A spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense Wu Qian on the cancellation of the three exchanges between China and the United States and the US media related speculation reporters on the cancellation of China and the United States.

Author:Study legion Time:2022.08.08

Answer: The current situation of the Taiwan Strait is tight and the United States is completely provoked and made by the United States. The United States must bear all responsibilities and serious consequences for this. China has stated its strict position on the relationship between the two armies of China and the United States and the Taiwan issue, especially for the US Speaker Pelosi to visit many serious negotiations. Manufacturing the tension of the Taiwan Strait.

In response to the bad provocative act of the United States, China announced eight countermeasures, including the cancellation of the call for the leadership of the Chinese and American theater leaders, canceling the work meeting of the Ministry of Defense in China and the United States, and canceling the China -US military safety consultation mechanism meeting. China ’s anti -countermeasures are necessary warnings to provocate the United States and Taiwan. It is completely reasonable and appropriate for national sovereignty and security.

The bottom line is not allowed to break through, and communication requires sincerity. While the United States created a crisis, while claiming to control the crisis, to find a term, covering a word for their wrong words and deeds and provocations, and even the external speculation, confusing audiovisual, and blame, we resolutely opposed it. We urge the United States to actively respect the core interests and major concerns of the Chinese side, abandon the fantasy of "Taiwan", and do not go further and further on the wrong road.

Source 丨 Published by the Ministry of Defense

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