Garage space 丨 What should I do if the ancients have no air conditioning?Don't worry, their way of summer avoidance may be more complete than our modern people!

Author:Journal Time:2022.07.28

On July 26, we entered the middle.

It is said that Zhongfu is the hottest weather in the year!

Fortunately, we have "renewal" artifacts such as air conditioners, fans, refrigerators, etc., which can avoid the troubles of heat. But some children questioned: In ancient times, there were no these things, and how did they fight against the hot summer?

Today, my sister will take everyone to see how the ancients escaped the summer!

The ancients also have refrigerators!

Ice cellar and ice cubes

Children who like to watch costume dramas must know that in ancient times, people often bought ice cubes to cool down at home.

According to modern archeological discovery, the earliest ice cellar appeared in the Zhou Dynasty. In the first winter, people stored natural ice and snow in the ice cellar. When the next summer came, they took out ice cubes or white snow from the ice cellar and placed in the room as a "ice plate".

When Ice and Snow melted, it continued to emit cooling gas. Its refrigeration effect was not inferior to today's air conditioners, and it does not consume energy, does not pollute the environment, and is very green and environmentally friendly.


In fact, there were "refrigerators" in ancient times!

The ancient "refrigerator" was called Bingjian. It was a box made by wood or bronze. Put the ice in it, and the cold will reveal it, giving people the heat and cooling.

Bingjian can also put drinks or foods in the ice, so that people can also eat ice in the hot summer, is it very nice!

Summer food

Put ice food in Bingjian. What are the essential foods for the ancients?

Herbal tea. During the Tang Dynasty, the ancients would boil into "drinking water" with fruit and herbs, which should be regarded as the predecessor of herbal tea. This "drinking water" not only is sweet and delicious, but also can clear heat and detoxify;

Floating melon is sinking. During the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Yong wrote in "Wu Wing Book with Chao Song": "Floating Ganmei is in Qingquan, Shen Zhu and Li Yu in the cold water." In ancient times, streams and wells were clear and cold. Save, the soaked watermelon and plums are cool and clear, which can be described as the most affordable heat -relieving things, none of them;

Lotus soup. In "Emperor Jing's Chronicles", there is a record of this: "In June, the summer, food and drink are the most fresh and fresh. Jingshi Lotus Eaters II; The river is firm, and it is better to use it. " The alkaloid ingredients contained in lotus seeds have the effect of clearing heat and diarrhea, and also have a strong and peaceful effect. In addition to solving the summer, lotus soup can also nourish physique, which is a summer drink that has won two birds.

The ancients also had a mat!

Porcelain pillow

The porcelain pillow is a good cool partner of the ancients. Whoever sleeps needs a pillow, in order to be cool into dreams, the ancients thought of porcelain pillows. Apply a layer of glaze on the pillow, the ice is cool, and it is very comfortable to lie down.

Children may doubt that it is really comfortable to sleep hard to sleep? In modern times, everyone sleeps soft pillows and naturally feels uncomfortable; but in ancient times, porcelain pillows are very precious bedding, and people are also used to sleeping "pillows".

Mrs. Bamboo

There is such a riddle in "A Dream of Red Mansions", "There is no bead -free belly, and the lotus flowers meet each other. The leaves of the sycamore leaves are separated, and the loving couples are not in the winter." The mystery is Mrs. Zhu.

Mrs. Bamboo is holding a cold appliance in summer. When making, she is prepared with smooth bamboo strips to form a cylindrical type.

As for the "separation" in the next half of the riddle, because Mrs. Zhu is a summer artifact, it is very pleasant to put on the bed when the weather is hot, but in the autumn and winter, it is not appropriate to hold Mrs. Zhu, and naturally they must "separate".

Porcelain Pillow & Mrs. Bamboo

The ancients also had a good place!

summer resort

If you want to be in a completely cool place, you have to talk about the summer villa!

In order to spend hot summer and meet their own aesthetic, office, and fun needs, the emperors of all ages have built many "summer villas".

For example, Emperor Hanwu's Ganquan Palace, which was converted on the basis of Qinlin Guang Palace, Renshou Palace of the summer palace of the two generations of the Sui and Tang dynasties, and the well -known Chengde Summer Hills, which were familiar with everyone, are all good places for summer heat.

Cold house

However, the summer resort is a royal level. Ordinary people can't enjoy it. What ways will people think of people in the people?

This has to mention Liangwu.

The cool house appeared in the Tang Dynasty was usually built near the water. The water circulation was used to promote the turning of the fan wheel. The cold gas in the water was slowly sent to the house, or the water was sent to the roof with machinery. , Bring the water of the water into the house.

Scholars and senior officials will also hang incense beads on the gauze, and place incense flowers in front of the temple. In this way, the cool gas formed when it turns, and it will be more quiet as water. heat.

Summer resort & Liangwu

Although the ancients did not understand the principle of cooling the summer, they could observe life and reasonably use things around them to solve the problems in life and make themselves more comfortable. This is the great wisdom in life!

- END -

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