71st Army "Iron Bone Hard Travel": "Man" says actual combat training

Author:Liangjian southeast Time:2022.07.16

Recently, the 71st Army "Iron Bone Hard Travel" has carried out actual bomb shooting training closely. In addition to training, officers and soldiers used "brushes" to record training. Today, let's directly hit the troops at the hot scene through a set of comics.

▲ Chariot Motor

"Pay attention to the whole class, initiate an impact!" Under the command of the car, with the roar of the engine, the chariot quickly mobilized to the target area. Inside the carrier, the soldiers were waiting for it. The captain observed the surroundings, and the gunners search target ...

▲ Armed Running

"I found the enemy's small stocks in front of it, the carrier got out of the car to fight, and covering the tank to advance!" Under the methodical command of the car, the carrier got out of the car to use the surrounding environment to occupy the favorable terrain and complete the light weapon real -fire shooting.

▲ Capital obstacle

"The battlefield environment is complex and changeable. In order to delay our actions, the enemy will set up various obstacles." In order to conceal the enemy, the chariot group will also use complex terrain to move. The tactical literacy and professional skills of officers and soldiers have made high requirements.

▲ Shooting assessment

After the chariot team reached the target area, under the powerful firepower cover, the walking car carried the carrier to the frontier to attack the enemy, and continued to complete the subsequent assessment courses.

Source: PLA Daily

Wen Tu: Cheng Kai, Liu Renhao

Supervision: Tan Yalong

Edit: Zhou Zhenguo

Editor on duty: Liu Peixin

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