Five of the Achievements of National Defense and Army Construction in the New Era: The People's Army with excellent style

Author:Study legion Time:2022.08.07

Forging people with excellent style

——The new era of national defense and army building achievements fifth

■ PLA reporter Wang Yitao Wang Yitao Zhang Yan

The breeze is full, and the military camp Vientiane new.

Standing on the 95th anniversary of the founding of the army, looking at the entire army, from the northern border to the southwest border, from the southeast coast to the northwest Gobi. , Following the good situation of work and winning the good situation.

Ten years of hard work. President Xi tightly twisted the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and the army was not relaxed, and he took the lead. Under the above rate, the courage of the blade, the determination of the fierce medicine to go, the toughness of dripping the water, the strong wind, anti -corruption, strict rectification Gangsu Ji, who led the entire army and soldiers to write extraordinary answers with strong winds.

Ten years of spring and autumn. The whole army returned to the original heart, returned to tradition, regained the true nature, reshaped the thoughts, reshape the style, reshapes the political ecology, the anti -corruption struggle achieved an overwhelming victory and comprehensively consolidated. The good look of revolutionary soldiers.

Create the new situation in the new situation

Put on the training uniforms and put on the rank of troops ... This spring, a number of cadres in the 15 departments of the military committee organized a backpack and rushed to the grass -roots team to launch a 15 -day soldier squat.

I heard the soldiers snoring, and stood the Starry Night. Organizing the leaders of the organization and the squatting of cadres of the organs are a activity that President Xi is advocating in person to promote the construction of the style.

In May 2013, when President Xi visited the former Chengdu Military Region, which was the first -time cadre of the first cadre, he specially emphasized: "When a soldier should be true, squatting will really squat, and it will be true to be emotional. Good style. "

Practicing the mass line and returning to the "beginning of the soldiers" is a retrospective review of the original mission, and it is also the backbone of the style of style.

"Good style can shape the hero army. Loose style can break the master of Changsheng." This is the warning of President Xi.

"The nature of the people's army can never change, the tradition of the old Red Army can never be lost, and the hard work of hard work can never be changed. It is a good traditional and good style, which is the self -destruction of the Great Wall." This is the encouragement of President Xi.

Once upon a time, under the influence of long -term peaceful environment, the erosion of the bad atmosphere, the courageous and bloody will of this mighty division had been reduced, and the excellent tradition and the style of the original style were gradually drifting on some people ...

How to start a problem in the new era? After the issuance of the eight central regulations, President Xi and the Central Military Commission formulated ten provisions of the Military Commission for the first time to strictly standardize the military commission's leadership to improve the investigation, improve the wind, streamlined texts, improve the reception, and self -discipline.

The general regulations of the iron are ten years; the seemingly subtle things are today.

Perseverance and good work. In the past ten years, the implementation of the eight central regulations and the ten provisions of the Military Commission has not been reduced and the standards have not decreased.

The wind becomes above, and the vulgarization is below. "The improvement of the style must be from top to bottom, above and above. For the army, it is necessary to start from the Military Commission." Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, President Xi has presided over the Military Commission's Democratic Life Meeting of Democratic Commission to take the lead in conducting criticism and self -criticism. Essence From holding the plate to line up dishes, to face -to -face, he is often with officers and soldiers; from disregarding the fatigue of the officers and soldiers, to standing with the soldiers to stand on duty ... President Xi took the lead, setting a benchmark for the improvement of the entire army.

Such a scene is always engraved in the minds of the generals of the whole army: On October 31, 2014, during the Political Work Conference of the Gutian Army, President Xi and the representatives of participating in the meeting ate the "Red Army Rice" to encourage everyone to maintain the old Red Army forever. The "red rice rice and pumpkin soup" came from the deep history of that day, and walked into the hearts of the revolutionary soldiers in the new era, witnessing President Xi's inheritance of the fine tradition of the people's army.

At that time, the people's army was in Gutian Nirvana and reborn. Starting from Gutian, the people's army once again embarked on the road of self -tempering.

Twisting the roots of thought -the party's mass line education practice activities, the special education of "three strict and three real", "two studies and one doing" study education, "inherit the red gene, the heavy responsibility of serving the strong army" theme education, "do not forget the original intention, the original intention, the original intention, Keep in mind the "theme education of the mission, party history learning and education ... The baptism and style rectification of the thoughts and style will help officers and soldiers to put the rudder of steady thoughts and consolidate the vigor, vigor, and righteousness of moving forward.

Pure party atmosphere -printing and issuing the "Several Provisions on the Organization of Party Members of the Army" to study and formulate measures to strengthen the construction of high -level party committees. Party committees at all levels conscientiously implement the organizational life system, vigorously improve the quality of democratic centralized systems, and promote the further strict political life within the party. Democratic life with strong and strong party taste will return to the barracks again. The principles of political life and political life within the party are continuously enhanced, and party organizations have continued to improve their cohesion and combat effectiveness.

Grasp the "key minority" -how to live in the house, how to use the car, how to match the staff ... On January 1, 2018, the "Regulations on the Relevant Relations of Leading Cadres above the Army" began. In recent years, party committees at all levels of the army have effectively fulfilled the responsibilities of party management and party members and party management cadres, tightly twisted the "key minority" of leading cadres, and strengthened the restrictions and supervision of power operation. Leading cadres at all levels consciously improve their style and drive the "most" with "key minorities". Controlling "small things" and "small sections" -Ad the bus to send family members to eat, invoice reimbursement is not strict ... These "small things" that were not in the past are now on the "balance" of style discipline. The Central Military Commission Discipline Inspection Commission continued to inform the army of typical violations of discipline and discipline, and pursued accountability in accordance with the law. The entertainment on the wine table, corruption on the wheels, and cat greasy on welfare were effectively rectified.

Deep excavation of stubborn disease -cadre work inspections, financial work large inspections, training wind and style testing, industry atmosphere rectification, grass -roots atmosphere rectification, community cleanup and rectification, military comprehensive stop paid services ... a series of cleanup and rectification solves solved The officers and soldiers reflected strong prominent problems and eliminated various hidden accumulation.

Continuously rectifying the "Four Winds" -An new trends in the "Four Winds" issues, the entire army has continued to strengthen the disadvantages of the wind, and conducts in -depth style inspections. Loan, with the effect of it ... The breeze of the camp area fluttering, the image of the officers and soldiers is refreshing.

As the construction of the style gradually entered the "deep water area", President Xi and the Central Military Commission were clear, showing a firm determination. This is a new big tackling of the Ding Ding, a disadvantage of peace and disadvantages, and a big start of reborn.

The officers and soldiers said that the leaders and soldiers were more face -to -face, the heart was close, and the work style was more generous; the conference activities got rid of the tedious etiquette, big words, the venue was simple and solemn, and it would be simple and true. The annoyance things, the injury of drinking ... Many of the crooked winds that have been accustomed to the wind, and many of them have been cleaned by Zeng Si.

The style of fighting is connected, and the style is the combat effectiveness.

At the beginning of 2020, the epidemic of the new crown pneumonia raid the north and south of the river. More than 4,000 medical players in the army moved to Wuhan.

Under the unified command of the Party Central Committee, the Central Military Commission, and President Xi, the people's army and the people of the country gathered the majestic power of the city and the time of overcome. President Xi pointed out when inspecting Huoshen Mountain Hospital Command Center that the military medical staff of the army kept our army's purpose, and when they called, they could fight, and the battle could win, adding glory to the party flag and military flag.

For a long time, continue to work hard. The people's army realized a great return, and the ability to win a lot, and it is firmly moving forward on the new journey of disadvantages and clearing the wind and Qingheqing.

New ecology of anti -corruption anti -corruption and anti -changes

The party flag fluttered like a painting exhibition, and the breeze was full of sky.

On the eve of the "July 1st" in 2022, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was integrated to promote the 40 -time collective study of the dare not rot, not rot, or want to rot.

When chairing the study, Chairman Xi emphasized that the biggest political struggle that could never be loser or lost when he presided over his studies that anti -corruption struggle. It is necessary to deepen the understanding of the construction of the party's work style and clean government and the fight against corruption under the new situation, improve the ability and level of anti -corruption, and the fight against corruption, and to win the battle for anti -corruption struggle and lasting war.

History will remember this magnificent battle of anti -corruption--

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee and President Xi have incorporated the strict and strict governance of the party into the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, and put the army's positive and anti -corruption on the overall situation of the party and the state work, and the overall operation of the army's construction. Courage and Dingli promoted the construction of the party's clean government and the fight against corruption. They have stopped some crooked wind and evil spirits that have not been stopped for many years, solved many stubborn diseases that have not been resolved for a long time, and removed the serious hidden dangers of the party, the country, and the army. The loose and soft situation of governing the party was fundamentally reversed, and it explored the success path of relying on the party's self -revolution to jump out of the historical cycle rate.

Ten years of positive wind and anti -corruption, the more stricter the later, the "anti -corruption can strengthen the army" has become a broad consensus and unified will of the whole army. From the fundamental transformation of the fundamental transformation of "dare" and "not" to "do not want". The positive energy of the people's army's strong army was unprecedented.

——The high -pressure punishment and deterrent, becoming a "dare" thunder trend.

"There must be no corruption in the party. The army takes a gun, let alone the hiding place of corrupt elements." In 2012, President Xi made a clear attitude at an important meeting, released the army strictly governing the army, heavy heavy governance, heavy weight, and heavy weights. Boxing strong signal.

The sharp ax broke the ice, and the turbidity was clear. Under President Xi ’s person and deployment in person, the people’ s army made a thunder fist on the issue of corruption.

In recent years, the tone of the army has insisted on strict the tone, and the fight against corruption is strongly promoted, insisting on the Forbidden Zone, full coverage, zero tolerance, adhere to the heavy curb, high pressure, long deterrent, resolutely curb increment, reduce stock, anti -corruption work, work against corruption work Continuously deepen to the field of key industries and continue to extend to the end of the grassroots.

There is no restricted area for anti -corruption, and law enforcement has no special cases. A large number of corrupt elements in the army such as Guo Boxiong, Xu Caihou, Fang Fenghui, Zhang Yang, etc. were ropeed by a group of leaders at or above the military level. There is no upper limit. The whole army strongly felt that before the party discipline and national laws and regulations, no one was the "iron hat king". There were no so -called amulets and no safe safe. The wind is anti -corruption, and the trickle is light. At all levels, we pay attention to the construction of grass -roots trends, seriously investigate and deal with the interests of occupying soldiers, intervene in the sensitive affairs of the grassroots, and vigorously rectify the corruption and unhealthy wind around the officers and soldiers. From high -level organs to grass -roots teams, from leading cadres to ordinary party members, from employees to retired cadres, from the installation of people and property to engineering, medical care, scientific research ... Bring bribes and bribes, checked together, "tiger" and "flies" together, "big disease" and "small disease" together, the strong trend of the overall field, all -round, and full -time high -pressure strict treatment has been formed.

——The weaving cage, build a "cannot" sturdy dam.

In 2022, the Central Military Commission's organs issued 12 key industries in power operation constraints and regulatory regulations to provide a strong institutional guarantee for promoting logistics, equipment systems in accordance with the right to rule of law, full -process management, and integrity.

Those who are good at getting the harm check their own, and those who are good at rationalians are absolutely their source.

"Put off the power into the cage of the system." Under the strong leadership of President Xi, the entire army summarized and in -depth analysis of the practice of corrupt corruption since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and accelerated the "supervision of supervision of governing power and governing power. "Net", both "forbidden before it" and "forbidden after."

The densely introduced or revised the "Regulations on the Work of the Central Military Commission", "Several Provisions of the Strict Military Party Member Leading Cadres", "Regulations on Implementing the Supervision of the Party", "Regulations on the Accountability of the Army", etc. Regulations. In -depth promotion of the construction of power system in key industries to restrict the construction of the regulatory system, implement rigid measures such as decentralization, co -management, supervision, openness, marks, and accountability, and put on the cage of management for power.

The gaps of the system are filled with vulnerabilities, the loopholes are blocked, and the gaps are strict. The officers and soldiers said that they were so large that they were as small as small and small, and now they have strict rules and put on the "tight curse". The increasingly dense "cage of tube" has become a firm dam that curbs corruption and spread.

——In strengthen education guidance, solidarity "do not want" ideological defense.

There is no delusion inside to act without any delusion.

Comprehensive inspections and cleanups, deeply digging the root and disadvantages, to see the bottom ... comprehensively and thoroughly clear the influence of Guo Boxiong, Xu Caihou, Fang Fenghui, and Zhang Yangliu, purely the thinking of officers and soldiers, pure cadre teams, and pure political ecology.

From the special films "Always on the Road", "Inspective Sword", to the warning film "The Life and Death on the Road of the Strong Army", "The Battlefire Strong Army" ... A part of the anti -corruption force shook the three armed forces, questioning the original heart and the soul.

Incorporate the law and discipline education and warning education into the ideological and political education system of the whole army, supervise the party committee secretary and secretary of the disciplinary committee of the unit level or above, to give disciplinary party lessons, carry out discipline and send the law to the grass -roots activities, and promote the party rules and party discipline into the teaching of military colleges ... … Shocking the education of the soul again and again has consolidated the foundation of officers and soldiers to refuse corruption and corrosion.

Highlight the "big head" of young officers and soldiers, to twist the beginning of the party, the beginning of being an official, and the beginning of office, focus on the key sensitive positions of direct management of money, and to increase ideological attention and disciplinary education. "The first buckle" ...

The results are obvious to all, and the changes are all overwhelmed. Many past hopes have become today's reality. The new changes brought about by the people's army's anti -corruption, like sunshine, rain dew, pushing the army camps, nourishing officers and soldiers, and engraving in the historical process of realizing the dream of a strong army.

Create a new pattern of supervision and discipline

This is another important moment in the journey of governing the army and strictly governing the army-

On the afternoon of March 7, 2022, President Xi attended the Fifth Session of the 13th National People's Congress of the PLA and the Armed Police Forces delegation to the President of the National People's Congress. The industry provides a strong protection of the rule of law.

The style is leaves, the rule of law is the root, and the system is the original.

After 95 years, the people's army faced a new test of the era. To maintain the style of style, we must inherit both mental blood and innovate institutional mechanisms; we must carry forward the fine traditions and reform.

In response to the disadvantages and loopholes of the system construction of the Gudian Army Army's Political Work Conference, at all levels insist on abolition and reform, clean up and regulate, promote the formation of a full -chain and full process, operational supervision, accountable, accountable, accountable and systematic system. Treatment of the standard to the root cause.

——The system mechanism innovation and release of strong effectiveness.

In 2013, President Xi approved the "Decision of the Central Military Commission to carry out inspections", and the inspection institution of the Central Military Commission came into response.

In 2016, the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Military Commission, the Military Commission Political and Legal Committee, and the Audit Office of the Military Commission appeared in the sequence of the military committee and authorities of the newly adjusted.

The new Military Commission Discipline Inspection Commission was established, the Military Commission Supervisory Commission was established and the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Military Commission was directly led by the Military Commission. At the same time, the disciplinary inspection and supervision team was dispatched to the military commission and the war zone to play the role of disciplinary inspection and supervision and inspection and inspection and supervision. Establish a Military Commission Audit Office to further reform the audit and supervision system, and all implement the audit. Establish a new Military Commission Political and Legal Committee, adjust the military judicial system, and set up military courts and military procuratorates in accordance with the regional to ensure their authority and fairness in accordance with the law. The system changes the world. A series of pioneering and strategic decisions effectively solve the problems of poor system execution and insufficient power operation supervision system, especially the problems of insufficient restrictions and supervision of leaders and cadres to exercise power.

——The policy strategy innovation shows comprehensive strictness.

Since the promulgation of the "Regulations on Implementing the Supervision of the Party" in 2018, the party organizations at all levels of the army deepened the use of the "four forms" of supervision and discipline, especially in the first form. "The wrong understanding, grasping early and grasping small, preventing micro -ducts, laying defense, tightening the reins of discipline.

A senior disciplinary inspection and supervisor cadre said: "In recent years, the atmosphere of observing discipline and law of the entire army has become stronger, and many problems have been treated in a timely manner during the budding stage. The widespread use of the four forms of supervision and discipline. "

——The method of innovation to form a strong deterrent.

Inspection inspections, supervision, inspection and unannounced visits, cross -inspection, and special rectification ... Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our military supervision and discipline have achieved diversified innovation. Under the new system, it was strongly opened, and it appeared in effect in Zhengfeng's anti -corruption work.

In June 2017, a heavy news came: Disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies above the military -level units, generally established a grass -roots atmosphere supervision point in the tourist group -level unit. This is a practical measure to implement the chairman of the internship on the rectification of the grassroots level.

At the beginning of 2018, after the training mobilization of the Central Military Commission, a special supervision of the training of the army was launched in the army. Some officers and soldiers were suspended and promoted for failure to meet the standards and were seriously held accountable for their poor style in training and assessment. In the past ten years, the methods and methods of military training and monitoring have been continuously innovated and improved, and the troops have been promoted to practice.

Stepping on the stone and catching the iron traces. Looking back at ten years, the People's Army has resolutely put discipline and rules in front, and condenses the will of iron with iron discipline, the style of iron refining the iron, and the team of forging iron. And consciously follow. A retired old cadre sincerely lamented: "The good style of our army is back, and it has developed!"

Xiongguan Man Dao is really like iron, and now walking from scratch.

In the first ten years, the army was strong, with a magnificent and anger.

The construction of the style is always on the road, the construction of anti -corruption and advocating integrity will always be on the road, and the party will always be on the road!

Looking forward to the new journey in the future, the goal is firm and the fighting spirit is high.

▲ Published on August 7th Edition 1 and 3 of the PLA News

Source 丨 PLA Daily

Produced 丨 Ou Chan Zhang Xiaohui

Editor -in -law 丨 Liu Jianwei Yan Shan Xie Fei

Responsible editor 丨 Zhang Yang

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