Dream Chasing Flame Blue · Guarding Wanjia Lights 丨 National Mountain Mountain Rescue Tai'an Brigade: Forging "Peerless Soldiers"

Author:China Youth Network Time:2022.08.11

China Youth Network Tai'an, August 11th (Reporter Song Yan) In recent years, outdoor sports have been hot, and mountains have increased year by year. The National Mountain Mountain Rescue Tai'an Brigade is based on the characteristics of mountain rescue, and gradually built into a fist team with a "fast response, motorized efficiency, combination of flat war, and specialized".

In actual training. National Mountain Mountain Rescue Tai'an Brigade Photo Conferry

The main task of the National Mountain Mountain Rescue Tai'an Brigade is to undertake the danger of mountains, cranes, caves, caves, injuries and climbing, climbing, adventure, and camping activities in the area under its jurisdiction. The most important thing in mountain rescue is search and rescue. During the rescue process, due to the steep cliff terrain, it is difficult to determine the specific location of the trapped persons, or the differences between the map and the actual route, and the rescue is extremely difficult.

In order to quickly and accurately find the trapped people in the complex environment of mountainous areas, the National Mountain Mountain Rescue Tai'an Brigade conducts a comprehensive training training with the highest standards and strictest requirements, and uses the "Tianmen Cloud Ladder" as a "runway", the Wanzhang cliff as the cliff as a cliff as the cliff as the cliff as the cliff as the cliff as the cliff as the cliff. The "training tower" uses the winding fire line as a "training ground." At the same time, comprehensive training facilities such as rock climbing, narrow space and high -altitude ropeway rescue are completed to meet the needs of emergency rescue and duty training. Based on the characteristics of mountain rescue, the National Mountain Mountain Rescue Tai'an Brigade purchased more than 3,000 (sets) international high -end mountain rescue equipment, deployed 3 mountain duty vehicles, and specially conducting vehicles, forming advanced and efficient mountain rescue operations. At present, more than 30 firefighters from the National Mountain Mountain Rescue Tai'an Brigade have obtained professional qualifications such as rope technology and field rescue.

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