The international community has strongly condemned and severely criticized Pelosi to visit Taiwan, China

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.08.05

On August 2nd, Perosi, the speaker of the United States Congress, visited Taiwan, China, regardless of the strong opposition and serious negotiations of the Chinese side. Multi -country political parties, politicians, and experts and scholars have strongly condemned and criticized this, arguing that this move seriously violated the three joint communiqué regulations of a Chinese principle and China and the United States. A Chinese principle, firmly supports all necessary measures that China takes the integrity of national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"In an attempt to" empty "a Chinese principle, the sinister heart will never succeed"

Fujita Gaojing, the chairman of Japan's "Inheritance and Development of Murakami Talks", believes that a Chinese principle is recognized as a recognized international relations. As an important political figure in the United States, Perosi visited Taiwan by U.S. aircraft, and blatantly abandoned the promise of the United States that did not support "Taiwan independence". It was a serious provocation of China and a rude interference with China's internal affairs, which destroyed regional stability and international order.

Mololopa, a member of the South African Governance Alliance and the General Admiration of the Communist Party of South Africa, said that Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is undoubtedly encouraging the "Taiwan independence" split activities, and the interference in China's internal affairs roughly will cause the situation in the Taiwan Strait and East Asia. Oppose the rude act of deliberately provoking the incident, the international community needs to jointly maintain international fairness and justice.

Bei Wenjiang, president of the Zhafel Eurasian Cooperation Promotion Association and geopolitical scholar, pointed out that the United States "scratched the ball" on the Taiwan issue more than once, trying to break through China's "red line" on the Taiwan issue. The US government's belief in a Chinese policy that has admitted and reiterated many times.

Kennis Hammond, a professor of history at New Mexico State University, said that Pelosi unnecessary to intensify the situation, and her behavior only conforms to the interests of those forces that want to be demonized China and try to prevent China's development and progress. The United States must stop fighting China's hypocrisy policies and practices.

Kenya scholar Stephen Endgva published a comment article in Kenn's Pinnar that Perosi ignored China's solemn negotiations and strong protests, and visiting Taiwan was a constant means of continuously provoking China by American politicians.

Blapa Plapa, a member of the Central Committee of the Laos, said that Perois's move is to provoke China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and try to hinder the unified process of cross -strait. Its sinister heart will never succeed. "

The Kilibas Political Party Caring President Adanttobilla said that the United States should abide by its commitment to a Chinese policy, rather than making the regional situation more complicated. We resolutely support the Chinese position.

The chairman of the South Korean and Korean City Friendship Association has said that Perosi's visit to Taiwan openly violates a Chinese principle. It is a dangerous provocative behavior. It is not conducive to the healthy development of Sino -US relations. factor.

Former Egyptian Prime Minister Sarav issued a statement saying that the basic criteria for international law and international relations must be respected, and the United States must abide by a Chinese principle.

Australian current affairs commentator Dai Ruo Gubi said that Perosi visited Taiwan to destroy Sino -US relations and did not achieve any results. This was not beneficial to the improvement of the international environment and stability.

Vealina Chacarova, director of the Institute of Europe and Security Policy, Austria and Security Policy, said that Peross visited Taiwan for his own private interest. From the beginning, he made a mistake. Essence

It is completely selfish "self -sales", which seriously damages regional peace, security and stability

Danis Simon, senior consultant at Duke University's Innovation Policy Center and senior counsel of Duke University in Duke University, said that Perlis's move reflects her failure to correctly treat China's role in international affairs and should not adopt an attempt to attempt Measures to further fight against China.

The European Parliament Michael Mick Wallace posted in social media that Perosi's visit to Taiwan is a selfish "self -sales", which seriously damages regional peace, security and stability. Perlis's move was unreasonable, and once again reflected the arrogance of the US government's self -righteousness.

Honorary Chairman of the Berlin Prussian Association, Honor, said that Peross's move proves that the reputation of the United States is collapsed and has to maintain its international hegemony through such rude and despicable behaviors.

Masham Ohha, chairman of the Chinese Society of Nepal, said that Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is contrary to the US reiteration of the commitment to adhere to a Chinese policy, violates the three joint communiqués of China and the United States, and once again interfere with the United States' dominant authority. Exposed to the world.

Ma Haoen, director of the Asian Affairs Committee of the Argentine International Relations Council, said that Perosi's visit to Taiwan is another embodiment of the United States in recent years. Destroy the cornerstone of the development of Sino -US relations.

Mahamamid Alm, a former Ambassador to China, believes that the equality of sovereignty and non -interference in the internal affairs are the basic principles of modern international law and the basic criteria for international relations. Regardless of the strong opposition and serious negotiations of China, Pelosi visited Taiwan, which seriously violated the principle of China and exposed that some American politicians lacked respect for other countries' sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"A series of countermeasures in China is legitimate and suitable, and it is the maintenance of regional peace and stability."

Zeng Jinghan, a professor of politics, philosophy and religious at the University of Langcaster in the United Kingdom, said that Perosi visited Taiwan and once again exposed individual politicians to the overall situation for individuals and elections. Kasteli, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Uruguay, said that Perosi's bold provocation exposed the aggression of US foreign policy. The Communist Party of Uruguay will unswervingly support the Chinese people's efforts to maintain national sovereignty and peace.

Andre Clemov, vice chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the Russian Council (Parliament) International Affairs Committee, said that Russia adhered to a Chinese principle and expressed strong condemnation and resolute opposition to any violation of China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Perlis's move is a serious provocation of China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and supports China to take all necessary measures to counter it.

Luo Siyi, former director of the Economic and Commercial Policy Department of the United Kingdom and a senior researcher at the Chongyang Financial Research Institute of Renmin University of China, said that all parties in the United States have no intention or unable to stop Perosi from visiting Taiwan, highlighting the useless and recklessness of US foreign policy. "A series of countermeasures in China is legitimate and suitable. It is the maintenance of regional peace and stability."

Alexese Muslov, Dean of the Asian and African Academy of Moscow, Russia, believes that Taiwan is an indispensable part of Chinese territory. Perlis's bad behavior makes many countries feel indignant. China takes necessary countermeasures to be completely legitimate. Reasonable, the international community generally supports China's position.

Lin Jiewu Tower, the founder and executive director of the Fresh News in Cambodia, said that Pelosi's behavior seriously violated a Chinese principle and destroyed the stability of Sino -US relations and the situation in the Taiwan Strait. It is completely reasonable and necessary for China to take related countermeasures.

Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan and former Secretary -General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Borat Nurgaliev, said that Kazakhstan resolutely supports a Chinese principle, and China and the United States properly manage the differences in the international community.

Source: People's Daily Client Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Editor: Wu Yizhen

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