The first automatic boarding bridge of the airport "wisdom" in Asia is put into use at Chengdu Tianfu Airport

Author:Cover news Time:2022.08.04

Cover Journalist Yang Jin Zhu Intern Tan Qingyue

At 15:30 on August 4th, Sichuan Airlines flight 3U6678 stopped at 209 airports in Chengdu Tianfu International Airport. Subsequently, the fully automatic boarding bridge installed at the aircraft was driven to the aircraft door under the system control. After more than 50 seconds, the automatic docking operation was successfully completed, marking the official put of the first automatic boarding bridge in Asia.

The fully automatic boarding bridge is an important achievement of Tianfu Airport's in -depth promotion of the construction of the "smart airport". The cabin visual positioning system installed on the boarding bridge access port can accurately identify and lock the aircraft cabin door, and transmit the information to the central control in real time to control The system, the AI ​​self -control system completes the docking operation, broke the limit of manual operation of the staff, and the single docking time was shortened by about 20 seconds compared to the traditional boarding bridge.

In addition, there are up to 20 sensors such as ultrasonic, millimeter waves, and lidar on the fully automatic boarding bridge. The sensors use redundant design to strengthen the data verification to ensure that the measured height, distance, and angle are more accurate and reliable. It provides a stronger security guarantee for the automatic boarding bridge by picking up the aircraft, and provides passengers with a smoother travel experience.

On November 2, 2020, Tianfu Airport, which is still in the construction stage, took the lead in introducing the fully automatic boarding bridge at the national airport and carried out installation and commissioning. In early 2022, Tianfu Airport conducted a second optimization and upgrade of the automatic boarding bridge, and with the strong support of Sichuan Airlines, the aircraft simulator docking test and the real machine docking test of the A321, A320, and A319 models were successively completed. According to the test situation and related work experience, 8 technical materials such as the "Test Report of the Passing Bridge Full Automatic Pickling Simulator Test Report" and the "Full Automatic Pickup Pickup Bridge Process" have been compiled. A solid foundation.

As the main hub airport of Chengdu International Aviation Hub, the total number of Tianfu Airport boarding bridges reached 127, ranking first among airports in the central and western regions of my country. In the next step, Tianfu Airport plans to explore the automatic pick -up and remote pick -up technology under the guidance of the Civil Aviation Administration. At present, Tianfu Airport is the first L3 -level commercial airport in China, and strives to become the first application airport in China to be the first L4 -level automatic boarding bridge, which further improves the intelligent level and operating efficiency of the airport. (Photo Conferring in Chengdu Tianfu International Airport)

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