Associated Press: NASA launched the moon exploration satellite in New Zealand for the astronaut again to launch a new orbit for the moon

Author:China Well -off Time:2022.06.30

China Well -off. June 29th. The Old Malaysia Airlines Astronautics hopes to test a new track around the moon. It is hoped that in the next few years, it will use the orbit to land the astronauts on the surface of the moon again.

The electronic rocket of the Rocket Lab was erected on May 17, 2022 on the launching table on the Marician Peninsula of New Zealand

The Associated Press AP reports that it is launching a test satellite from New Zealand.Late on Tuesday, the initial stage of launch was performed as planned, and rockets with satellites reached space.

If the rest of the task is successful, the Capstone Cubesat satellite is only the size of a microwave oven, which will become the first satellite to surround the new path, and will send back important information back to at least six months.

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