Central South University 2022 Full -time general undergraduate enrollment constitution

Author:Future Online Universities Time:2022.06.15

Chapter 1 General Principles

Article 1 In order to ensure the smooth progress of the school's undergraduate enrollment (hereinafter referred to as the enrollment work), to effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the school and the candidates, in accordance with the "Education Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China" and other related laws and the Ministry of Education Relevant regulations and "Central South University Articles of Association" are specially formulated in combination with the actual situation of the school.

Article 2 The name of the school is Central South University (English name is CSU), which is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education. In 2001, it was identified as a key high -level university constructed by the National "985 Project". In 2017, it was selected as a world -class university construction university. The registered address was 932 Lushan South Road, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, with a postcode of 410083.

Dengdi International College of Central South University (referred to as "Duni International College", the following) is approved by the Ministry of Education. It is co -established by Central South University and Dundi University in the United Kingdom.

Article 3 The undergraduate enrollment category of schools includes ordinary, strong base plans, comprehensive evaluation admission, national special plan, university special plan, guarantee student, art majors, high -level sports team, sports training major, Mainland Tibetan class, Xinjiang class in the Mainland, Xinjiang class in the Mainland , Emperor ’s preparatory classes, Hong Kong Chinese Middle School Diploma Examinations, Macau Baochu Students, Macau's“ Four Schools ”students, Taiwan Student Testing Students, Joint Recruitment of Overseas Chinese Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Students, and Duni International College Admissions.

Article 4 The undergraduate students of the school reach the requirements of their major within the prescribed period of study and issue a bachelor's degree certificate in Central South University; those who meet the relevant regulations of the school degree award, and issue a bachelor's degree certificate for undergraduate graduates of ordinary higher education.

Undergraduate students of Dundi International College will complete all teaching links in the training plan within the requirements of Central South University in accordance with the requirements of Central South University, and meet the requirements of the school's graduation, and issue a bachelor's degree certificate at Central South University; if they meet the conditions of the school degree award, they will be awarded a bachelor's degree in Central South University and a bachelor's degree and a bachelor's degree in Central South University. Bachelor of Dengdi University.

Article 5 The school in accordance with the "Notice of the Ministry of Education on the Admissions of General College" and the "Regulations on Admissions of General College" this year, and the school has fully implemented the "Sunshine Project" of colleges and universities. The principle of comprehensively measures the candidates' moral, intellectual, physical, and labor, and select the best selection.

Chapter 2 Organization and Work Responsibilities

Article 6 The school sets up a leading group of undergraduate admissions work, coordinates the school's enrollment work, formulates and decide major matters for enrollment, and has a undergraduate admissions work committee and undergraduate admissions supervision office. The undergraduate enrollment work committee is composed of leaders in charge, person in charge of relevant departments, teacher representatives, alumni representatives, and student representatives. It is responsible for implementing the policies of the Ministry of Education's enrollment work and studying major matters in enrollment. The undergraduate admissions supervision office is responsible for strengthening the supervision of enrollment and supervising the school's enrollment work.

Article 7 The undergraduate enrollment office is a permanent working institution organized and implemented by the school. Under the leadership of the undergraduate admissions committee, it is responsible for the daily work of undergraduate admissions.

Chapter 3 Admissions Plan

Article 8 The school combines national policy orientation, and in accordance with the needs of social and economic development, considering the number of students (autonomous regions, municipalities), the number of students (regions and municipalities), the quality of students, and promoting the fairness of education, and formulate the provincial (region, municipal) professional enrollment plan ( That is the recruitment source plan), and the provincial enrollment examination institutions are announced to the society.

Article 9 The reserved plan of the school does not exceed 1%of the total number of admissions plans, and is used to regulate the imbalance of the provincial (autonomous region and municipalities) uniform students and solve the admission of candidates. When the reserved plan is used, the principle of quality priority and openness and transparency is adhered to the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) with the concentration of high -quality students in the application school and the relatively low admission rate of college entrance examinations.

Chapter 4 Admission Rules

Article 10 The school determines the proportion of files in accordance with the enrollment plan of each province (district, city). In accordance with the batch of volunteer files in order, the proportion of files is controlled within 120%of the plan announced in principle, and in accordance with the batch of parallel volunteer files, the proportion of files is controlled within 105%of the plan announced in principle.

Article 11 The school recognizes the national college entrance examination policy of the national college entrance examinations confirmed by the provincial (autonomous region, municipality) competent department of enrollment, but the score must not exceed 20 points. Consider policy bonus factors. All college entrance examination bonus items and scores are not used for the school's enrollment projects that do not arrange sub -enrollment programs.

Article 12 For the type of enrollment such as the national special plan and the special plan of colleges and universities, when the number of candidates who meet the requirements of the school exceeds the number of plans announced, they will be admitted according to the ranking of the provinces where the enrollment plan is located. files.

Article 13 The school arranges candidates to admit major in accordance with the original scores and professional volunteers of the college entrance examination of the files, and there is no professional difference. Under the same conditions of the candidates in the file, those who have high scores, Chinese, mathematics, and foreign languages ​​are preferred to determine their majors in order. When all professional volunteers of candidates cannot be satisfied, if they follow the professional adjustment, they will be adjusted to other majors that have not been recorded. If you do not obey the professional adjustment, it will be retired. The school implements the rules of "enrollment plan 1: 1 in the range 1: 1 in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

Article 14 For candidates in the provinces of the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, candidates must meet the requirements of the professional selection subjects announced by the school. Article 15 The batch of volunteer files in order will be in the case of insufficient sources of the first volunteer candidates, and the first volunteer candidates will be selected from high to low from high to low in accordance with the original score of the candidates' college entrance examination until the source plan is completed. If the qualified non -first volunteer candidates are still insufficient, volunteer will be solicited. According to the batch of parallel volunteers, the unprofitable plans will also solicit volunteers. Insufficient volunteer volunteers will be adjusted to the provinces with good quality of other students to complete the admissions plan.

Article 16 At the time of admission, the previous students and fresh graduates are colleagues; the proportion of men and girls in the school's admissions majors; Dengdi International College and Foreign Language Bares Student Restrictions Foreign Language Candidates (see the school -related enrollment chapters), others The recruitment category does not restrict the candidates' test of foreign language, but after entering the school, candidates are arranged for teaching content in public foreign language teaching.

Article 17 The school's strong base plan, university special plan, comprehensive evaluation admission, guarantee students, art majors, high -level sports teams, sports training majors, Hong Kong diploma examination students, Macau budget students, Taiwan school test students, Duni Di Di The types of enrollment such as the International College will formulate a corresponding enrollment chapter in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education and admission.

Article 18 The medical examination requirements shall be issued in accordance with the "Guidelines for Admissions and Medical Examination Work of General College of Higher College" (Teaching [2003] No. 3) and the General Office of the Ministry of Health Notice of the Inspection of the Entry Entrusting Student Students of General College of Colleges and Universities Cancellation of Hepatitis B Projects "(Teaching Hall [2010] No. 2) is executed.

Chapter 5 Attachment

Article 19 After the enrollment of freshmen, a review of enrollment qualifications shall be conducted in accordance with relevant national and school regulations. Students who are not qualified shall be handled in accordance with relevant regulations of the admissions work.

Article 20 The schools shall collect tuition and accommodation fees in accordance with the principle of national regulations and follow the principles of the land, and collect tuition and accommodation fees in accordance with the standards approved by the Hunan Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Hunan Provincial Department of Education.

Article 21 The school has a "green channel" for freshmen in family difficulties. Student aid measures such as national student loans, scholarships, and school assistance shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Education, Hunan Province, and the school.

Article 22 The online website of Zhongnan University: https://zhaosheng.csu.edu.cn, consultation phone: 0731-88830995, electronic mailbox: [email protected], supervision and reporting phone number: 0731-88879252.

Article 23 The school does not organize or entrusts any social institutions, intermediaries or individuals to conduct enrollment and admission work. It does not participate in pre -examination counseling, test training, and does not charge any costs other than the state. The school reserves the right to investigate its responsibility in accordance with the law for social institutions, intermediaries or individuals that conduct illegal admissions, enrollment propaganda, pre -examination counseling, and examination training activities in the name of Central South University.

Article 24 After the announcement of these articles of association, if the enrollment policy of the Ministry of Education and the provincial (district, and municipal) college entrance examination is announced, the school will formulate the corresponding admissions policy and announce it separately.

Article 25 This charter is explained by the Admissions Office of the undergraduate students of Central South University.

Article 26 This charter shall be implemented from the date of announcement. The original enrollment constitution was abolished at the same time.

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