20 pilots, the plateau first flying

Author:Xilu Qiangjun Time:2022.06.18

Text 丨 Huang Peng, Huang Xinglei, Li Sicheng

The rotor roar, the war eagle array. Recently, the "Heroes of the Heroes" organized 20 new pilots to complete the first -plate flight training at an airport of the Snowy Plateau.

Check the helicopter

Based on the characteristics of the plateau, the brigade fully researched the special conditions that may occur during the flight, solidly carried out preparations such as aviation learning, cockpit internships, ground drills, etc., finely formulated flight plans, and rationally paired with flight crews. , Ensure training quality.

Following a flight plan

"169, the inspection is good, you can take off." After the tower instruction was issued, several fighter jets were lifted off in turn to fly to the target airspace.

Helicopter ground driving

"169, 300 meters high, entering the cloud." Shortly after taking off, the tower received a report from the air unit. The weather in the plateau area changes rapidly, the helicopter changes after the clouds enter the cloud, and the body produces a fierce bumps. At this time, the new pilot Huang Xinglei was tightened, and the manipulation movement became stiff.

Helicopter take off

"Concentrate, relax your body, keep a good flight state ..." Huang Feng, a flying instructor in the rear cabin reminded in time through radio. Huang Xinglei immediately adjusted the flight state in accordance with the ground collaboration plan. After passing through the clouds, he continued to manipulate the helicopter for the scheduled flight course training.


After walking down the war, Huang Xinglei was sweating. He said with emotion: "When the plateau is flying, the weather is complex and changeable. The difficulty of flight control has doubled.

Armed helicopter formation flight

It is reported that the brigade will further strengthen the construction of the captain and pilot team of the Plateau, organize special conditions, formation flights, and real bomb shooting at different altitudes, and refine the pilot's Plateau flight combat capabilities.

Helicopter returns

Machine staff guidance helicopter

Wings, plump in soaring

Expansion in fighting

A new group of young pilots

Such as a bit of Xinghui gradually entered the mighty battle array

Eagle strikes are bound

- END -

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