Hubei Province Wuchang Experimental Primary School Lingkong Branch starts this fall!

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.28

To further improve

Basic education level of East and West Lake

Consultation with Wuchang District in our district

Introduce high -quality educational resources


Wuchang Experimental Primary School in Wuchang Hubei Province Linkong Port Branch

It is planned to start school this fall


Hubei Province Wuchang Experimental Primary School Linkong Port Branch (renderings)

The Wuchang Experimental Primary School of Hubei Province is composed of two campuses. The West Campus is a school for the Jiangyingyun project and the East Campus is Wujiashan Fifth Primary School.

The school is selected by the Wuchang Experimental Primary School in Hubei Province to set up a management team, which is responsible for the management of school education and teaching, and incorporated into the quality evaluation system of Wuchang Experimental Primary School in Hubei Province, giving full play to the characteristics of high -quality education brands.

The Wuchang Experimental Primary School in Hubei Province was founded in 1920. It has a long history. In the process of the development of school practice, deep cultural heritage and rich school experience have accumulated. It is one of the hottest provincial demonstration primary schools in Wuhan. Even the national basic education field has important influence.

The introduction of educational resources in Wuchang Experimental Primary School in Hubei Province is an important measure to achieve the development of quality education. By borrowing momentum, borrowing, and wisdom from high -quality education brand resources, it is a good school to open the door of the new school. It is a good school to promote the quality of education in the region.

Source -Editor -in -chief of Education Bureau of East and West Lake District -Edited by Liu Jiezheng -Qiu Min

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