Is the U.S. warshiping through the Taiwan Strait?Whether the aircraft carrier dispatches or not becomes a focus, we are all winners

Author:Kim Can Rong Channel Time:2022.08.10

According to, COLIN KAHL, deputy minister of the US Department of Defense, the US Department of Defense, described the measures of Chinese countermeasures as a "coercion" of the Chinese counterpart. He claimed that the United States " Can't get into it. " He said that the United States estimates that mainland China will not take military operations against Taiwan in the next two years; at the same time, it is also said that the U.S. military will travel through the Taiwan Strait in the next few weeks. He also claimed that it is important to let the Chinese side know the military forces of the United States in the region and will continue to pass the so -called "international waters" from the Taiwan Strait and other so -called "international waters".

Sure enough, the United States is still confusing the audiovisual, saying that mainland China ’s military exercise to Taiwan is“ coercion ”Taiwan, and also claims that the Taiwan Strait is“ international waters ”. This is a typical upside -down black and white. Why does mainland China carry out such unprecedented islands on Taiwan? The most fundamental cause is that Peross No. 3 Perosi has visited Taiwan regardless of the warning and obstruction of the Chinese side. It is the United States and Taiwan's hooks that have changed the situation in the Taiwan Strait, not in mainland China. We are just passive counterattacks. As for whether the Taiwan Strait is "international waters", mainland China has already issued a statement to the world. The statement of "international waters" is not established. The sovereignty and jurisdiction of the Taiwan Strait belong to China.

Under such a background, the United States announced so high -profile that it will travel through the Taiwan Strait in the next few weeks, which is naked to provoke China. The United States still wants to platform for Taiwan authorities to declare that the US military forces have not left. Even if the mainland breaks through the so -called "Taiwan Strait midline", the United States has the ability to send troops here, and then express the so -called " Safety commitment ". Judging from the current public information, the United States will probably send warships through the Taiwan Strait in the near future, and everyone is not too worried about it. I just worry whether the United States will imitate the case of the "Nimitz" aircraft carrier directly through the Taiwan Strait during the "Taiwan Strait Crisis" in 1996 and send aircraft carriers through the Taiwan Strait. After all, the situation in the Taiwan Strait is even more dangerous than in 1996, and the United States' "Reagan" aircraft carrier has also been active in the Western Pacific in recent days, watching the mainland military exercises from Taiwan.

Looking at it now, there is no possibility, but the probability is low. First of all, the American aircraft carrier formation is more cherished. When the military exercise against Taiwan was announced in mainland China, the "Reagan" aircraft carrier retreated hundreds of kilometers overnight, away from the mainland exercise area. When I saw the military exercise coming soon, from the 6th to 7th, the "Reagan" aircraft carrier moved to about 140 nautical miles south in Western Pacific. It seemed to go to the Taiwan Strait to declare a sense of existence. However, the military exercise in mainland China continued to "delay", and it has not yet stopped on the 8th and 9th. The Morizer's aircraft carrier moved back to the northeast from the 8th to 9th from the 8th to 9th. Today, the "Reagan" is getting farther and farther from the Taiwan Strait.

This shows that the United States is never willing to place the aircraft carrier under the scope of the mainland, which is too stressful to the US aircraft carrier. In other words, the United States uses aircraft carriers to pass the Taiwan Strait, and the mainland does not need to use missiles. Direct rocket launchers and shore defense cannons can cover the strait waters. Risked such risks.

Secondly, there is no need to provoke Mainland China at all. Its biggest purpose of sailing the Taiwan Strait is to declare the military existence of the US military in the region. This purpose can send a destroyer to achieve it. , It is also easy to stimulate the situation. Such a loss -making business in the United States will not do it, it is meaningless and worthless. If the aircraft carrier is sent, it will make the US aircraft carrier a living target and the target of the PLA, and take the opportunity to collect information and materials about US aircraft carriers. After all, it is rare It is beneficial.

In the end, mainland China has already made full and fully prepared in the Taiwan Strait. If we are not familiar with the blockbuster of the Taiwan military exercises before the mainland, we are not familiar with the blockade of the sea. of. For the response to the US warships through the Taiwan Strait, mainland China is even more familiar with cars. The whole process is the most basic operation with the supervisor. If you go further, it is not impossible to get close to interception. Of course, there are also military exercises that often come on the Internet on the Internet, blocking the US warships on the strait and not allowing them to come out. The mainland has the strength to do it.

Therefore, the U.S. military may send the extreme provocation of aircraft carrier the limit, but it must not be guarded. Actively prepare for all preparations. Several taps, maybe Taiwan may not be able to surrender. Therefore, whether it comes or not, we are all invincible and winners. Let's wait and see!

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