Talking about Fengsheng: Heart-minded that the majority of Hong Kong youth cultivates the power of patriotism and love Hong Kong-Xia Quan, Liang Wen

Author:Jinan University Time:2022.07.24

The central government has high hopes for Hong Kong youth, and is minded by Hong Kong youth and focusing on leading Hong Kong youth. President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the 25th Anniversary Conference of Hong Kong's return to the motherland and the 6th government inauguration ceremony of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, stating: "Youth is promoted by Hong Kong, the development of youths; if the development of Hong Kong, the future of young people; 。要引领青少年深刻认识国家和世界发展大势,增强民族自豪感和主人翁意识。要帮助广大青年解决学业、就业、创业、置业面临的实际困难,为他们成长成才创造更多机会。”香港青年始终It is the backbone of Hong Kong's social development. To achieve the "patriotic governance of Hong Kong", it is necessary to cultivate a new generation of patriotic and love Hong Kong forces in the Hong Kong youth groups. Since the return of Hong Kong, the central government has attached great importance to the development of Hong Kong.

Looking back at history: Youth Xing, then Hong Kong Xing

For a long time, Hong Kong youth has lived up to the mission, showing the spirit of progress, and becoming an important force for the development of Hong Kong and building a country, and integrating the "Hong Kong Dream" into the "Chinese Dream". Hong Kong Youth's "Optical Grav Gallery Monitoring Technology" and "High Precision Moon Topen Surveying and Mapping Technology" developed with the "camera pointing institutional system" developed by the China Space Technology Research Institute to consolidate the scientific and technological foundation of national development; Hong Kong youth Chen Yingxin in the United Nations in the United Nations At the 47th meeting of the Human Rights Council, he spoke to maintain the Hong Kong National Security Law, refuted the remarks of Hong Kong -related remarks in the United States, and resolutely safeguarded national sovereignty, security, and development interests. The majority of Hong Kong youths actively seize good opportunities, work with the motherland, and walk with the times.

Focus on the present: Lide people, people -oriented

Hong Kong youth problems are issues that Hong Kong society cannot ignore in the field of education. In order to cultivate a new generation of patriotic and love Hong Kong, the Central and Special Economic Zone Government has made a series of efforts: in the process of teaching professional knowledge and cultivating professional skills, they gradually guide Hong Kong youths to establish correctly to establish correctly State outlook; provide a healthier development environment for young people in Hong Kong, and give them more upper -level opportunities.

The first is to create a good education ecology. In July 2017, President Xi Jinping emphasized that "to strengthen the promotion and education of the constitution and basic law of public officials and adolescents in Hong Kong's 20th anniversary conference and the fifth government inauguration ceremony of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In July 2021, the Hong Kong Education Bureau comprehensively terminated its working relationship with the "Hong Kong Education Professional Association". In November, it announced that the test requirements for the basic law of new appointment teachers in public schools were announced to provide systematic training for new teachers and all in -service teachers. Under the deployment of the central government, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has set up and improves the education system that is compatible with the "one country, two systems" policy. The SAR Government's series of measures effectively ensure that teachers instill the correct concepts to young people, guide them to establish positive values ​​and the basic value orientation of "patriotic and love Hong Kong", create a clear educational environment for young people, and create a harmonious, positive growth environment. Essence

The second is the Guangjian Growth Platform. In June 2017, President Xi Jinping met with representatives from all walks of life in Hong Kong, and pointed out: "Take the lead in caring for young people, help them solve practical problems, create good conditions for them to grow up, so that they are passed down from the traditional salary of the glorious and traditional salary of patriotism and love. There are people. "With the cooperation and support of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Education and the Hong Kong Education Bureau, Dongguan Eaton Education Group and Jinan University and Hong Kong Victoria Hong Kong Education Group jointly established Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macao Children's School and Dongguan and Dagang and Macao Children's School. On June 29, 2022, the Ministry of Education approved the official establishment of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) in accordance with the law. The central government made unremitting efforts to build a high -level demonstration cooperation university, gave more choices for young people in Hong Kong, and broadened the path to cultivate youth forces that adhere to the "one country, two systems" and promoting national rejuvenation.

The third is to introduce support policies. President Xi Jinping pointed out when inspecting the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park: "Young people are the most vibrant and creative groups in the whole society, and they are also vitality for promoting the development of Chuangke. It is necessary to pave the way for young people, provide greater development space, and support young people in innovation. The struggle of entrepreneurship has a dream of colorful circles. "The central government always cares and supports the development of young people in Hong Kong. In order to promote the integration of Hong Kong youth into the overall national development situation, the central government launched the eight measures with targeted Huigang youth in 2021, covering the academic, employment, and entrepreneurship that you care about youth. , Internship and other aspects. The Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area Youth Creative Design (Creative 100) Talent Training Program, which is sponsored and supported by the Creative Institute of Cultural Heritage and Public Welfare Foundation of the Cultural Heritage Industry Research and Public Welfare Foundation of the Cultural Heritage and Public Welfare Foundation, has successfully cultivated more than 40 Hong Kong, Macao and Mainland youth creative ideas Designer. The launch of a series of new measures in Huigang Youth in the Mainland, step by step gradually tailoring the development platform and space for Hong Kong youth, and providing a strong booster for the elimination of youth diaphragms of the two places.

The fourth is to build a development stage. The national "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" emphasizes that Hong Kong and Macao will better integrate into the overall national development situation, build the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area with high quality, and improve the policies and measures to facilitate the development of Hong Kong and Macao residents in the Mainland. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Outline of the Development Planning of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area" and other plan policies to promote the coordinated development of the urban agglomeration of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area, cultivate new competition advantages, and provide a rising channel and platform for Hong Kong youth.

Fifth, solve the problem of people's livelihood. In 2018, President Xi Jinping met from the visiting group from all walks of life in Hong Kong and Macau to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the national reform and opening up: "It is necessary to set up more platforms and ladders for the development of young people in Hong Kong and Macao to help young people solve practical difficulties encountered in academic, employment, entrepreneurship and other aspects And problems, create a social environment that is conducive to young people's dreams of life. "In order to solve the problem of Hong Kong youth settlement and attract more high -end talents in Hong Kong into the Mainland, the Mainland has set up the Guangzhou Bay Area Youth Station, Bay Area Youth Service Station, Shenzhen Hong Kong and Macau Youth Post Station Wait, focusing on the needs and development needs of young people in Hong Kong, enhanced the sense of happiness and belonging of Hong Kong youths, guided Hong Kong youths to experience the friendly atmosphere in the Mainland in real time, and enhance national identity and patriotism in work and life. Outlook: Young people have a future, then Hong Kong has the future

Young people are the most dynamic, creative and most potential groups to promote social development. As long as the majority of young people love their country and love Hong Kong, they can strengthen themselves, they can show the hard -to -be Chinese power. When President Xi Jinping inspected Hong Kong five years ago, he pointed out: "Contemporary Hong Kong youths must seize historical opportunities, choose the right path, and report to Hong Kong and report the country." Earlier, the Chief Executive Li Jiachao made three points of expectation to the youth: First, to establish correctly The values ​​of the values ​​to enhance personal competitiveness; second, we must be concerned about the majority of youths and integrate the "ego" into the "big self"; third, inherit the spirit of patriotism and love Hong Kong, and have an international perspective.

Under the new prospects of development, Hong Kong youth should seize opportunities, actively develop themselves, and enhance themselves; establish national consciousness and collective consciousness to achieve social value and personal value; become the "inheritor" of patriotism and love for Hong Kong, so that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will revive the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Become the common value of Hong Kong and even the country, and work together to write the glorious chapter of Chinese youth in the new era.

This article was funded by the annual key project of the Chinese National Community Community Community Awareness Research Base "Watching and Assistance: Research on the Research on the History of Trade from Hong Kong and Mainland China" (JDGTT202105).


Author: Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Jinan University and the director, researcher, doctoral supervisor of the consciousness research base of the Chinese nation community;

Edit: Lin Millennium

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