Chengdu Institute of Physical Education won two special awards for the 2021 Chengdu News Award

Author:Future Online Universities Time:2022.06.15

Recently, the Chengdu Journalist Association issued the "Notice on the Woning of the Chengdu Journalism Award in 2021 (39th)". The communication work "Demystrate" Zheng's Chinese Medicine Bone Injury "How to serve the World Sports Stadium (Author: Hu Sijing, Jia Lefan, Feng Xuan, Teacher Editor: Zhu Linyi) and deep report" Olympic Gold Medal! Successor! 》 (Reading 100,000+, collective author, student editor: Han Xiao) In 496 works, they won two Chengdu News Award Special Awards.

The student reporter team of the party committee of the school is one of the practical education platforms provided by the school for the school's students. Relying on the Chengdu Sports College, the New Media Center, and the Easy Class Workstation, students and reporters actively participate in the various items inside and outside the school. News reporting, communication planning, media services, etc., comprehensively improved the comprehensive quality in various aspects of mining, writing, compilation, broadcasting, and photography.

The Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the school stated that it will keep up with the development of the times, keep up with innovation, further build educational platforms such as the integration media center, actively innovate report forms, guide students and reporters to use fusion and communication methods to launch more communication, guidance, impact impact, impact, influence Power and credibility of news propaganda works, tell a good story, sing into a good sound, and show a good image. (Correspondent: Zhang Hongfei, Chengdu Institute of Physical Education)

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