On -site video 丨 Open today, handsome appearance!

Author:Study legion Time:2022.08.13

Meet the Silk Road Licheng Gong Military Congress

——A Chinese Army hosted the "International Military Competition-20122" in Korla opened

■ Wang Xia Li Yanhong Liberation Army reporter Qian Xiaohu Champions League Hao

The desert Licheng Qi Lian, passionately fighting Huangsha. On the morning of August 13th, the opening ceremony of the "International Military Competition-20122" Korlas, hosted by the Chinese Army, was grandly held. Participating officers and men from 5 countries gathered together to deepen exchanges and cooperation, and to join the military event.

Cirlaw, the pearl of the Pearl, is the throat of the ancient Silk Road. Since 2017, the Chinese Army has held five international military competitions in the region and completed a total of 14 events. Enterprises and soldiers from various countries have studied skills and progress here, leaving good memories of competition in the same field, and achieved the fruitful results of military exchanges and cooperation.

At 11 am, the entry ceremony officially started. Along with the melody of "Singing the Motherland", 12 ceremonies of the five -star red flag and the "International Military Competition" flag in the "Gongbing Gao Qing Five Star Red Flag and the" International Military Competition "will take the lead in watching the ceremony. The participating teams entered the venue in turn, and the viewing platform cheered one after another, expressing a warm welcome to the participants from afar.

Following the exciting melody of "New Army's Mobility", the Chinese teams composed of 23 army officers and soldiers finally entered the game neatly. The military was strict and full of energy.

At 11:30, as the colorful fireworks bloomed in the air, the Korlas opened solemnly in the cheers and shouts of the staff of the audience, pushing the atmosphere to a climax.

Competition in the same field to create excellent achievements and communicate with the song of peace. It is reported that from August 13th to 26th, more than 200 officers and soldiers in five countries will compete fiercely around the two projects of "Suvolov Assault" and "Security route". During this period, it will also intersperate organizational equipment display and cultural exchanges. Each participating national officers and soldiers will deepen the military field cooperation and enhance mutual trust and friendship in exchanges and mutual learning.

Author 丨 Wang Xia Li Yanhong Liberation Army News reporter Qian Xiaohu Champions League Hao

Photography 丨 PLA reporter Luan Yan

Video 丨 Zhang Guangdong Yu Zhanmiao Bao Zhongzheng

Source 丨 Learning Legion (ID: xuexijuntuan)

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