The principal talks about labor 丨 Welcome to participate in the "Little Labor Skills Competition" President Qiu Shuguang with two suggestions to parents

Author:Zhejiang Daily Time:2022.07.20

Zhejiang News Client Reporter Ji Ra Ya Video Production Lin Jing

At 10 am on July 11, the "Little Labor Skills Competition" hosted by Zhejiang Daily Newspaper Group was officially launched.

For more than a week after the event, more than 2,000 primary and secondary school students and kindergarten children from all over the province sent their own summer labor practice sharing, and the amount of likes also exceeded 200,000 times.

How can we make elementary and middle school students better experience the value of labor and "plant" the seeds of loving labor in their hearts? How to make primary and middle school students live more colorful after the summer vacation? Zhejiang News Client has launched short videos of representatives of primary and secondary schools in the province from July 15 to talk about labor.

In the second phase, we invited Qiu Shuguang, the principal of Hangzhou Tianhang Experimental School. He suggested that parents conduct in -depth training for their children's labor habits during the summer vacation. To this end, he also provided parents with two training methods: let the children store and organize home items and make food once a week.

It is reported that the Hangzhou Tianhang Experimental School adheres to the concept of "making labor education into a constantization", scientifically planning labor education courses, and allowing labor education to enter the school calendar and schedule. At the same time, the school and the Masterpiece Group build a labor education base, adapt to local conditions, open a curriculum experience and study, and give full play to the supporting guarantee role of the practical base in promoting labor education. Relying on the practical base, from the origin of learning Chinese characters to textile technology, from raising silkworms, cocoon peeling, and processing silkworms to process silkworm artworks, allowing students to experience cross -disciplinary learning journey, thereby inheriting silk art and inheriting the regional culture of silk mulberry.

What needs to be reminded is that the labor practice activity of "Little Labor Skills Competition" in the province is still hot! This event is also one of the 14 practical activities of the "Colorful Summer vacation" designed by the Provincial Department of Education and the relevant provincial units of the provincial units this summer.

According to the rules of the event, primary and secondary school students in the province can participate in this event. If children are interested, they are welcome to try their skills. Whether it is photos (not more than 6), videos (not more than 100m) or composition (not more than 800 words, uploaded in the form of photos), it can become a way for students to record labor gains. Whether it is culinary competition, clothing finishing, hand washing, planting crops, or carpenter handicrafts, volunteer services, handmade labor, cleaning, feeding animals, pottery, etc. As long as you can think of Can participate in our activities. This summer vacation, let us work together!

The participation method is also very simple. From July 11th to August 11th, students and parents only need to find the "Little Labor" activity channel on the "headline" page of Zhejiang News client to upload the works. Zhejiang News Client will launch an event display page, and the filtering submission works will be displayed in 11 prefectures and cities in the client.

We have prepared generous prizes for the participating primary and secondary students. According to the total praise and expert review of the submitted works, the winners of the 1-20 players will receive the Gold Award of Little Labor Master and enter the offline finals. Education bases in primary and secondary school research practice, provincial primary and secondary school research practice education camps, and provincial primary and secondary school labor practice bases -Hangzhou Changle Young Quality Education Base Organization for 5 days and 4 nights "Little Labor" summer camp (worth 3,000 yuan worth ) And offline workers' skills competed for the finals, competing for the ultimate award of the event. The prizes are physical prizes worth 2,000 yuan (1-5)/1,000 yuan (6-10)/500 yuan (11-20).

It should be noted that all summer camps involved in the activity (including board lodging) are borne by Hangzhou Governor's Young Quality Education Base, and the traffic expenses of the offline finals shall be taken care of by the contestants.

The winners of 21-100 will receive the silver award of Labor Labor. The prizes are a five-day, four-night summer camp exchange coupon (valid for one year) provided by Hangzhou Governor's Young Mass Education Base for 3,000 yuan.

The winners ranked 101-200 will receive a bronze award for the Little Labor. We also prepared the award-winning certificate for the winners.

Of course, we also prepared a lottery for all readers participating in the event.During the event, readers entered the event link to like their favorite works, and they could participate in the lottery. Each person had a lottery chance per day.The prizes include a thousand yuan gifts such as air purifiers, electric heating pots, storage suits, eight pieces of tableware, electric mosquito coils, laundry liquids, ice silk sleeves, and many good homes. Welcome everyone to sponsor your favorite works!In addition, we will continue to follow up with the dynamics and announcement lists in the event through long -drawing, videos, text and other forms. We will be published on the media such as Zhejiang Daily and Zhejiang News Clients, so stay tuned!

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