Taiwan media: The crisis of the Taiwan Strait exposes the four weaknesses in the United States

Author:Global Times Time:2022.08.18

The "China Times" article on August 16th, the original title: The Taiwan Strait crisis damaged the US international image and cited crisis, and the United States was not ill. The United States must be fully responsible for Perlix's visit to Taiwan. Judging from the reactions of all parties, it is difficult to understand why in the autumn of events. American politicians ran to the world's most sensitive areas to create trouble, causing unnecessary turmoil. The narrow interest -driven pragmatism behavior obviously lacks the overall concept and the height of strategy, and it is the fault that is hit by pain. The unpopular situation is also reflected in public opinion.

It is difficult to respond to the United States. China took the post -developer strategy for Perlis's visit to Taiwan, but the large -scale island military exercise was still surprised by the United States and was completely caught off guard. The scale of training, many arms, and planning are far beyond the expectations of the United States. Based on common sense, it can be judged that this training has two -way and dual effects in inside and outside. It has the role of encirclement in the Taiwan island. The function of refusing to stop in the outside area can be described as two birds with one stone. The signal to the United States is a serious warning to the United States, and declare that the maintenance of sovereignty and territorial integrity, strong determination, and strong ability. The exercise told the United States that the PLA was capable of blocking Taiwan Island and not fighting, deterring each other. It can be speculated that as long as there is a need, such a quasi -blocking may become real blockade. In this regard, the United States was unprepared, and the second could not be power.

The new normal, how can the United States face it. Obviously, the United States has made a big mistake, and the Taiwan Strait pattern has changed sharply. First, the Taiwan Strait "midline" is not the same in the future; second, under the firepower of the People's Liberation Army outside the Taiwan Sea; third, Dongfeng missiles fly over the Taiwan Island, and the scope of strike is as far as possible. This can be said to be the new normal of the Taiwan Strait. This is a domestic action and situation that makes it difficult for the United States to face it. It is difficult even if the United States takes great efforts to deal with it. The United States knows that China and Russia have dare not make the Taiwan Straits the second battlefield.

This time the United States exposed several weaknesses: one is to cope with the poor crisis; the other is to face the lack of confidence in the military strategy of other elements; the third is that its Asia -Pacific allies are not strong; the fourth is that the United States has not desperately fighting in the Taiwan Strait. Prepare. This is objective to objectively appear the inflection point of the game between the China and the United States. China will create conditions to promote the unified process according to their goals. The United States has been challenged in the past and will be forced to adjust and repair to avoid greater setbacks and losses. The United States also urgently needed China to cancel eight countermeasures against the United States to maintain multilateral and even global cooperation to maintain a small diplomatic achievement. Now, fighting without breaking has become the basic choice of the United States, which is a bit surprising. (Author Wang Hailiang)

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