They say one thing and do another!The U.S. ship breaks into the sea collar sea in China, and the warships on both sides face face -to -face confrontation

Author:Kim Can Rong Channel Time:2022.07.13

Author: Battle Law Express

According to the Global Network, the Southern Theater spokesman Tian Junli Air Force said that on July 13, the US "Benford" missile destroyer illegally broke into the Xisha collar sea without the approval of the Chinese government. Sea and air forces were tracked and monitored and warned. The US military's acts seriously violate China's sovereignty and security, severely damage the peace and stability of the South China Sea region, and seriously violate the guidelines for international law and international relations. It is another iron certificate for its voyage hegemony to manufacture the South China Sea military. The facts once again show that beauty is the "South China Sea Safety Risk Makers" and "Regional peaceful and stable destroyer". The theater troops always maintain a high degree of alertness, and resolutely defend the national sovereign security and peace and stability in the South China Sea.

Sino -US Foreign Minister has just held talks in Bali. Blint also has an attitude to alleviate relations with China, and even preach to install a "guardrail" to Sino -US relations to avoid unprepared risks. What is unexpected is that the United States still said to make a set as always, and when the words fell, they ran to the South China Sea to provoke China's bottom line. This time, the U.S. warship broke into the West Shan collar sea directly, which was naked passing the bottom line. China has no soft hand, and the southern theater immediately organized sea and air forces to follow up and monitor and warn to drive away. It can be said that the two parties have a face -to -face confrontation in the South China Sea. Although China has maintained a certain restraint such as the United States, the front line of warships should also be carved to prevent accidents.

If the United States' warning to China is gone, it is a contest of "bayonet at sea", which does not rule out the possibility of explosive conflicts. After all, the United States is not arrogant this time, but has effectively violated China's sovereignty interests. It is reasonable and legitimate to the Chinese side. This is very important. China has always been a peaceful image internationally, and it has taken the route of peaceful development. If you shoot out, you must pay attention to a teacher's name, if you do not have an international image of China, it will be a major blow. The West will also take the opportunity to add oil and vinegar, and hype "Chinese threats", saying that China is strong, it will expand outward.

The purpose of the United States at this time in the South China Sea is obvious, that is, the situation of provoking the South China Sea and destroying the peace and stability of the South China Sea. Showing the US military is still tough in the South China Sea, which can suppress China. In this way, his younger brothers and allies can see the attitude and strength of the United States, and then go to the South China Sea to add blockage to China. In addition, the Chinese side announced the jurisdiction over the Taiwan Strait a few days ago. Recently, the first large -scale cruise rescue ship of the Taiwan Strait was also listed, incorporating the Taiwan Strait into actual control. It blocked the provocative channel of the US warship to the Taiwan Strait. The United States did not dare to go to the Taiwan Strait to try the way, and wanted to swore its "freedom of navigation" in the South China Sea. To put it bluntly, the United States is still doing it to the outside world.

What he didn't expect was that this operation not only did not suppress the Chinese Navy, but had to leave. Judging from the photos published by the PLA, the distance between the warships of the two China and the United States can be visible to the naked eye, which can be described as facing each other. If the US ship does not hear the warning and refuses to leave, it will be a warning of the Chinese side. After the artillery was fired, the next step was the real gun and real bullet. Obviously, the United States does not have the courage to fight with China in Xisha. Not to mention it is a warship, that is, a aircraft carrier formation, which is not cheap here. Not to mention that China has sufficient maritime forces to deal with, that is, the power on the shore can also support the nearest support. Relatively speaking, the Xisha Islands are relatively close to mainland China. Our local fighters can go to support, that is, mainland missiles can also make remote blows.

Therefore, the United States has no military advantage here. The United States also understands this. After it appears, it leaves. The political significance it does is greater than practical significance. However, such a provocative behavior should not be allowed to make it again and again. This is a blow to China's international prestige. There is a feeling that the United States still suppresss China in the South China Sea. In this regard, China also needs to strengthen prevention. It is necessary to decisively dispose of the US warships when it is near the sea in my country, so that it cannot allow it to break through the Chinese bottom line. If not, we will fall into a passive response situation. Just like this time, China shows toughness and does not suffer in essence, but it deterdened by American warships.

Moreover, this situation will not allow it to continue. The construction of the Chinese Navy has been accelerating. The third aircraft carrier has also been launched. When it forms a combat power, China is even more fearless in the South China Sea. At that time, the Chinese side will inevitably be tougher and refuse to enemy the country.

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