The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that 8 countermeasures for Pelosi to go to Taiwan | Continuing practical joint training in the Eastern theater!

Author:Voice of Zhejiang Time:2022.08.05

Source: website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, CCTV News Client, CCTV Military, Eastern Theater

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced

8 countermeasures for Pelosi Terrace Camera

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in response to the strong opposition and serious negotiations of the Chinese parliament, Perosi, regardless of the strong opposition and serious negotiations of the Chinese side, insisted on visiting Taiwan, China, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on August 5 that the following countermeasures were adopted:

First, cancel the arrangement of leaders of the Chinese and American theater.

2. Cancel the work meeting of the Ministry of Defense in China and the United States.

3. Cancellation of the China -US maritime military safety consultation mechanism meeting.

Fourth, suspension of illegal immigrants from China and the United States.

V. suspension of criminal judicial assistance in China and the United States.

Sixth, suspension of Sino -US crackdown on cross -border crime cooperation.

Seventh, suspension of Sino -US anti -drug cooperation.

8. Surveillance of China -US climate change negotiations.

Earlier, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that in response to the bad provocative acts of Pelosi, China decided to take sanctions on Peross and its direct relatives in accordance with the relevant laws of the People's Republic of China.

The eastern theater continues to be located in the sea and air around Taimao

Perform practical combat joint training

On August 5th, the Eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army continued to conduct practical combat joint training in the northern, southwest, and eastern sea and air areas of Taima.

Five Chinese missiles fall into the Japanese exclusive economic zone?

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The so -called saying does not exist

On August 5, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hua Chunying presided over a regular press conference.

A reporter asked questions that Japan claimed that 5 ballistic missiles fell in the so -called "exclusive economic zone" in Japan yesterday. What are the Chinese side commented on this?

Hua Chunying said that this question actually answered the previous two days. The Chinese army carried out military training activities on the waters near the islands of China, and relevant departments have issued safety reminders and sailing warnings in advance. Chinese methods are in line with international law and international practice. As for you mentioned the "exclusive economic zone", you should know that the Japanese side should also know that China and Japan have no world in the relevant sea area, so there is no such thing as the so -called "Japanese exclusive economic zone".

In the past 24 hours, what have the PLA done?

Far fire launch, "Dongfeng" bright sword, hundreds of multi-type fighter aircraft, a new generation of air refueling machines transported oil-20, more than 10 farewood ships implemented joint sealing and control ... In the past 24 hours, what have the PLA done?

100 seconds review shocking scene

For the first time in the Eastern Theater, the EMU Pay Qin drill

Recently, the General Hospital of the Eastern theater carried out practical health exercises. For the first time, the EMU was used as a "sanitary train". The trains are set up in the revenue and disposal room, intensive care room, operating room, etc., and divide the compartment as a unit of medical security groups, logistics support groups and other working areas. It can be contaminated by more than 100 people such as walking wounded, stretcher wounded, and intensive wounded.

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