsenal of the Jilu and Yu Military Region, Shuangmiao Township, Shuangmiao Township, Qingfeng County, Henan Province, successfully successfully made the first infantry gun in the history of our military and workers, named it "Gai Liang".

On October 16, 1964, China's first atomic bomb exploded successfully marked the advent of the people's army to master the nuclear weapon era. After another two years and 8 months, on June 17, 1967, China's successful explosion of the first hydrogen bomb marked the birth of thermal nuclear weapons. The word "heat" increased the amount of nuclear weapons from 100,000 to hundreds of thousands of tons to tens of millions of tons. The daily maintenance technology of hydrogen bombs is extremely difficult. This problem in China is the only country in the world to maintain this strategic deterrence.

On April 24, 1970, China's first artificial earth satellite "Orient Red One" was launched successfully, with a design life of 20 days, and it still operates on the space track. As a result, the door to the development of empty and sky weapons and the exploration of space. After that, the killer of nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers, drones, hypersonic weapons, and other killers came out of the fish. The establishment of the China Space Station is undoubtedly a military and civilian command post in response to the conspiracy of the "Star Wars" conspiracy in the United States.

July 30, 2021 is another day with significance of significance. The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China conducts collective learning and clearly put forward the goal of achieving the 100 -year struggle of the army. This is a strategic plan and deployment made by accelerating the pace of national defense and the modernization of the army. The national military and civilians are inspiring, the people's army is loyal to the party, and the future of the people's army is as good as the sun!

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