East Yingwa Land 2022 Maritime joint inspections law enforcement operation

Author:Popular Network · Dongying Time:2022.08.26

Popular Network · Poster Journalist Kong Xiangru Correspondent Chen Jingxu Zhang Yingxu Dongying reported

In order to do a good job in the management and control of the sea area, actively respond to the severe situation of overseas epidemic input, severely crack down on various types of illegal criminal activities in the sea, test the effectiveness of law enforcement cooperation in the sea -related departments, and promote the effective results of the "Hundred Days of Actions" in summer public security. In August, August On the 26th, the Dongying Entry -Exit Border Inspection Station, Dongying Maritime Police Station, Dongying Maritime Safety Administration, Dongying Customs Anti -Smuggling Bureau, and Dongying Public Security Bureau Coast Police Detachment jointly carried out inspections and law enforcement operations in Dongying Sea.

During the operation, the participating units innovatively used the form of "enforcement boats maritime inspection, law enforcement vehicle land inspections, monitoring system electronic inspections" and other forms. The three -dimensional inspection model, comprehensively touched the waters of the East Camp Sea illegal and illegal acts, and created a high -pressure deterrent situation of strict control. All units have also carried out joint research and judgment on the recent situation of waters control and epidemic prevention and control, exchanged and reached consensus on related tasks such as resource sharing and information interoperability. Law enforcement operations have severely crack down on various types of maritime violations of laws and regulations, and strive to build a governance pattern of group defense and co -construction and sharing.

By carrying out the co -inspection law enforcement operations of the maritime at sea, the maritime law enforcement duty capabilities and collaborative combat effectiveness of the participating units were effectively inspected, and the firm determination to jointly maintain the continuous security and stability of the Dongying waters, showing the new actions of law enforcement work in maritime law enforcement units And new weather.

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