The monument in Xinyang Education -Luohe Middle School, you are the bright neon in the minds of parents

Author:Focusing point Time:2022.07.24

Poetry and songs show the grace of elegance, and the chapters of the language pass on civilized salary. They pay attention to the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality; they are a paradise for parent -child relationships. They are a team of class teacher teams with a free and glorious Chinese class on the sun in the sun.

Frequent cultivation of flowers always make Ping

—— Zhang Zuoping

Zhang Zuoping: The 9th Grade Language Teaching and Research Group, the 4th class of the ninth grade and the Chinese teacher. Middle school senior teacher, the city's outstanding class teacher, city backbone teacher.

The soft and round face, the sincere and sincere smile, and the thick eyes that can't be covered by thick lenses ... When she first saw her, she only felt that she was a gentle and friendly teacher. Come, I feel that the wisdom behind her gentleness is respectable.

Chinese teaching, she follows good temptation

The students said that she was concise and concise, and only explained the knowledge points to explains the knowledge points; she lectured vividly and funny, as refreshing as the spring breeze. She is like a "tour guide", leading students to walk in the hundred gardens of literature. Under her careful guidance, the students have made progress rapidly, especially my "science man" Xiao Fan, who has gradually transformed into a "literary youth" under the guidance of Teacher Zhang, and has developed a comprehensive development of literature and science.

Class management, she is wide and strict

"First adult, then talent" is her expectations for the students. She strictly requires the problems of students' ideological and morality, behavior habits, and learning quality. Sometimes she even "small questions" and pay close attention to details. From the beginning of enrollment, "severe development of education" to "learning as the center", from class activities to learning tasks, from psychological problems to interpersonal relationship coordination ... Under her teachings, children in the past three years We have become more sensible and more sunny, and the fourth class of eagle has also become a place for children's spiritual life.

Homes and school cooperation, she uses her heart

In the home school, there are always her serious review and timely feedback; in the parents WeChat group, she always has her detailed ding and experience. Some problems that have occurred at school, she always reflects the parents in a timely manner in a suitable way to deal with them together. And when every parent encounters a child who is not good at testing and is not sensible, she will also treat her as a friend and talk to her. At this time, she can always give the best suggestions.

She instructed parents to strive to become the child's "dredging psychiatric", "gas station" and "carving master", and guide parents to look at the problems from the perspective of their children and pay more attention to the feelings of adolescent children. Her dedication, blog love, and wisdom, the parents of different experiences are convinced, and also made their children and parents sigh: students who can be Teacher Zhang are very lucky! Parents who can be Teacher Zhang are very happy!

Want to see the sky -high storm

——Li Yun

Li Yun: Deputy Leader of the Ninth Grade Language Teaching and Research Group of 2022, the 3rd class of the ninth grade and the Chinese teacher. Middle school senior teachers, provincial backbone teachers, outstanding class teachers at the municipal level, Municipal 38 Red Banner, Top Ten Model Teachers in Luohe District, and the first prize of the municipal high -quality class competition.

"Teaching is the direction of my heart; educating people is the department of my love." Teacher Li Yun said.

The life of education lies in innovation

Teacher Li Yun loves teaching and educates people, and has unique insights on junior high school Chinese teaching. In the teaching, she is not restricted to the textbook. The content of each lesson can always be in deeper and simplified, so that the children can easily enjoy the joy of knowledge. Her teaching language is vivid and humorous, and she can often shake out of funny language burdens when the students are chaotic, which arouses children's interest in listening to class. Her classroom not only has the sound of children's reading, but also often has a hearty laughter that children make.

The secret to education is care

With the child, Teacher Li Yun has always used his sincerity to reach the child's childlike heart. How true the teacher's love is, how strong the child's love is. She is often happy for her child's success, and she is worried about the frustration of the child. More often, she is a child's backing, her mantra: "There is a class, don't be afraid!"

When the summer was brilliant, she reluctantly sent away this group of young people; when the autumn wind gradually started, she ushered in a group of children with love. Three years of cycle, get along with your children, and taste in your heart. The best is "love, receiving, and response"!

The goal of education is to seek truth

With the children's liver and gallbladder, Teacher Li has a loving mother -like care. For bad atmosphere, she also has the perseverance of Yan's father. She will forgive her child's carelessness in learning, and she doesn't care about the children's test results. However, she will be strictly stubborn for children's behavior and moral regrets. Adults first, then Chengcai, this is always her concept of class. "Being sincere, doing things in integrity." The classmates were familiar with her famous saying. Her class is strict and righteous, and she is the main theme!

"Teachers' morality is the starting point of education, knowledge is the carrier of education, and the ideal is the sail of education. Only when they love children purely can they be childlike; only to think deeply about education and invest thoroughly, will I excel. Continue to chase dreams, never stop! "Teacher Li Yun said. The voice is gentle and stunned.

Dejoxing is loyal to teach

——Axia Dezhong

Xia Dezhong: The head teacher and Chinese teacher of the Ninth 1st Class of 2022. Member of the Communist Party of China, a first -level teacher in the middle school, an outstanding teacher, and a teacher of the district.

Saying it is to say

Teacher Xia, elegant and humble, full of enthusiasm, no matter how he teaches or educated, he has his own secret. He is more than four or two pounds. He is easy to control the classroom, and the handling of things is light, and the management class is easy. Unconsciously, the class at the class was getting better, and the learning style was strong. Following such a big brother, the teachers of our class feel particularly lucky and practical. Student said so

I am the somewhat naughty student -Zhang Tianzhuang. In the sun -like day, I got a notice of Xingao. I thought that I could study in the dream classroom soon. I was excited. At the beginning, I was a student who made you very unhappy. It was a "child who was not angry" in the eyes of parents. The world leads me to light. It is because of your efforts that we are today.

Parents say so

Teacher Xia is extremely attentive whether it is treating children's life or study. In the "Dream 2022" class group, Mr. Xia released a picture and a new and unique "beautiful chapter", which records the efforts, sweat and growth of classmates during military training, schools, and classmates. The video that reads early at 7:20 in the morning will come as scheduled, and the sound of reading is so pleasant. Every time the home school contacted the correction on this, he reminded parents to pay attention to the growth of the child ... Mr. Xia used his dedication to interpret the new connotation of the teacher ethics in the new period.

A small poem, give it to Teacher Xia, thank you:

Be a teacher

Talking about morality first, teaching at the moment.

The self -confusion, the tree people Yu Yingxian.

The chalk is emotional, and the podium is exhibited.

Tao Li Fangfang Day, merit with a name.

Xiangyang Huaxu is easy to spring

—— Wang Xiangyang

Wang Xiangyang: Teacher and Chinese teacher in the ninth grade of 2022. Middle school senior teacher, district outstanding teacher, district outstanding class teacher.

Strive to do one thing well, find poetry in simplicity; strive to be a person well, and keep it indifferent in ordinaryness; try to uphold a love, tired and happy on the way forward.

"Firmly believes" is his belief in his class teacher

Don't forget the original intention, insisting on teaching and educating people is a sacred belief in his heart. As the head teacher, he firmly believes that every student is a flower waiting for openness. Only with firm confidence and dew in the sun, waiting for him must be the bright red and intoxicating garden spring. The class he brought was active and united. The students had ideals, beliefs, and civilized discipline. After graduating from the student, he was rated as the "most caring class teacher" in the middle of the middle.

"Persevere" is the normal state of his daily work

"Old man, ambition in thousands of miles" is his true portrayal. Every day, he first came to the classroom and adhered to the duty of the class teacher. The desk outside the classroom was the post he persisted in the past year. He was guarded for more than ten hours a day, even if the home and the school had only one wall.

"Persistence" is his unremitting pursuit of education

The road is down to the earth, and he can move with Hengshan. He has made an example for the children. At the age of fifty -three, he has worked in the class teacher for thirty years. In his thirty years, he worked hard in his post for thirty years, worked hard and resentful, and pursued excellence. Parents Chen Xiao said: "Teacher Wang is enthusiastic and responsible. If Chen Xiao's brother can come to Luohe Middle School, I will definitely give it to him. Teacher Wang is the head teacher, let's rest assured!"

Don't forget the original intention, born to the sun, he used action to interpret the vow of the teacher in the middle of the middle; keep in mind the mission, and strive forward, he continues to write the story of the spring spring with wisdom and sweat.

But seeking Changshun no pedantic

——Chen Changshun

Yu Changshun: Teacher and Chinese teacher in the ninth grade of 2022. Middle school senior teachers, outstanding teachers at the municipal level, outstanding class teacher in the city, first prize of city high -quality class.

After 30 years of teaching in Chinese, he has formed his unique teaching style. His classroom is calm and calm, and in addition to being solid and heavy, there is no lack of personality and argument. The teacher has a targeted guidance, and the students speak freely, cognition, and perception in doubt, thinking, and discovery. As an old teacher, always maintain a lofty professionalism in ordinary teaching work, keep pace with the times, and excel. The Chinese scores in his class are always among the best.

He has been working as a class teacher for a long time, like a clear spring, like a spring breeze. He interprets the love and father's love, and the teacher's love. The earliest comes, the latest, the body of the body, the demonstration of the students, the guardian. Never lose fairness due to the students' family background and the advantages and disadvantages of learning, and do not give up any student. There are both the guidance of the spring wind and rain, as well as serious and strict requirements, guide students to develop good habits, educate them to learn to learn, but also learn to be people.

From the inner teachings of the children, the children are in mind. Talking about Teacher Yu, the children did not admire and admire, and they couldn't tell his selfless efforts. Parents were fortunate to have such a good teacher on the road of life. Perseverance, responsibility, is his most precious wealth for his students.

Education is a long -term project that requires patience and perseverance. Teacher Yu is like a builder who wakes up children's confidence and potential with love to help them adults and talents. He often said: "When each grass is green, every flower has a reason for blooming, but it is different from flowers."

I only wish I have Guanghua

--Wang Hua

Wang Hua: Teacher and Chinese Teacher in Class 18th Class of 2022. Middle school senior teachers, outstanding class teachers at the municipal level, municipal backbone teachers, and leaders of the city language and literature disciplines have won many high -quality courses in the city and district. Student's "protecting God"

Teacher Wang Hua considers students with sincerity and de -chemical students with care. He always has an umbrella, band -aid, thermometer, iodine, and some commonly used non -prescription medicines in the office to prepare the students from time to time; fully understand the family situation and learning status of each student, and comprehensively care about their growth.

Student's "Watchman"

There are no different students in Teacher Wang's eyes, only students with differences. Therefore, he can always treat the problems of students calmly, communicate frankly with them, and create a space and opportunities for students. In the letter, Zhao Yisong commented on Teacher Wang in this letter: "... Just when I was unable to do it, Teacher Wang Hua once again used his teachings of his teachers, friends, and brothers to resolve our father -son contradictions. Whenever we mentioned it, we mentioned When Teacher Wang, my eyes were all awesome ... "

Student's "leader"

Teacher Wang found that some students were excessively attached to their mobile phones, which seriously affected physical and mental health and learning. On the one hand, through publicity and education, he carried out activities such as "saying to mobile phones" and other activities, allowing students to recognize the harmfulness of mobile phones on the Internet, and on the other hand, they called on parents to guide students to use their mobile phones correctly. Some students have poor self -control ability, indulge in the Internet cannot extricate themselves, and parents are also poorly supervised. Teacher Wang asked him to promote his knees until he realized the harm of playing mobile games and happily handed the phone to the teacher to keep it. Soon, the students' learning attitude was correct, and the grades had improved significantly.

Gan Dang Garden has cultivated Bai Tao Li and is willing to be the selfless dedication of the ox. Teacher Wang Hua uses sincerity and true feelings to interpret the teacher's love unlimited!

Flower Kaitu Teacher is not red

—— Yang Xianhong

Yang Xianhong: The 19th Grade 19th Class 19 class teacher and Chinese teacher. Middle school senior teachers, outstanding teachers in the city, the head teacher of the city, the first prize of the provincial teaching and research project, and the first prize of the city's high -quality class.

Dear teacher Yang:


Time flies, three years of flying. At that time, we were still ignorant children, and now we have become sunny teenagers. Looking back at the bit by bit with you, it makes us unforgettable!

When I first saw, the teacher did not change much after these three years, and it was still long hair. The bean bag of elementary school just entered junior high school and was strange and timid about everything. You smile with your eyes and introduce yourself gentle: "Students can call me the head or I can call me Lao Yang!" In a moment, we opened our inner world.

During sports training, you always accompany us to exercise, shaking while shaking. When the classmates started, they moved and moved. You chased the back and shouted, "This is youth!"

The 12th birthday of the collective makes us feel the sacredness of becoming a teenager; the last Children's Day in junior high school, but it also made us feel the comfort of being spoiled as a child. We love you, we respect you more.

You pay attention to the cultivation of our ability, from sweeping, mopping, wiping windows to receiving homework, organizing schoolbags, from taking pen, pause, typesetting to sitting, pause, tone, and demonstration.

In three years, more than 1,000 days and nights, fine sand flows from fingers. In the past three years, you believe that each of us has the desire to improve and the potential of success. During the wind and rain, you guard us, love us, and encourage us.

Today, we have grown up, thank you for your accompanying! A call "Lao Yang", how much kindness and gratitude to include, may you be accompanied by your childlike heart, and always follow!

All classmates in class 19


Broadcasting Chunhui has a photo of the army

—— Huang Zhaojun

Huang Zhaojun: Teacher and Chinese teacher in the ninth grade of 2022. Member of the Communist Party of China, senior teacher in middle school, outstanding class teacher at the municipal level, outstanding teachers at the municipal level, and first prize of high -quality class at the municipal level.

Be as detailed as you

"Five -star campus, five -star, ten classrooms are the most beautiful! Seeing the garbage pick up, the civilized scenery is you!" Teacher, every time he hear you chanting this oil poem, the students bowed their heads and bent down. On the ground, the action is so neat! Occasionally, there are a few more paper groups on the indoor floor. You will definitely "make a big question" and come to a spring and rain: "What does a house sweep the world!" Formula and slogan education are endless.

Feng Ya is like you

After that physical education, you wrote "Jiangchengzi · Star Fire Boy" on the blackboard: "Youth runway boy crazy. The eyebrows are flying, the eyes are flashing, the sense of spirit is full, but my young man. Chasing the wind, move forward. Dry your chest and your legs swell. The sky is very cold, so why not! Fast life, fighting for self -improvement. Dreams are for the horse to fight for the horse, wait for the Ming Dynasty, the flowers are incense! " "Jiangchengzi" was just finished today, I set up a hard training of commending my classmates ... "After saying, let me read it. Reading, the sound of the students is higher than that of the waves, and the waist pole is straight and one! At that moment, your good intentions, we suddenly realized!

Dedicated as you

In every morning light, you are always the first to enter the classroom and laugh at every child. At the beginning of each Chinese lantern, you are the last one who leaves the classroom and go home with his homework. On the front blackboard, it is updated every day to make the children's words that inspire the children to fly their dreams; in the rear seats, there are always you who let the children feel attentive. Your slightly wrinkled light blue record book, dense handwriting, dense, is the testimony of your silent cultivation ... Every day you are at school, follow the class, watch with your heart. From the beginning of how many days, how many ordinary and trivial days, how many times you teach! May you be in the new school year, just like the drizzle of spring breeze, care for dreams, and moist!

The head of the Chinese class

There are three sidewalks in the management, Chinese teaching, and class teacher: Liang Yanan, Zhang Guilin, and Liu Changkan. They are both the executors of the school's sunshine management and the industry elites that teach and educate people.

If the man is a rainbow, he knows it. With the lofty ideals, the dragon snake is written, and the articles are written; Tao Shuidan, Li Shuxiang fragrance, planting flowers is easy to tree. The poem is full of the world, painting on the world, and the talents are full of face. (Source Xinyang Luohe Middle School)

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