The 60th anniversary of the death of Lei Feng | The "top flow" that is not out of date, the eternal Lei Feng spirit

Author:Relay Press Time:2022.08.15

Today is the 60th anniversary of Lei Feng's death.

Today, 60 years ago, Lei Feng, the good son of the working people, left us forever.

The author Xu Lu described that day to us in "Lei Feng -a drop of water in the sea".

It was a small rainy morning that Lei Feng and his comrades -in -arms Qiao Anshan drove a transport vehicle back to the army to pull the construction material. When they arrived at the station, Lei Feng got out of the car and greeted Qiao Anshan to drive the car to another open space, ready to wash the sediment on the car.

Lei Feng fully commanded his comrades -in -arms to reverse, but when the car turned, the left rear wheel suddenly slid into a small ditch, and the body also knocked down a rude wooden stake. The incident happened, the stakes hit Lei Feng's head, he was unconscious on the spot ...

When the doctor came, Lei Feng had stopped breathing, and he could never hear the painful call of his comrades ...

On the third day after Lei Feng's sacrifice, nearly 100,000 people escorted him through the last journey.

Lei Feng's young life is over, but his spirit is forever. His story is like Cang Song, like a cypress, and began to grow in the north, south of the motherland, inside and outside the Great Wall ...

Do not make weak seedlings in the greenhouse

After Lei Feng grew up and joined the army, he was assigned to transport Lian Dangdang. Before learning car driving technology, he first received military training in recruits.

The recruit training starts with throwing the grenade. For those new soldiers with large waists, there is not much difficulty to reach the pass standard, and the grenade becomes particularly heavy as soon as Lei Feng's hands are.

Lei Feng made his efforts to pass his efforts. He begged to win, constantly practicing, his arm was painful, and he couldn't get through.

After receiving the exercise, he heard the reasons why the team members analyzed his failure. Lei Feng was so angry that he was so bad. Even the grenade was not allowed to invest and was not far away.

In the evening, his comrades were resting, and Lei Feng quietly ran to the playground and desperately practiced with moonlight.

It is precisely because of this spirit of fear of difficulties and courage, and Lei Feng's final training scores have successfully reached the standard.

He wrote such a motto in his diary:

Comrade Lei Feng:

May you do the pine cypress in the storm,

Don't want to make weak seedlings in greenhouses.

Nail spirit

Lei Feng has exceeded himself in the diary and encourages himself:

A good wooden board, there is no eye on it, but why can the nail be nailed? This is squeezed in by pressure and drilled in.

From this point of view, there are two advantages in the nails: one is squeezing and the other is drilling. In our studies, we must also advocate this "nail" spirit and be good at squeezing and drilling.

How does Lei Feng practice the spirit of nails?

Lei Feng is a "reading fan" and loves reading. As long as he has a little idleness, he will open the book that you carry with him and read it. Most of Lei Feng's reading time was squeezed out like this. With this kind of squeezing, not long after joining the army, Lei Feng not only finished reading the "Mao Zedong Selected Works" one to four volumes, but also read other popular philosophical works, as well as literary works.

"Serving the people is unlimited"

Lei Feng often practiced a sentence he wrote in his diary with his own words and deeds:

Human life is limited, but serving the people is unlimited. I want to invest a limited life into the infinite "serving the people" ...

Survational is almost the "normal" in Lei Feng's life.

One day in April 1961, the head of the army arranged for Lei Feng to go to Lushun to perform the task. On the train, Lei Feng watched the waiter who was busy turning the group, and he wanted to help the waiter to do something.

It happened that there was an old lady who couldn't find a seat, so Lei Feng gave up his seat to the old man, and turned to be a "voluntary waiter" herself.

Another time, Lei Feng went on a business trip and changed the car at Shenyang Station. When he met a white -haired, the big lady with a stick with a stick, and walking was very difficult to walk. When asked, she knew that she was going to look at her son. So he accompanied the old lady to Fushun. It turned out that the old lady was the first time to see her son, and did not know where he lived. The good people of Lei Feng made it to help her find her son's residence.

Lei Feng has done too much to help people like this, which can be said to be countless.

The story of his wholehearted service for the people not only spread in the company, but also spread on the railway line in the Northeast.

Therefore, people praised the image and funnyly praised: "Lei Feng has a thousand miles away, and a good thing has been a train."

Although Lei Feng's life was short, the spirit he left was beyond the times and national boundaries. The spirit of Lei Feng became synonymous with noble, selfless, love, forgetfulness, and dedication.

Lei Feng's spirit will never be out of date.

If you want to know more about Lei Feng's touching stories, and perceive the eternal and great spirit of Lei Feng, please open "Lei Feng -a drop of water in the sea".

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"Lei Feng -Drop of Water in the Sea" was jointly published by the Party Building Reading Press and Relay Press.The author Xu Lu used the vivid, simple and childlike writing writing, and talked about the touching details of Lei Feng's growth and a rich spiritual world.Chinese Pioneer Story Story Remarks (first, second, third series)

Published by Party Construction Reading Publishing House and Relay Press

The "Chinese Pioneer Story Story" is a series of books that help young readers to make the first buttons in life.This series of books was selected as the reading guidance directory (2020 edition) of the National Primary and Middle School Students, and won 30 good books in the 2019 China Edition Association.

Open the book to understand the touching details of the growth process of the times, and interpret the spiritual password behind the ordinary and great characters through the American text.Help young readers to fight the spiritual background, lead young readers to be an integrity, forge, and noble ideals, a person who is useful for the country and society.

Editor in charge: Lu Li

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